Why do western babbies hate musou games so much?

Why do western babbies hate musou games so much?

because they're garbage.

Not an argument.

There are only so many things you can do when you're telling the same story over and over.

Because the gameplay is literally grinding by mashing buttons.

Because they don't know the series even exists outside of MAYBE Hyrule Warriors.

The games are incredibly easy.
It literally takes more effort to die than beat a level in them.
You can literally beat most levels blindfolded maybe taking a peak every few seconds to make sure you are walking in the right direction.

Iv acualy tired this its literally possible.

The games are designed to give normies the feeling of being powerful and good at video games wo any effort whatsoever.

They're boring and mindless. I feel like I might as well be playing a clicker game.

Why do weeaboos pretend simplistic Japanese games aren't popular because the average person doesn't 'understand' them and not because they're boring as fuck?

Dynasty warriors games are literally the equivalent of setting up toy solders and smashing them around pretending to be powerful.
Only the commuter does the seating up of the solders for you.
Something little kids do.
While it can be fun and relieves stress its simple and repetitive.

because Automata is the only worthwhile one.

I like to pretend I'm powerful
Wish musou games would let me rape too

Because pretending to be hardcore is much more important than having fun

>The games are designed to give normies the feeling of being powerful and good at video games wo any effort whatsoever.
so like every first person shooter

Literally Jap Call of Duty

>literally For Honor without the PVP

No. That is Yakuza

No. That would be anime fighters

I used to rent every dynasty warrior game from blockbuster...then something happened and i got some shitty RTS....risk quality graphics game. I never went back.

But i would do two of each story.

>run its Lu Buu

Too repetitive. Needs more combo variety

You still have to learn how to play FPS games and you can acualy die in them of you play them like a retard.

And when i say good at video games i dont mean autism levels of beating dark souls using depraved wo leveling or upgrading gear. Or getting to diamond in SCII or SF.
I am talking about a skill level of being bale to play the game because you learned its mechanics and are now good enough at it to acualy finish it.

Musou games literally give you huge combo counters and win screens literally by pressing 3 buttons randomly.
You dont have to learn how to play a musou game to be able to beat it.
As long as you are pressing buttons randomly near enemies you will beat the game.

From what I understand the combat mechanics aren't actually terrible, there's things like animation cancelling to watch out for. It's no DMC or Bayonetta but it has something going for it.

The enemies in these games are way too passive though, and I don't know how you could ever make a fight against an army of enemies that die in 1 hit in an action game interesting.

it has literally been the same shit for the past 15 years. This new open-world one coming next is them actually trying for the first time with updated gwaphix, animations, environments etc. I'm interested, the last time I bought one was when the first version came to xbox 360 for next-gen.

Anyone who plays Diablo is playing the same game just in bird's eye view

Why do people always complain about muh difficulty when you're literally playing shit on easy or normal? Playing hard or chaos on the newer games raped me

9 seems to be too good sine i believe that they wont fuc up the open world i mean i dont think that they will have stupid colecting icons all over the place

>really wanna play that Berserk Musou
>people say musou games cost 20-30 after some months post release
>still costs 60 :(

but hey DW8 is below 20 :)

How is DW8 for ps4?

DW3 and 4 were good games, and actually had some challenge because the enemies tried to kill you

The more recent games after those are braindead easy on any difficulty except the hardest, and the only thing hard about those is the two-hit-kills every enemy gets on you. It's not like they get any smarter or more aggressive.

>You will never experience the magic that was DW7 for the first time again

based commuter seating the soldier for me

>musuo souls when?
mnb warband needs competition

As someone who loves musou games, it's because not everyone enjoys button-mashing grindfests as much as I do.

I'll admit I like some of them but overall they're not terribly engaging and can be pretty repetitive.

Just like any PG games and somehow fuckers right here like them

>not more aggressive

Are you kidding? They surround you and start attacking till you're dead, which is usually like 3 hits on chaos. Orochi 3 and Hyrule Warriors are good examples of this

I feel that there is some minimal depth to it in its mechanics but they only come to play in 10% of the game when you are fighting some boss or whatever, the other 90% you are fighting meaningless enemies that dont do jack shit and are easy as fuck.

So yeah, its a grinding game that when it isnt actually grindy its still rather dull and simple compared to other games of the genre. Way to ruin an interest concept.

Too button mashy, my fingers literally get tired playing these. Only musuo I ever liked was Drakengard 1, but I was a lot younger back then and my fingers were honed from ninja gaiden black. Now I just can't stand the button mashing anymore, I wasn't even interested in hyrule warriors at all because it was a musuo, its just such an uninteresting genre to me, even if I'm a turboslut for a franchise I won't look at a musuo twice, kind of like card games

Back when middle/highschool I was a turboslut for the .hack// series, but I didn't give two shits about the card game .hack//ENEMY. You could wave a .hack// musuo in my face and I wouldn't give two fucks. The genre is just lame to me.

That can apply to Diablo 2 as well.

I don't even like Diablo, but not really. Diablo you can generally just hold a button down, or use cooldowns, you aren't mashing dao;fjaldfjalk;jdflk;asjdlfkajdlkfjadlkfjlafdjlasdjlkfdaz at all times like you are in musuo games.

All there is in musuo games is FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT good grief is tiring, its the same reason I don't play Diablo

But at least Diablo games have depth as RPGs, where you get to build characters and test out wacky builds and get in some multiplayer with your friends, musuo games aren't like that at all

hes right though.


Musou games are like yakuza movies, you experience one to the fullest and once you did, you know them all.

>depth as rpgs
>want some red damage or blue damage?
>want some melee damage or ranged damage?

wow deep

You're right. I'll just play Mario 23 instead.

This fucken guy, really.

Because in 10 years they have not improved graphically, mechanically or in story.

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.