>Sup Forums is the most pathetic website on the whole intern-
Sup Forums is the most pathetic website on the whole intern-
Fucking leftist scum. NeoGAF should be purged with fire.
Needs more pedogaf
>Sup Forums isn't the exact same website as neoga-
>only of it was a BBC gangbang
We're not so different, really.
That is a whole lot of beta contained in one website. But those member join dates are a little suspect in that screenshot.
guess they're not so different from Sup Forums after all
Neogaf >Sup Forums
>Pro-censorship fags are not mentally i-
We've got plenty of pro-censorship fags on Sup Forums though, most of them are nintendo drones because they're the only company that does it.
>implying that wasn't a samefag out to get a le epic screenshot
Kill yourself Barneyfag
fucking kill yourself
Excuse me?
I love using the "cuck" in the political sense to antagonize people, but Sup Forums's obsession with cuckoldry and cheating is quite telling.
It's almost as if that kind of emasculation hits close to home or something.
Why do people care, I like men but I have no problem with big titted women in games.
>Sonygro willingly want censorship
>didn't look at the post immediately after
>i like men
Oh don't kid yourself, plenty of Nintendofags defend censorship too.
What the fuck is this. This can't be real. Please tell me this isn't real.
Defend? No.
Accept? Yes.
I just argue with fags because they try to push this agenda that censorship in games for kids is a feminist thing or something similar like those black afro women we see in western games. I hate censorship, but that doesn't make Nintendo a SJW company. Hell we have hot white females with big tits made by them.
Check your friend of dorothy privs.
>being a girl fetishist
bigots OUT!
When will the cuck meme end?
The cuck meme is becoming real
>gender nazi
>dyke on a bike
Come on, user
I don't think they ought to censor the game, but I do agree those tits look fucking stupid. A-cup best cup.
Mark them all down for ineffable.
This, Sony or MS would never make a character like Pyra or Zero Suit Samus.
Oh god I didn't even see that. What the fuck is wrong with people?
>till death to us part yo
It takes a lot to be more cringe-inducing than Reddit.
Does neofag have futa and feetfags?
Those aren't join dates, those are post times.
>person, by some miracle, actually makes a valid arguement for diversity
>neofag mods ban him
What is the difference between trannyboi and trannyboy
Defend? Yes.
Go look at this thread
oh fuck off
Degeneracy level
Wasn't they get rid of the mod who permabanned everyone with a slightly different opinion?
Oh fuck off. Nintendo censors M RATED GAMES.
They do it to pander to feminists.
>Sony or MS would never make a character like Pyra or Zero Suit Samus.
Literally wrong.
This is a PS4 exclusive from Sony.
Oh no did I anger the Redditor?
You have to go back.
Then that is just the saddest thing.
I feel sorry for Neogaf at times. They are naive impressionable kids being brainwashed by greedy and shady hardcore SJWs. They don't have much mental gymnastics because they automatically think they are on the right side. But in the real world they look like insane people.
Have you actually read that thread?
Kill yourself
Yeah, have you?
Do you not see the faggots defending TMS censorship?
i can't believe this is literally happening right now
What exactly is defending to you?
Shut up pedo and go back to Neogaf
It's ok for you to be a little introspective and realize how bad neogaf is, and how participating in discussion on their boards is not good for your mental health.
I can believe someone is defending NeoGAF
>I like censored versions better, it's less slutty
>Fucking weeb faggots and their cartoon titties ugh
>No dude I swear those girls with massive tits are underage
nice where's the video games tho?
Why do you keep replying to a drone?
Are you mentally ill?
Sometimes I like the barneyposter
goldbergfeinstein tier projection
Someone post the GAF """humor""" one.
So, ironic shitposting and acceptance is defending to you?
>>No dude I swear those girls with massive tits are underage
Dude, Tsubasa is like 17 in the original release. She's literally underaged by American definitions.
>pic related
America really is a god damned toilet.
She's 18 in the US release, why age her up if they're going to censor her regardless?
>posting fake news on a Tibetan Knitting imageboard
it's pretty impressive
only thing i'm defending is Sup Forums's status as the worst place on the internet
isn't that kind of what you fucking want? not to mention i clearly participate in their discussions far less than the masochistic idiots who habitually scour their forums looking for even vaguely sjw-like posts
see This is literally in the thread you didn't read.
Falseflag Sup Forumstard detected
That's what you get for playing a shitty localization
It's sad that you don't see the irony of the situation here.
>girl fetishist
Go away pol
No, I'm fucking tired of this BULLSHIT seeping into a video game board.
Sup Forumsfags need to fuck off back to their stupid board.
Every time something amazing happens with Trump, Sup Forums mines neo-gaf for the salt they inevitably produce. It's funny as fuck because they're even farther left than reddit.
sad !
>Really most of the censorship is overexaggerated by Sup Forums
That is literally defending it
>farther left than reddit.
>He thinks reddit is leftwing
That's telling it as it is you idiot.
is this the end? ironic shitposting for the sake of shitposting?
back in my day trolling meant something
In what way?
So is GAF just the Sup Forumsidya version of MAL?
>has the face of an x-year old
Do these faggots know how anime design works?
why are all of you so fucking stupid
maybe they really are putting chemicals in the water
"I was just pretending to be retarded"
>getting this mad over literally nothing
maybe it's time to stop going on the internet for a few weeks user
Fuck off This has nothing to do with VIDEO GAMES.
Go back to Sup Forums fucks sake. This is starting to get old. We get it you're nazis. Fuck off.
Stop being retarded, nobody likes to be cheated on and being against it isn't a sign of anything other than being a functional human being.
Neofags are in this thread,say hello to them
>neogaf protest over developed teen anime character being too sexually developed, demand flatchested pedoshit instead
Typical neogaf
That user isn't wrong.
The censorship is contained solely in the outfits and ages.