Fuck this game is hard. Is this the Dark Souls of platformers?

Fuck this game is hard. Is this the Dark Souls of platformers?

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The dark souls of video games.

I think I'm falling in love with my best firend's girl

Crash 1 having crash 3's momentum mechanic makes the first game hard. The 2nd and 3rd are way easier.

>The High Road's time trail

I really want to put a bullet through my fucking skull right now

This is why memes suck now. You redditors run it into the ground so fast

They always had the same air momentum. Crash 2 was always the only one with instant correction.

no one? I need help guys


well considering your bestie seems to be some kind of fire elemental I'd say you should probably just control your urges and stay away

What is the dark souls of Dark Souls games?
>pic unrelated

is dark souls, dare I say it, the crash bandicoot of action games?

You need far more precision in the new Crash 1 than you did in the original. The High Road feels like a shitty high difficulty rom hack compared to the original.

bayonetta 2


You just want confirmation.

I'm not disagreeing, but it's really not the momentum it's controller deadzones. Crash still moves when you let go of the stick even when you just try to stop mid-jog. It also takes more input for him to accelerate.

thanks guys, I will probably kill myself now.
It was a pleasure

Make sure he's around and then grab her crotch. It's really that simple.

For me the main thing I had trouble adjusting with is how long you have to press X to get a full sized jump. I died during my very first attempts at N Sanity Beach due to not pressing X hard enough to jump over the first gap.

I've seen other people say the same, but for some reason Slippery Climb and Sunset Vista were not that difficult. I died more times on Hog Ride than both of those levels combined. The difficultly catches you when you least expect it.


It literally drove DSP insane

Send her a dick pic you faggot, and if (when) she's grossed out say "lol wrong person"

More like DSPleb

my friend's dick is bigger then mine, I think this is a horrible idea

Despite all that and losing around 600 lives, he still beat the game. Which is more than can be said for game bloggers over at GameSpot

so the relative success of this has got me thinking that I'd actually like to see Donkey kong country 1-3 remade for the switch in the same manner

>hurr durr wanting remakes

have you SEEN the current game market?

No, you're thinking of Yoshi's Story.
Same to you.

The only thing that seems to input quickly is spins and slides. Thumbstick also needs work with deadzones because sometimes walking occurs full tilt.

pssh, im gonna download this right now just to prove you fuckers wrong

dick size has nothing to do with it youre making a move on a woman you love also how do you know the size of your friends dick

>what is ghost'n'goblins

Dark Souls 3

The Lab is twice as hard

hello no, Dark Souls was good, this is garbage tier platform. PSX owners were just happy to happy to have something but we had stuff like Mario 64 at the time and there was just no comparison. This is a pleb game for plebs, difficulty is given by shitty camera angles

>600 lives
>tfw me and DSP both have the same approach to completing games
just bash my head against the wall until it gives
I never give up and I don't blame the game like DSP does so I guess I have that at least
I wish I was better at video games

If you seen how much reviewers shat on Crash and Tropical Freeze for being "hard" imagine a pre-1995 platformer

Take your bait to the Horizon thread

Does false flagging ever become boring to you? Just wondering. It's the weekend, lighten up.

that's the fun part here, you fags are so much in denial that you think I'm baiting

That doesn't seem Crash related. Also, you probably aren't, she's just nice to you and is the only girl you're ever around so you're misconstruing your feelings. Try online dating or something. If not, make your move before it's too late and know you will be losing that friend forever if you do.

Provide video evidence as soon as you pull it off you granola bar, and maybe we'll take you seriously

fucking this
I was thinking this exact same thing today
also that's a cute dogbert

it's harder than it should be, due to the severe input lag.

Grow up and stop being an insecure child. It literally makes no difference.


Okay sweetie, YOU'RE right! Do you want a tasty cookie?


Is he literally retarded?

Being honest with yourself is a virtue

Christ in a hand basket I quoted the wrong person, I meant that for the user about to play, not you

pics would still be nice though

Will we ever get a new Crash game by Naughty Dog?

God I hope not
I don't need a Crash walking simulator trying to be deep and edgy

No, because Dark Souls is defined by extremely precise, consistent controls and exacting combat.

The Crash remake is plagued by a new physics engine and "rounded edge" platforms that let you get hit by enemies you aren't touching, and fall off ledges you've already landed on.

>crash is hard

I hate millenials. In twenty years in the future, games will pratically pull their own buttons because you faggots are too stupid to play something that is not made for babys.

Sometimes I think I could spank all Sup Forums userbase in fightcade. You guys suck too much.

The only level that I consider difficult artificially is high road because of those retarded fucking turtles. When you wanna bounce over, you need some momentum to build up, and the closer you are to the turtles edge, the likelier the chance for you to slide off due to the reworked physics and hitboxes. God I fucking hate the turtles

There seems to be a badass in our midst

yeah no theres a reason hardcore platformer players are utistic

There is no artificial difficulty in Crash, specially in 1, you have the means to complete the game perfectly without dying once, however this depends on your mechanics as a player.

That's why you have people that struggle to beat Native Fortress without even getting the gem and people that cut the developers' time on Slippery Climb by 15 seconds

I'm not a pro, the problem is that you guys are too bad. When I were a child I had a friend who could 105% crash 3 in a afternoon, and you faggots can't even finish the stupid game.

Like, are you guys retarded?

>Dark Souls
>extremely precise, consistent controls

DSfix doesn't count.

>people play a hard game
>complain that people find it hard
Put the safety back on, John Rambo, you're gonna hurt someone.

Reminder that ds4 does away with analog buttons. You have to press longer, not harder.

How the heck am I supposed to get these platinum relics in 1. Most of them are crazy hard to get close to

>be me and beat crash 3 a bunch of times
>beat it in one afternoon to impress a retard
>to this day the mouthbreather thinks i'm impressive and amazing

Only 2 suffered from any real issues.
Comparatively speaking, nothing comes out of the box in better shape.

>tfw never going to be good enough to platinum these games

I don't understand, i beat crash 1 when i was 9 with my friends why can't grown men like you guys do it? Granted if i replayed it now i'd suck shit but still.

>Watched some Crash gameplay
>It looks easy as fuck, jumps don't even look that difficult
I sure hope none of you fucks play Tropical Freeze

Dark Souls has some pretty awful deadzones out of the box.

Reminder that hope was almost lost

The Dark Souls of Real Life.

People just need to become better at games. Once they perfect proficiency they won't have any more trouble.

