What went so fucking right?

what went so fucking right?


Video Games + Convenience


No games.
paid online.
Not being a Sony product.

Has a good selection of old and new games with a lot of good titles to look forward to.

BotW getting those 10/10s
Mario Odyssey looking good
Other titles looking funn
AAA and other third party multiplat gamess looking more generic and less of a factor

I don't know but third parties are being retarded again. I had to drive to three different bigger stores today to finally find a copy of Bomberman. No wonder 3rd party games aren't selling on Nintendo consoles. People won't even know that they exist.

Mana Saga US release when?

>not a sony product

The system is region-free, user.

First party games are A+ but that's pretty run of the mill for a Nintendo console
Gimmick is a pretty big step up from the Wii U. The Switch isn't perfect by any means, but it's clever.
Region-free finally.
It's really nice that you can buy a handheld and console (albeit a weak console but a very powerful handheld) both at once.
This thing is probably going to be a huge outlet for indies.
The absolute assblasting of so many shitposters when BoTW got a near perfect score from every critic minus Jim Cuckling
Paid online, but you'd get the same shit on the bone or ps4, to be fair.
That battery life is fucking inexcusable. Doesn't bother me because I've got a portable charger for it, but for the average consumer, that's some hot garbage.

That's about it, really. I'm happy with how it's turning out and it looks like Nintendo finally learned how to make a good system again.

I can't speak Moonrunes, can you?
That series has some heavy text

Oh, and for Cons I forgot weak third party support.

they make games that are suppose tobe fun

Of course I'm fluent in Japanese. Sup Forums is a Japanese site after all. But even if were not, I've played the three games before, so a language barrier wouldn't be a major turn-off.

The first game for GB has no Kanji. The second one, from what I've played so far has very little Kanji.

Kana can be learned in a week or so. Use a translator on your phone, or a guide book. You'll be alright.

add little to no games for the Cons too.

It has a great amount of quality games available relative to the current age of the platform.

name 5 that are out and 5 coming out soon. Emphasis on the soon

They came up with a decent zelda since TP that you could play everywhere.

It came out four months ago. If anything I'd put weak launch lineup, but even then, give it a year or two and this thing will have a great library. By the way, it's pretty obvious you're baiting.

>NBA playgrounds
>neo geo

Name a console that had five(5) great games and five(5) great upcoming games around 4 months after launch.

>japanese weirdo stuff and ports



cry some more, pissbaby

Sorry for accusing you, but you still sound like a prick :^)

>Already has a line up of great exclusive games for its first year
>Meanwhile, Xbone has never had a good exclusive game, and it took more than a year for PS4 to get Bloodborne. Every other worthwhile 3rd party game is also coming to PC

The thing has games. Not only does it have games, but you can take said games with you with basically none of the compromises that other portable consoles have.

It's a shame that 3rd party support will be ass, but with every 3rd party game coming to PC these days, exclusives are more the lifeblood of consoles than ever before.

If there's anyone that makes great exclusives, it's Nintendo. Sony used to back in the PSX/PS2 days, but their exclusives have just become generic, predictable, and boring in recent years.

>n-no bullying waaahhh
First day on Sup Forums bud?

They got rid of the clunk in their previous systems OSes

I really like the recent interview with the Oddworld creator (despite Oddworld being largely irrelevant currently) about how Nintendo always has a "Nintendo first" mindset that makes life a living hell for third party creators, and the weaker processing power of Nintendo consoles making it impossible for same day ports of PS4 and XBONE games.

He then goes on to wonder if the shitty corporate culture is what killed Iwata

LMAO @ that tiny dpad

I never said that, I'm just saying you sound like a prick is all. You're the only one mad here.

>make trash games
>games sell like shit
>talk shit about other people in the industry
Why does this always happen?

Devs are just lazy fags today desu. Back in the day, people managed to do decent ports, and if not they'd just make a completely different game.


Cons - that docking unit can scratch your shit up

The Oddworld faggots originaly wanted to use vidya as a stepping stone towards making movies.

So nothing went right?.....

idk where this meme comes from. Unless you shove the thing in there, it's hard to scratch it.


Go back to /biz/ faggot

Vita has no games
Has paid online
And is a Sony product.

a Nintendo launch game. even though there was a wiiu version it was enough.

lol the only thing this chart shows is more people falling for the PS4 meme.

>Switch is still selling more in Japan
>While PS4 sales are constantly dropping in Japan
>Sony can't even appeal to their native market anymore

I can't wait until Sony's gaming division dies. It's the only thing keeping them afloat right now, so once it dies, Sony goes with it.

>PS4 selling worse in Japan
>Still gets all of the games while the Shitch gets Cucked

How does Sony do it lads?


No one gives a fuck about Japan in terms of sales. The Wiiu outsold the PS4 for like 3 years in Japan. How did that help the Wiiu overall?


It has appealing games throughout its launch year.

In other words, it fixed one of the biggest mistakes of the Wii U and this current gen of consoles in general.

Xbone didn't launch with one appealing game, and it had negative stigma around it due to it trying to be an always online mess.

PS4 didn't launch with one appealing game. It wasn't really a console worth getting until Bloodborne was announced as an exclusive, and even since, it still hasn't had any more appealing games that are exclusive to the system.

Appealing 3rd party games are irrelevant, due to PC gaming being on the rise, and most of those games being ported over to PC either on release date or a few months afterward. There's really no excuse to get 3rd party games on consoles anymore.

>implying only exclusives matter
what was the one of the reasons Wii U failed again?

Oh look! A game I can get on PC that will not only run and look better (and have native 4K to boot), but will also have mods.

But no, it's fine. Enjoy your console version that is running at checkerboarded 2K @ 30 FPS at best on the Pro without mods.


>look it up
>it's actually true
holy fuck

In the age of PC gaming, and every notable 3rd party game coming to PC, remind me why I should get the inferior console version?

Exclusives are the primary reason to get a console these days, and PS4 is severely lacking in that regard.

one of the reasons PS1, PS2, Xbox 360 and Wii was so successful because of the multiplat games.

also sane people are actually okay with owning a game that's also on another console.

If you exclude games you could get on other consoles the Switch has no good games.

They held a game back for months if not over a year because the Switch would have nothing on release except shovelware.

>one of the reasons PS1, PS2, Xbox 360 and Wii...
It's 2017 user, not 2006.

PC gaming was much smaller back then because Steam still had barely caught on, it was mostly reserved to WoW players.

Then, Steam became the massive behemoth it is today, and the massive popularity of games like Dota 2, LoL, and CS:GO shot the audience for PC gaming up into the stratosphere. As such, PC gaming is now a sizeable market that most game devs and publishers are interested in, and it continues to grow massively every year.

If this was still 2006, then I'd agree with you about being better off getting 3rd party games on consoles instead of PC. Nowadays though, the only type of 3rd party game you'd be better off getting on console instead of PCs are fighting games.