Subtle video game clothing thread

Subtle video game clothing thread

More like subtle humor thread amirite? Cause I'm having a hard time trying to find how you thought this post would be funny.

You have to go back.



What video game is this meant to be?

havaianas obviously



It's pretty subtle because it will be hidden by your feets anyway.

Got one of these recently

that's pretty alright if you're under the age of 10

I was so pissed off with Uniqlo's designs

They were all such fucking trash sans the metroid one

Cool, should be perfect then

Gonna get arrested for being a pedo


fucking manlets

They are fresh.


>the literally zero decent MonHun shirts
>Capcom doesn't even sell MonHun shit on their western store apart from kut ku plushes


What's the point of getting flipflops with a design like this when its going to be completely hidden by your feet anyway?



would fuck


To make Yoshi smell your feet haha I wonder if she likes it haha

fake as fuck, neo doesnt support shit, wears nothing but plain shit nigga

Nice bulge