I just 100% Super Mario 64 and had a super comfy time with it besides a few 100 coin stars and the fickle controls I...

I just 100% Super Mario 64 and had a super comfy time with it besides a few 100 coin stars and the fickle controls I cannot count how many times I ground-pounded in place instead of long-jumping. Tell me Sup Forums, how was your experience 100% Super Mario 64 and what part of it drove you crazy?

I've lost count on how many times I've completed the game this year alone. None of the stars bother me anymore, but I remember the clock level pissing me off as a child.

I remember when my dad beat bowser for me I was so happy
But then my dad killed himself and I was kinda sad

Controls were more or less seemless. A few bad camera angles here and there but never any issues with controlling Mario.

I enjoyed my time with it. Finding the last few secret stars was a challenge.

I didn't realize the last secret star I missed when I had 119 was back in "Bowser and the Lava Sea" Red Coins. The ending was really satisfying to watch.

Memory is a bit foggy, been a long time. But nothing really bothered me too much, however I used to suicide with the baby penguin down that mountain side slide.

I would find obscure places to toss him off.

Getting the different dialog for having all the stars was when I knew I was "a gamer," or whatever you want to call it.
A reasonable person would've been disappointed, but I thought it was awesome and had validated all those wasted hours.

Nothing like finishing up what you started, eh user?

I beat the game yesterday with all 120 stars, didn't have much trouble besides some mistakes in rainbow ride and tiny huge island.
Is still one of the best games I've ever played and gladly would play it again anytime.
I started Star Road but I don't like it so far.

I 100% it last month. It was pretty damn fun, though Rainbow Ride could get annoying at points.
Shortly after completing it, I tried out a hack of it, Super Mario Star Road, which was pretty much like a Lost Levels for 64. THAT drove me crazy. I 100% it without save states, but the final bonus area's primary Star took me 2 hours to get. I recommend it if you want more 64 though, as it stays pretty faithful to 64's design.

>fickle controls
>I cannot count how many times I ground-pounded in place instead of long-jumping
thats just you being retarded

This is making me want to actually play Super Mario 64 in its entirety. Original or DS? I can get that patch that gives DS better analog control.

Original first, the new one's extra content feel like afterthoughts to me.

DS's extra content isn't worth it.
If you want more, then play Star Road or maybe Last Impact,they aren't as good as 64, but tgey can be enjoyable for a while.

>I cannot count how many times I ground-pounded in place instead of long-jumping.
How did this happen? Both have a different sequence of button presses

Ground Pound
>Jump and Crouch, can be done while running
Long Jump
>Crouch and Jump, must be done while running
If you press them quickly, you can easily fumble and mess up the order.

Last time I did it was like ten years ago. None of it really frustrated me, though I expected the slide levels to piss me off because that is what I always remembered sucking at when the game came out.

I'm incredibly biased against new Nintendo consoles, so go 64.

From my experiences with 100%ing the game multiple times, the hardest star to get is the 8 red coin stage with the wing cap, 2nd hardest is hazy maze cave 100 coins

PS4 controller will work with a N64 emulator, right? Speaking of which, is Project 64 still the go to?

DS4 is my fav way to play the game. PJ64 1.6 is reliable, the newer ones lag for me.

Yeah, just make sure you have a software for the ps4 controller to work on PC.
As for emulator, either PJ64 2.3 or BizHawk will work.

Seriously, isn't it crouch then jump for a long jump? A ground pound would be jump then crouch

The last star for me. It was the 2nd one you get in the stained glass window / race level.

I had no idea there were 2 stars there. Every other hidden-type level only had 1 star in it. I had to ask my friend to give me a hint because i spent like 2 weeks scouring for some super-hidden level somewhere in the castle (I didn't want to look online and spoil it)

Honestly, I thought the 100% award was fucking awesome (even in like 2014, when I finally did it). You get to access the top of the castle, you see YOSHI, you get 99 lives, and best of all you get a cool new jump.

I wish I had gotten 100% when I was a kid, that's the kind of things you tell your friends and they don't believe you

You can press them quickly and the game won't mistake the input. The only way to mess up is if you do it wrong.

Stuck in hazy mazy fuck-you-azy cave trying to find the metal cap area. Is it star-specific? I remember it being in the poison gas corridors but I can't find it there. I really don't wanna spoil my exploration but damn I hate this stage

No, it's lockated on the lapras-thingy area

The Patch changes shit it doesn't need to. Luigi and Wario can wall jump, lowers the Sideflip and Backflip jump height and removes Luigi's Spin Jump out of a Backflip. Wait for a more accurate version.
Beside, might as well experience the original at least once.

I love this game but I don't think I've ever truly 100%'d it. It was always friends or some family that I played it together with. Guess I'll give it a try.