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You might have fun with this, Might
Not until Duo actually returns like he said he would.
>wanting capcom to go triple jew by bringing back battle network
You've seen what they do to their fighting games.
You really want them to apply those DLC tactics to the already clusterfuck of battle network and their split entry nonsense copying pokemon?
They'd most likely make a phone game out of it that's android/iOS specific and have prices tags on every single chip.
It drives me nuts when people ask for a 3DS BN collection. We all should be begging for a Battle Network 7 and play it on the Switch where the real world technology has finally caught up to the ingame technology.
>Rockman EXE is going to air in Japan again
Could this be a sign?
Retcon StarForce?
I'm good with that.
Just please for the love of god just make it retain the sprite style of the series.
Paper Mario (RPG)
>Not reviving Battle Network and Star Force at the same time
>strongest protoman form
>shoot him when he guards
>immediately use reflector to instantly get 2 hits on him and a counter hit every single time
Wished he was more harder though.
Battle Network would actually work as a mobile game as heretical as it sounds.
That recent build your own ship game really shows what they can do with battle network, what if they sell chips as real life cards in booster packs and navis in blind bags with very low odds of getting something that isn't garbage?
Why tho
Battle Network had its ending, and was even referenced in SF a few times if you did the side content.
Much as I want it, current Capcom would shit on it's tombstone
They'll start by making MMBN6 Double Beast for the 3DS first before going for new titles.I hope.