“No. I will not lie by just saying... power. It's really the power of the device...

>“No. I will not lie by just saying... power. It's really the power of the device. In this case it was the amount of rats we need to display. We already know that there's too many rats, too many animations, too many AI at the same time. And if we want to give justice to – it’s like there is a large bridge between [it and] Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro. And the Switch, it was too hard to make the same game in such a different context.”


Why would you compare the Switch to the X or Pro?

Why would you ask for x year old ports for the Switch? I won't buy any multiplats on the Switch.

Yea yea we already know this. And I*m still amazed that there are people that don't understand that as portable device, you just CAN't have as much power inside. When it comes to power switch is more akin to ps3 and xbox 360. Which is REALLY GREAT for a handheld device.

I just want them to port all the Wii U games I never got to play like Bayonetta 2.

>a nintendo console lacks 3rd party support
How the fuck is anyone still surprised at this point?

This. I don't get people crying for multiplats. Are you honestly telling me you bought a Switch for Cawadudy and CS:GO? Get fucked lmao

I wouldn't release my game on it either. The hardware design choices are just too obtuse

because normies still think the dock is actually a proper console that the handheld part plugs into and becomes something comparable to the PS4. I'm not even shitting you, plenty of people really think that.

The system is fine, but people need to stop expecting big AAA multiplats, they're developed for ps4 and xbone because they have the larger marketshares. nintendo will get offhand third party efforts from ubisoft, they'll get lots of indies (probably crippling the vita's western presence, or what's left of it), but we won't be seeing a full fledged CODWWII port on the switch. We'll probably see a spinoff of the next assassins creed game, and maybe a new handheld CoD entry, and of course lots of JRPGs by smaller teams at squenix.

comparing it to the pro and xbone x is just stupid though, clickbait to the nth degree.

It can handle Indies I guess.

Why don't you also post the fact that the same dev team didn't even fucking try to run their game on switch
It's baffling how lazy devs have become

They're not lazy. They just don't give one single fuck about Nintendo Switch. The Titanfall Dev laughed at them. Pretty sad.

>Why would you compare the Switch to the X or Pro?
Because the way game development works now you need somewhat comparable performance so the devs don't have to remake all the assets and rework whole fucking game to work on underpowered hardware.

>And I*m still amazed that there are people that don't understand that as portable device, you just CAN't have as much power inside

This is factually wrong, you can easily have a high power portable device. The problem is Nintendo will not be able to convince the masses to pay +$1000 for such a thing.

Hey, that Kyle orland is a fuckign retard

>i need to transport an elephant but all i have is volkswagen beetle
>user you're so fucking lazy, you didn't even try to stuff the elephant in the car

>It's baffling how lazy devs have become
>not wanting to throw money into a fire is laziness

Skyrim was suppose to change everything or something.

>people fell for the WiiU a second time

Maybe if 3rd party tried theyd get money?

I know, they aren't used to it since they can just release lazily done yearly rehash trash on PS4/xbone and make bank

Why would I buy AAA ports when I can play them on my PC or PS4?

>One anti switch thread dies.
>you decide to make another one.

Mate tje fuck is wrong with you ?

are you too young to remember the gamecube or the N64? both of them had power parity with rival consoles, and both of them got plenty of third-party titles and multiplats. it wasn't until the wii that nintendo just said "fuck it", and then they doubled down with wii u, and are currently tripling down with switch. the guaranteed lack of AAA multiplats puts a lot of people off.

If you really thought this smallass thing could be as strong as a PS4/Xbone or even a weakass PC, then you're dumb as fuck.

But they're already being made to run on the 4 and 1.

The Switch is portable.
So if traveled a lot or spent ample time 'off the grid' I'd be ok with sub par version of the game that I can take with me easily.

Maybe if you were born before this console generation you'd know why nobody bothers trying.

Are you too young to remember what a massive failure the gamecube was?


>Two failed Nintendo consoles got some third party support when their systems were on par with competitors, who still got more third party support than Nintendo.

Wow, what a sweet allure that is.

Your wrong assumption is that devs make games for 1337 RIGs first and foremost.
Number of botched PC ports suggests otherwise.

ps3 and 360 are still better than switch docked

People don't care what's realistic. They want something and they don't care how they get it.
They want a portable that is a PS4, and if Nintendo can't do that for under $250, then Nintendo shouldn't bother. I'm not taking their side, but that's how they think.

4 and 1 >>> majority of craptops and toasters
very few bother to make shit like Crysis for HIGH END ENTHUSIASTS because there's just no market big enough for that and piracy

Food analogy pls.

>too many rats
Sounds like bullshit. 360/PS3 could handle Musou stuff and WAN MIRRION TROOOOPS just find.

your argument would look better if you used a food analogy
>someone ordered an pgi with an apple in mouth but you only have a pot
>whoa, you didnt even try to cook it, you lazy faggot

I love how people too young to have been around for the console generations always want to act like they know what the fuck they're talking about.

He's ignoring third party support that's on the system already. Either way, most companies couldn't develop for the Switch before launch so obviously we're not going to see any substantial third party support until next year but instead we're going to get these dumb clickbait articles throughout the year that ask
>why isn't RDR2 coming to Switch?
As if people didn't know the answer

Comeon OP, don't you want to buy Skyrim for the 39th time?

>They want a portable that is a PS4, and if Nintendo can't do that for under $250, then Nintendo shouldn't bother. I'm not taking their side, but that's how they think.

The success of the DS over the PSP and the 3DS of the Vita prove you wrong. People at large don't care anywhere near as much about graphics as people on Sup Forums. People will happily accept graphical sacrifices for a better supported and high quality library. How this lesson hasn't sunk in after over thirty years of this happening, repeatedly, is still a mystery to me. History proves you--PROVES YOU--wrong.

>They want a portable that is a PS4
nobody is asking for their home consoles to be "portable". It's a gimmick.

Those had great games, good hardware, failed due to terrible elements that made it an unmarketable system.

The N64 was doomed by cartridges, nintendo's own attitude and the death of its third party support that came as a result.

The GC was doomed by looking like a fucking toy with cheap plastic handles and a purple main color scheme that doomed it to becoming the laughing stock of the industry in a time when a lot of players were growing up and at that teenage phase where they would rather play GTA on a cool looking system like that PS2 than touching a GC.
And lack of third party support for some very influential titles, like above mentioned GTA.

The Wii was garbage system with mostly terrible games but it was saved by a low price point, a hip smooth minimalistic white design and a new marketing approach that appealed to a wider consumer base.

The N64 and GC were great for games.
The Wii was great for nintendo's investors.
I geuss if nintendo had died it would have been a real shame, so it's good that they managed to make some money.
But it was nearly a lost generation when it comes to games.

Yeah, he clearly is. He's too young to remember how Square, Enix (since he's too young to have been around for this, I'll point out that Square and Enix used to be two separate companies) Konami, and Capcom. He's probably also too young to remember how many games went solely with Xbox/PS2, and skipped a Gamecube release altogether; or how Capcom had so little faith in the system that their supposed five Gamecube exclusives turned into one exclusive, one cancellation, and three PS2 ports.

Like it or not, the only thing that dooms a system is the software that's on it. I like both the N64 and GC a great deal, but both systems' games did a lot to piss people off and move to other systems when Nintendo started fucking around with their best properties.

This is correct.

Oh, the switch will prove them wrong, especially after Pokemon. It's just a general shitpost to complain about it's power to price ratio.
>nintendo markets it as a home console, therefore is should be like my $250 ps4

This. Look at Uncharted 3 and the spiders.

>The Wii was garbage system with mostly terrible games but it was saved by a low price point, a hip smooth minimalistic white design and a new marketing approach that appealed to a wider consumer base.
This is the dumbest shit I've read today.
The Wii sold on the gimmick and Wii Sports alone.

You truly have no clue what you're talking about.

>but both systems' games did a lot to piss people off
It was entirely Nintendo's fault. They sat at the top of the vidya throne and got too high and mighty and started pissing devs and publishers off. They stuck with carts on the Nintendo 64 to A) avoid paying licensing fees to Phillips and Sony for CDs; and B) to be able to charge licensing fees to publishers to make games on their proprietary carts. They tried to pull the exact same dick move with the Gamecube, which is why they used those tiny discs instead of DVDs like everyone else.

The Wii sports gimmick was part of the whole package.
They couldn't have sold it without that price point or the attractive box it came with or with the strong marketing push.

No, they didn't piss off devs and publishers--they've been doing that since the NES--they pissed off their consumer base because they started fucking around with their best selling titles like Mario and Zelda.

And yet they were more profitable than the Playstation division every single year until the current generation.

The marketing, fine, i'll accept.
The price point didn't matter. They could've charged 100 bucks more and it would still have sold out everywhere. For fucks sake, people died because of that console. Remember Hold your Wee for a Wii?

>muh money
Sony's busy saving gaming while Nintendo makes mad money on their plastic toys and amiibos

Why do you think third-parties despise Nintendo?

>you can easily have a high power portable device
no you cant, even if you do and its 1000$ the bottle neck is not processing power but battery

this is what you tell yourself to sleep?

You'd need a VW bus for that.

>but people need to stop expecting big AAA multiplats
That's the big problem and that's why marketing it as a "hybrid" was also a bad idea, normies which is the audience nintendo is trying to go after doesn't understand those concept, for them it's either portable like a phone or not portable like a ps4 or xbox one or wiiU

>Sony's busy saving gaming
>Pay for Online at 60$
>not backwards
>not Xplay

Yeah, google rockstar - nintendo relationship

Cramming a top gaming PC into a portable factor means shit if you need a fucking wheelbarrow to carry around the battery pack for 30 minutes game play.
You think those 700W+ PSUs are there just for show?

>focus home interactive

Who cares

Any game currently releasing on consoles now can mechanically run on the Switch, the Switch's biggest issue is that not only is it a step down in graphical power to the PS4/One but that it's games also need to run undocked which is closer visually to WiiU/PS3/Xbox 360, just a bit above them but in that ballpark.

That's what they mean by "justice" although then again the game will probably be unstable 20fps on PS4/Xbox One and a Switch port would have a graphical downgrade as well as a less stable framerate.

Because Nintendo systems always have the unique disadvantage of having to compete with Nintendo themselves, third parties don't have that on other systems, they trample the first party so hard that Sony/Microsoft will launch big titles in off seasons to not kill sales.

Sorry can't hear you over the sound of NO THIRD PARTY support.

It's ok atleast you get the millionth wahoo man game to look forward to. Sure is fun Nintendo making billions while giving you jack shit besides the same shit.

How dumb do you think people are? Sup Forums's failing when it comes to making predictions about anything in thinking that every person who plays video games who doesn't go to Sup Forums has a single digit IQ. Sorry, but people are smarter than you think, and you're not as smart as you think.

>big name games
Likely not happening. Switch will be Nintendo games, Jap games, and ports of indies. But I think it may also adopt a library over time of third party indie games made specifically for it, because it is attractive to that niche.

As a PCfat+switch kind of goy, I have zero interest in AAA multiplats on the switch.

>Nintendo are too good for third-parties
The shit you hear on Sup Forums - NintendoGaf

Let the future show us who's right then (hint : think about the wiiU and the misunderstanding of its concept)

>this fucking level of moving goal posts

Yeah, it's what I said.

They made money. But not many memorable games.

There are always stupid diehard fans but they would not have been able to sell that shit to the mass market including moms and grandmas without an affordable price point.

You don't understand what I'm saying. Nintendo didn't lose out with the N64 and GC because of its relationship with developers. Nintendo has always had a bad relationship with third parties. It lost with the GC and N64 directly through its own actions, chiefly by fucking with its top selling series, making them all but unpalatable to most of their old fans.

I never said that, Nintendo is a unique platform, if third parties want to make money from that system then they need to rethink their strategy, possibly make exclusives for it ala Ubisoft, or make games for all systems early on, like Ubisoft.

Also it's more like who gives a fuck about Focus Home interactive.

Everyone misunderstood the concept of the Wii U because it was a stupid, poorly executed concept with a stupid name to boot. No one was confused by the Wii, the DS, or the Switch. If people were confused by the Wii U it was due entirely to Nintendo's mishandling of literally every aspect of that console.

And the point I'm trying to make is that maybe more people than you think misunderstood the sitch's concept, to the point that well they expect huge AAA titles that will magically work on the switch because they think the docked version makes it somehow a powerhouse because "hey the dock= home console right ?"

Oh, good. I was wondering if these incompetent THQ Nordic retards with their garbage 2d turn based game would be the new hip thing to spam for anti-switch shills.

I guess that answers it.

I've seen no evidence of this happening. As for misunderstanding its concept, I don't see how that's possible. Every trailer/commercial for it perfectly demonstrates how the system is used, it's very easy to understand and can be easily and wordlessly demonstrated on a commercial. Again, people are generally smarter than you think, you're just a heedless cynic.

What game is this in reference to? Can we have more context please?

I have a Switch but I think it's justifiable that people would complain about no 3rd party support.

The Switch has plenty of third party support coming to it. People overreact because games that have been in development for years don't suddenly and magically appear on the Switch as well.

Or you get incompetent morons like these guys with their trash game.

You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums kid.

I'm just showing you a possibility, something that has a chance of happening but you're so convinced that the switch is a perefectly understood concept that this discussion is kind of pointless. If you really think people are as smart as you thinik then boy you're clueless

Hoping the Switch will get plenty of indie titles due to the power difference. Making it a sort of hybrid of Vita/3DS

>E3 comes along
>No mention of indies
>Two games announced with a jpeg
>Minecraft Switch is the most expensive version and the worst version of it
>No MH
>VR is getting more games
>ARMS sucked


>make portable console
>market it as home console
>price it as home console
>be confused why people expect a home console computing power.

Gee I wonder why.

It's a typo fucking sue me daddy

It has been getting ports though. Puyo puyo, setsuna, isaac, cave story, all that neo geo shit on the estore, etc. I'd actually be curious to see how well these games are doing compared to Nintendo's games so far, as it could say a lot in regards to future, original third party games.

no games____________ ____

>The system is fine, but people need to stop expecting big AAA multiplats
This is a problem with Nintendo. They don't want to gut the 3DS sales so they're considering that the handheld while the Switch is the "console" when it's screaming that it's a handheld. This leads to them advertising it like it's a home console you're primarily going to play attached to a TV which is anything but the truth because they don't want to gut the 3DS' userbase.

Again, there is literally no evidence that the Switch has been in any way misunderstood by consumers. If you have some, share it, until then I'm going to continue with my completely reasonable assumption that the Switch is perfectly understood and sought after to boot, as evidenced by its great sales. Ball is in your court.

I play primarily connected to the TV and still want 3ds kind of "kitschy" games. I see what you're saying though.

>until then I'm going to continue with my completely reasonable assumption
I think this applies to the both of us

>Indies already had like a half-hour direct and Rocket League got announced.
>These new games don't count because they didn't have a cinematic trailer.
>Ignoring Sony's refusal for Minecraft crossplay.
>Implying VR is relevant.


Not really. The DS and 3DS won because they were much cheaper.
PS4s are cheaper than switches, and more powerful so casuals will gravitate to that.
And people who want handhelds either settle for smartphones or need a fair bit of convincing to buy the switch because the changes it had to undergo to become a hybrid sacrificed quite a bit of portability.

>Implying 299.00 is "home console priced."

Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U all launched for more than that, and their successors certainly will as well. If there's anything wrong with the Switch it's not the price.

you're looking at this the wrong way; the Switch is $300 for a handheld. It's not a console no matter how much Nintendo insists it is.

>I won't buy any multiplats on the Switch.
And another nintendo console dead, thanks to nintedokids autism.

>They don't want to gut 3DS sales.

Considering every major 3DS game this year is a remake or lazy sequel (Pokemon USUM) it's clear where the 3DS is headed. This is its final year, guaranteed.

>continue selling the 3ds in the meantime, a real full portable device, with new and different games too
>make the switch
>not expecting people to want to play it not as portable device

They're advertising it as a console you can play any way you want. They show it being used as a portable just as much as a home console.

Actually, the Switch is 299 for a home console and handheld in one.
That's the whole point. It's both. Yes, it's weaker than the PS4.
But at the same time it's a handheld you can play on the go. Suddenly the specs look pretty great.

Over here I can get ps4 right fucking now, with 3 games, for less than switch costs.

Don't compare launch prices unless consoles launched at approx same time.

I just want them to drop the charade and just call a cow a cow. It's a handheld, I want developers to make broader scale handheld games thanks to the increased power, not have weaker console ports to the thing. It's why I enjoy the Vita so much, most companies and even small ones did what they could with that power over the PSP and were happy with it without really porting down (Tt excluded but they port to everything), so the Switch basically being a bigger step up from the 3DS made me expect just bigger and better handheld-type games, not dumbed down console games.

Granted, Nintendo is doing great with the limitations of the system and making things like console quality Mario, Splatoon, Zelda, etc work on the thing, but if everyone else is just going to make handheld quality games then just act like it's a handheld you can dock for better quality, not a console you can take with you.