Give me a western rpgs with a memorable party members or characters in general

Give me a western rpgs with a memorable party members or characters in general

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Any old wrpg

Dragon Age Origins


Planescape Torment.

Baldurs Gate 1 was weak as fuck in this aspect. Only in 2 they added more to the characters in the party than a few lines of dialogue.
Neverwinter Nights had shitty characters too and it is pretty old today

Hey chief, what's up?

Hurr durr faggits git out of my vidyer.

Cthulu Saves the Worlds



hahaa get it?

KotOR 2
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
Planescape: Torment

Basically anything that's "that one story about finding out about the weird curse you have" that Avellone kept writing.

I get it, too bad you didn't though

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Nothing Morte, just updating my journal

I've just started it, what do you guys recommend for the starting choices?

Where are the other genders?

Every class has fun things to play though the general opinion is that mage can be the most fun.

Basically do anything but archer and youll have a good time

You know, Chief, I think Annah has been looking at me a lot recently. Her fiery eyes just can't resist the look of my strong body.

Thank you. What about race and background story?

skyrim lost to the ages
if you did that quest you will remember her

city elf, mage, and both dwarf are pretty good

Just about everything has it's benefits and specific moments in the main story but I hear that Dalish Elf is the weakest. Mages story reshows up and concludes during the main game and human nobles can do some pretty cool stuff specific to their origin as well. Those are the two I've done playthroughs of because I like mage too much for my own good.

Dog best companion of any game past, present and future
Morrigan best waifu ever

hurf durf faggitz get off ma vidyer

Thanks guys. Will go for mage city elf for the first playthrough, and probably rouge assassin commoner dawrf for a second.

Mages have their own origin. You can't combine city elf origin and mage origin

Mage is locked into the Circle of Magi origin actually.

There's a mod that frees up the mage class in terms of origins, but if you aren't familiar to the series you ARE going to be missing some pretty vital context about mages in Dragon Age (And most version of the mod are rather sloppy and will treat you like you did the mage Origin).

The mages origin is not not fun its just not a standout. Honestly the origins are super fucking short so if it comes down to it try city elf with a warrior or rogue and the mage origin with a mage and just carry on with whichever you like more when you hit the meeting point for the origins.

Didn't the mod just unlock the Dalish origin as mage?

Thats the lore friendly one that tries to remove any inconsistencies. Fairly certain there's a mage anywhere mod that just does it quick and dirty. But I wouldn't recommend it.

shepard. wrex.
go for the eyes boo
stay awhile and listen

Dragon quest VII.

I think the Dalish have their own mage origin anyway

Nah, mages always start in the circle

Nah it's modded only. Mage is locked into the tower in the base game.

This lol

I came here for this


Did Origins ever get any decent mods which add a big bite of content? One of the reasons why I didn't enjoy Origins was because most of the content felt short.

Did you play the game with the expansion and DLC? It beefs up the game quite a bit.

There's a fully voiced Denerim questline that you can add to the main game as far as mods go but realistically you're probably going to break the difficulty if you overlevel on unintended side content.

Not all of them. I think the last time I played it was years ago. Maybe I should pirate the dlc and give it another try.

Definitely pirate it. It's super easy you can literally use the DA mod installer to install pirated DLC.

Honestly play what you like but Male Human Noble has the most ending options iirc as being of noble birth opens some things up for you


I always remember those two fucks who die in the joining. They were so fucking bland and one dimensional especially the "look at me i'm such a fucking coward guy". That hour you spend alongside them is unbearable

I think the elf lines are the most intresting, Dalish in particular if you do the witch hunt dlc

This is the most fun and objectively least gay build in this game, play a Dwarf preferably

I liked going rogue and backstabbing everything to death.

Theres a GoG version, easy to pirate.

The problem was that it was super obvious that SOMETHING was going to happen to them and they'd dissapear from the game. Alistair was introduced in detail and then the other two were like "here is Sir knight and theres Mr. Thief"

>someone with a skin made of scars can get a hotblooded redhead qt without too much effort while I get nothing

This really updated my journal

Because they are onedimensional characters. Writing a really deep and interesting character that has no connection to the plot and gets killed off immediately is a waste. They are just there to make the joining have more weight.

Hurr durr faggits git out of my vidyer.

Kotor 1 companions are trash. Thankfully you can murder most of them

Mask of the Betrayer
Betrayal at Krondor

better than II excluding Kreia
the game was clearly unfinished and has nothing of the volume of the companion events and chatter on KOTOR

but then respec into arcane warrior. This was the most fun i had in quite some time.

Too bad that volume of events and chatter are all shit

was this in Dawngaurd? I have hundreds of hours playing Skyrim and I don't remember this


Think twice before you disparage KOTOR in front of me again. I'm sure you think that this is all a hilarious little joke, but I will crush your skull like a rotten egg if you do not heed my warning.

Yeah. Its the quest with aetherium. It was prrtty gud

get of may vydier

Mass Effect 2
Witcher series

Kotor 1 is trash and equivalent of TFA in legends in lore rape and cancerous fanbase alike, not to mention terrible characters and rehased storyline from movies.
It's only liked by nostalgiafaggots. Everything good that ever came from this series is from Kotor 2 and that comic book was nice too

Bastilas a flipflopping hypocrite
The murder droid tells the same joke over and over
Juhani lol
Bindo is a fuckin tard
The other guy is an annoying do-gooder cunt
The twilek is a dumb teenager

Canderous is the only good companion in that game sorry bro

> Writing a really deep and interesting character that has no connection to the plot and gets killed off immediately is a waste

Tell that to CDPR

>really deep and interesting character


CDPR had a crew willing to serve a 3 year grueling march of crunch time. bioware was almost going bankrupt. So demanding they also waste characters is rather stupid

I'd take them all over Bao-dur and Disciple. Well maybe not Carth and at least if you just played as a male you didn't have to suffer with Disciple.

I also thought it was kind of stupid how you can turn pretty much everyone in your party into a Jedi.

Either a human warrior or rouge.

Human noble was what I went with first so maybe I have bias towards it but it opens up some stuff to you as said.

also romance best girl Morrigan.

If I recall correctly I remember seeing a video were they showed off the game and the rouge one of the two was with Alistair, dog and the warden trying to light the tower.

Did anyone ever use dog much? I never did desu. Was he any good?

Nah he's pretty shit. Cute though

Lawful evil human mage. You can decide whether you think blood magic falls under that or not, but make all your decisions based on what you think would help the circle of magi come out on top. Fuck the templars.

hurf durf faggitz get off ma vidyer


I wish all their lines were voiced, itd be great.