Why are westerners so shit at armor design Sup Forums?

why are westerners so shit at armor design Sup Forums?
why do they always add the stupidest shit like huge pauldrons and spikes?


Dark souls is a WRPG





op is a faggot

westerners are shit at drawing, period.

slavs are pretty great as are the japanese.

Oh boy this thread again

>fem kirin armor
>thicc thigh and waist waifu

>male kirin armor
>some gay cult looking fucker

They need to sex up the armor

Now post examples of female """"heavy"""" armors of korean mmos

>confusing loud designs for good designs



>why are westerners so shit at armor design Sup Forums?

>Modeled after what what be historically European armor.


exactly, why are japs better than americans at reproducing classical designs?

nice cherrypicking

If japs are so good at everything explain this abomination

armor thread i guess?

>jap pictures aren't even from games
Nice try fag

>he didn't realize that the middle sword in the american side is from a mall ninja catalog

Why do white people hate themselves so much?

historically, they were always the villians

>american medieval rpg designs
>made by white people

They are mixture of everything wrong from whole Europe. Also, how would they know about medieval when there was no USA in medieval? I met a girl from United States who was a fucking artist and theatrical actress didn't know shit about Greek mythology, which is like a fucking base for whole western culture and theatre. I am not surprised at all.