Have people finally learned to accept that Undertale might just be the GOAT game?
Have people finally learned to accept that Undertale might just be the GOAT game?
Undertale is a Tumblr and deviantart trash cess pool stop posting it.
well its been over 2 years and people are still vehemently talking about it for better or worse so i dont fucking know
I do think we both know where this thread will soon be heading though
Its a good game that was ruined by the fan base.
Thats it.
>Being this embarrassingly insecure about a video game.
Its extremely mediocre but it spawned some breddy gud porn
well it is A goat game
that game didn't deserve that fanbase. it was a fucking crime to be honest
Well, there are plenty of goat creatures in Undertale. There's Toriel, Asgore, Asriel... so yeah, you could say it's the GOAT game.
I'd say it's more ruined by the people who won't shut up about the fanbase. We get it, you don't like that Tumblr makes shitty ship art of the characters. Shut up about it already.
Why? It's a cut fifteen dollar game with incredible music and cool style. Sup Forums's hate for this game is so fucking irrational.
You could just put some nails in cookies.
This actually happened in Korea IIRC
>Its been nearly 2 years and there is still a /vg/ thread and multiple porn dump threads up on /trash/ every day
The problem with the game is that every fanboy will tell you that its a perfect game and call you shit if you say anything bad about it. The game is good but its overated for what it really is.
Best game ever.
>calling Sup Forums irrational
where the fuck do you think you are?
the game was amazing its true. Sup Forums is a hivemind this is also true. run while you can
Contrarians, hipsters, and Tumblr user. To be fair the game is whimsy as fuck and it can get on people's nerves.
Literally who says that? I've yet to seriously see someone claim this game is perfect, just people claiming that everyone is saying it.
>Sup Forums's hate for this game is so fucking irrational.
there's nothing Sup Forums hates more than good video games so take that for what you will
I love Asgore and Asriel!
I'd like the game more without all the asriel shit at the end Honestly.
this is an example of one of those games that's impossible to discuss without rampant shitposting. I hope you know what you were getting yourself into OP, and if you haven't played the game, I strongly suggest you immediately abandon this thread after this post and play the game right now to make your own judgement, since all you will get is poor quality posts of the most notorious kind from Sup Forums concerning undertale, years later.
This. How did Asriel come back in goat-form despite being long dead? It was blatant MUH FEELS bait and quite jarring.
If you paid attention to the fine details, you'd know how.
Flowey wasn't really Asriel, if that's what you're alluding to. I can see no reason why he'd come back with his body intact.
Pick one.
What did he mean by this?
Let me explain. There's a book in the Snowdin Library that mentions that an object that a monster's dust settles on has their essence imbued in it. Asriel died in the palace garden, his dust scattered all over a flowerbed. Later, a single flower sprouted on the spot where he died, which was then frankensteined into Flowey by Alphys.
Make sense now?
I dunno. IS SANS NESS?!
most popular things have terrible fanbases. undertale was soiled by the rabid hatebase
i see that video on my recommended sometimes and my hope for humanity seems to dissipate a little bit more every time I see it
>T-the music!!!
>T-the style!!
Ok user but what about the video game?
Exactly, which means his dust should still be rotting under the flower garden. It's not explained how flowey reverted back into Asriel, sweater and all. Is it just Studio Ghibli hokey kokey "the sheer power of love" bullshit?
novel gameplay, god tier boss fights, random battles are amusing but kind of pointless
I just explained it, you double nigger.
>babbys first bullet hell with pretty generic kinetic story driven by characters that appeal to tumblr
wow sounds like a masterpiece to me :)
>god tier boss fights
I'd say undertale is on the same tier as Zelda: Breath of the wild.
>everyone praises the gameplay, but adamantly refuses to talk about it in any given thread
>they will spam porn and call people salty poorfags for not liking it (two signs that a game is instantly bad)
>both have universal acclaim by game journalists, which is also a sign that a game is bad
>both run at 30 FPS because they want to be "artistic"
>both are cinematic experiences that focus on story over gameplay (and don't give me that "muh 100 hours" speech. quantity means nothing if the gameplay is watered down for the purpose of the story).
Can't say either one deserved the praise it got.
Yeah, god-tier boss fights, man. They're all amazing.
it's really more like warioware than 2hu. if you want an actual 2hu game go play one
>both run at 30 FPS because they want to be "artistic"
The actual excuse is the animations wouldn't play correctly at a higher framerate
>both are cinematic experiences that focus on story over gameplay
This isn't the case with BotW, its gameplay is shit because its an empty open world game.
Maybe if you never had a boss battle before in your entire life.
I just posted a smug girl my man.
>The actual excuse is the animations wouldn't play correctly at a higher framerate
That seems silly, especially since there's a Bad time simulator on github that perfectly emulates the Sans fight without trouble. Toby was just lazy.
I wonder what happened to this fangame
hOI! im temmie!!!
nope, game is for sub humans. It is right along if not on par with cancer itself. 98% game population consist of Furfags and hipsters
why would you tell lies on the internet
it's a single player, why do you care about that?
Holy fuck, Toriel and Asriel designs are huge fucking rip-offs.
Remember when this site used to laugh at 360 kid? Now he's like 90% of the posters here.
Since when does music not count for part of the game? Are we shifting goalposts?
Gameplay is more important than music. Having a good soundtrack means very little if the game is boring.
can we have one thread where people don't bring up this incredibly original statement
Yeah pretty much, sadly.
Debatable. Mario Galaxy is incredibly boring but I go back for the music, same with most RPGs. Maybe if the game is irredeemably shit that's one thing, but Undertale's gameplay is at least passable for an RPG and the boss battles are clever.
Nice catch. That has to be a total reference. That outfit matches just a little too well to be a coincidence.
Toby wasn't even being subtle at all.
Just look at their second forms.
>just look at their second forms
>they look nothing alike
really makes me think
Humor me, how can a fanbase ruin a game that hasnt been changed since its release?
Why don't anyone ever bring up Muffet and So Sorry when bringing up the ACTUAL fanbase that actually influenced the game but the Tumblr fan shit?
Because muffet was a decent boss fight despite her being shoehorned in and so sorry while being the dumbest shit was atleast hidden away so no one had to deal with it
Yes, but those are the only examples of fan content actually getting into the game and it's good/hidden.
But whenever people bring up "The fanbase ruined it", they never bring up the things that the fanbase actually did and just the nonsense that appeared after it's inception.
The game is still the game that released on September 2015 and hasnt changed since.
muffet was good
hiding a garbage fan submission behind an impossible to find window was funny
I played the game before the hype explosion happened and the hate train followed soon after and I'd say the game is like a solid 8/10 that I enjoyed my time with but I have no deep personal attachment to and don't really understand how emotionally involved people got with the game. It was also pretty cringy at times.
>Semi-transparent forms
>Dynamic backgrounds
>A "core" in the middle
>"God of Hyperdeath" and "Angel of Death"
Not him, but they do share a couple of similarities, but aren't as obvious as the ones on their base forms.
>both run at 30 FPS because they want to be "artistic"
I think Undertale runs at 30 because Toby was too lazy/didn't know how to change the framerate in Game Maker from its default 30fps
This is humanity.
We will do everything at random. EVERYTHING.
Which means you will get to see the most glorious thing ever made.
But will also see the most horrid thing possible.
>taking an "earthbound is the same as far cry" post seriously
>Gameplay is more important than music
Well obviously, but a Game relies on it's presentation to be entertaining. Otherwise it's practically just a lifeless mechanation with nothing to humanely relate to.
Just because Gameplay matters doesnt mean Music doesnt matter.
You can have a game without music but it's going to detract from the experience.
DOOM2016, while not the most memorable or melodically interesting music, absolutely captured the mindless chaos that went down during action. It's things that can either make or break a game and I think having Hair Metal play through the stage wouldn't have given the same feeling, even if it'd have been melodically "Better" and more memorable to listen to.
ok, but can the glorious things start happening soon?
Incorrect, Everything is deterministic and has a given set of rules or causes to their effect.
Even a dice has to abide by the laws of physics and the will of velocity, weight and gravity itself to create it's "random" outcome.
Even a random nunber generator has it's own predetermined sets of rules.
Nothing is truly random.
It's at random.
Can be today, tomorrow, or just after you die.
Tell that to your electrons, einstein.
It's only random because you don't understand it.
It's certainly A goat game, but I'm not sure it's THE goat game.
Whoa, you found out that Toby is a giant furry hack.
>what is quantum mechanics, wave functions, and the uncertainty principle
>inb4 "but that's not *reeeaaaall* randomness"
Might as well be, given that we're literally barred from knowing certain pieces of information about the universe at any given time, so when we measure those things, the outcome to that is unequivocally "random" enough for any purpose we would use it for.
>humanity is random
You are one giant nigger and a faggot, how the flying fuck could humanity, if it was random, create things that demand order like civilization or computers. What you misinterpret is that humanity is capable of many things, amazing or horrible things, not random, you fucking mongoloid.
Just because we lack a reference point or the necessary tools to understand certain things does not equal that everything is random, it is as if we were cavemen and you propose that fire is random, because we don't understand it. You are a phenomenal idiot and cock sucker.
>the necessary tools to understand
No, shitbag. The whole point is that tools to understand such things are physically impossible as far as we can even predict. Your caveman analogy is completely false.
>but in the far future, we might have the tools to be able to do
That argument is no better than, "in the far future, we will have discovered something truly random."
The truth is we don't know if it's random or not. To say so is to get into "my interpretation of quantum mechanics is better than the other one" territory. We can only take a guess based on which interpretation seems less absurd which is not very objective or reliable.
>when an undertale discussion thread becomes a quantum mechanics discussion thread
my fucking sides
I wanna fuck that GOAT
If you unironically think it's better than Earthbound, you have mental issues. And if you think Earthbound is GOAT, you also have mental issues.
Undertale is a decent game, unbelievably impressive when you consider one guy made it, but it's overhyped to an absurd level. It's fan base is one of the oat cancerous and delusional I've ever seen.
>The whole point is that tools to understand such things are physically impossible
Back in the day, cavemen didn't have the tools to understand fire, now we do. So eventually either we die off or we progress enough to have the tools to understand what we still don't. Also go fuck yourself with a rake.
Yeah, quantum theory is basically science fanfiction at this point.
Better that discussing Earthbound ripoff #72 Fet. Gay Animals
That is not relevant in the slightest. Cavemen could have looked at the fire and said, "yes, ooga booga, some day we understand fire booga," but physics says that understanding both the position and velocity of a particle is impossible.
Yes, you heard that right. Impossible. Not "we can do it 1000 years from now, but it's just really hard." Not "we're just calling it impossible in the same way that we call Brownian Motion 'random' but really it's actually just really hard."
No. Impossible.
Your caveman analogy is irrelevant and completely false.
I wanna ____ that goat!
don't talk too loud
>Asriel's name in rainbow font
>physics says that understanding both the position and velocity of a particle is impossible.
The same way that is was believed that certain Mathematical equations weren't solvable. Just because you are too retarded to do it, doesn't mean that someone won't find a way to get it done, things don't get done by faggots like you saying
>I love cock and it can't be done.
>The universe says it can't be done.
Gravity says we can't fly and we stuck flags on the moon a couple of times,
You cannot know both the position and velocity of a given particle, no matter how hard you try and how much wishful thinking you use, user.
What you're saying boils down to, "well you don't know that this *isn't,* the case, therefore it is," which is literally an appeal to ignorance and then going on to list occasions in which people did things that were previously thought to be impossible literally only due to people disbelieving that humans would overcome a certain known odd (there was never anything saying that humans going to the moon was impossible; it was just so unlikely in the minds of some that people called it impossible out of convenience). This is not that. Knowing both components of the uncertainty principle isn't just a matter of odds, because there *are* no odds to overcome. It is impossible.
You have, literally, no argument.
The fact that this game is a cult classic in Japan that had MULTIPLE fan translations of the game released at the same time tells you about how good the game is.
Indie pixelshit from the west is usually loathed by the japanese. But Undertale is still loved and played. The amount of people you see with bootleg Undertale merchandise at Japanese cons and tokyo game show is insane.
>Gravity says we can't fly
Your understanding of gravity isn't very good friendo
>Its a good game that was ruined by the fan base.
Sure, but the amount of good porn of goat milf is wonderful