20 years on

>20 years on
>still literally the best video game ever made and nothing has been able to beat it

Other urls found in this thread:


But FF IX beat it a few years later.

To think Square wouldn't still have passed VII's shadow 20 years later, they went all out after all with VII.

>people confusing strong narrative for 'good games'

name literally one flaw, you uberkike

beefaroni baby

I'm really okay with people liking FFIX more as it is a matter of preferences and they are so different in every regard.
What i hate is faggots that rave about FFVI because it was older, not realizing that FFVI was just an imperfect version of FFVII, with the same themes, a shitty lolsorandom villain, a flawed battle system and less exploration of the main themes.

Cait Sith

>Completely linear, no alternate routes through the story
>ATB combat is terrible and based entirely around spamming the most effective spammable attacks you have at the time, with materia being the only saving grace
>Because of both of the above, you effectively play through most of it liek a storybook, with no reason to think or plant out courses of action to achieve a specific goal, you just go through whatever you need to do next for most of the game
>You are even locked out of most of Midgar for most of the game

Most of which thankfuly will be fixed by the remake.

VII was my first Final Fantasy game and because of that I have a fair bit of nostalgia for it but it really isn't that amazing as a game.

Honestly the thing I find most memorable and original about VII is the goofy sense of humor it with the crossdressing part and some of the Gold Saucer minigames like Mog House (or even the weirdo owner Dio.) Too bad it seems the remake will have none of that because the VII everyone wants/remembers is the compilation.

it doesn't hold up today.

>strong narrative


The game simply doesn't hold up well today, while other games have stood the test of time significantly better

I agree.

As always, fpbp

It's the undisputed masterpiece that everyone immature hates because of its popularity.

Advent Children and Compilation killed the characters and story forever though

This. 9 holds up very nicely since the battle load times were fixed in the port.

>watching the speedrun today
>party walking over that abandoned railroad with the sun setting over a mountain range in the background accompanied by a sleepy depressing song
There's nothing close to FF7

I love FF7 and all but no JRPG could ever match Deus Ex.

The port also has literally built in cheats.

Not even the best jrpg ever made.

But this came out less than a year later OP. Also FFVI was better anyway

While I do fucking love that game, the title of "best video game ever" is subjective. Tifa being best grill, however, is not subjective. It's a fact.

>I love FF7 and all but no game could ever match Deus Ex.

Fixed, but ducksex is a tarnished legacy with the shitty prequels and the casual masses have no idea anymore, unlike ff7 that has for some reason maintained it's legacy.

those are really the best times in final fantasy.
the parts between the story are just so comfy.

>Tifa being best grill, however, is not subjective. It's a fact.
Do you even understand anything about her character or do you just fap to her?

I know, Aeris is best girl hands down and I don't know why there's so much denial about this.

>Cloud has the most history with her
>Childhood friends
>she has massive tits
>she will prepare booze for you because she's a bartender

Also yes, I masturbate furiously to her.

So you don't, just like ever other Tifa "fan." Cool.

The turbo button made the grind so much better

>Takes the party member with best and most useful limit breaks from you at the end of disc 1
Suck a dik.


I love it btw. But it is mostly diolouge and cutscenes, if Persona 4 and Life is Strange get a hard time for minimal gameplay, why should FFVII get away with it?

>the Sephiroth inside Cloud's mind is shirtless
What did he mean by this?

Was any Septhiroth we encountered present day ever actually real?

Because the real Sephiroth that's been in the Northern Crater the whole game is shirtless.

FF7's legacy was tarnished by woeful cashgrab slop such as Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core.

>FF7's legacy was tarnished by woeful ca

It was always his Alien mom cosplaying.

Advent Children is pretty bad but at least it's self-contained, it's the rest of the Compilation that goes to complete shit.

It's still hilarious to me that they have so many entries that cover the Nibelheim incident (Before Crisis, Crisis Core and Last Order) but they needed Advent Children Complete to actually show what happened after Zack and Cloud's escape because the other entries contradicted each other.


What's wrong?

>the most big bad of the entire franchise was never fucking their post Crisis core

What a fucking mess this story was.

>Advent Children is pretty bad but at least it's self-contained

Hardly. The story didn't even make sense unless you played the game and read the novels.

It's not even the best game in its series, fag.

>FFVII was my first JRPG: The Thread

The story isn't that confusing, it's pretty easy to get the gist of it from the movie alone.

Playing through 9 my first FF and I think I'll do 7 after.

What did you want? Did you expect me to write you a novel about her whole backstory with Zack? If you played the game then you don't need me to fucking explain it to you. Clearly you didn't play the game.

It's great, isn't it?

My point is that most people who "like" Tifa don't even seem to actually get her personality and confuse her for being forward and flirty like Aerith. As in, they don't pay attention to her at all in the game and just fap to shitty doujins and shit.

it's not even the best final fantasy

it's surpassed by 4,5,6,9 and 11

>Best anything

I sure love a linear, piss easy generic JRPG that manages to have more plotholes than bugs.

Life is Strange is actually a walking simulator, though. There's barely any actual gameplay, you just walk around and can make Max comment on things. Sometimes you can take a picture.

IV really isn't that good. Having played it a billion times on all the different rereleases/remakes I'm quite sure of this.

>manages to have more plotholes than bugs.
Such as?

what are you talking about? ff has been dead after ff10
the ff series is probably the best example of how to fuck a series up.

>Still makes money and gets made
It's shit sure but it's not dead.

Zone of the enders the second runner exists my man.

>he likes Aeris(th)

But user, she's a hooker.

Should I play this on PC (with soundtrack mod) or through ps1 emulation?

well it should be.
the fact that retards are still paying for that shit is just another example of how fucked the gamers of today are.

they'll buy anything.


Nothing I said implies I like Aerith, I don't really like any of the females in VII particularly.

>you just walk around and can make Max comment on things. Sometimes you can take a picture

i love it. Can't wait for more in August.

>20 years later
>literally a nostalgiafag who happened on the sgdq stream
kill yourself

The PC version has the original PS1 music now, they patched it

Well safer sephiroth is the real sephiroth in the lifestream or at least his spirit thing.

Oooohh ok. I get it. Whatever floats ur boat user. I ain't judging.

it has kate though, that redeems it.


Such as what was Shinra doing when Cloud&Co. were happily busting shit around the planet while Rufus was twiddling his thum...OHHHH THE WEAPONS AWAKENED
Or the entire Cait Sith's character
Or all of Zack's backstory
Or Vincent being a former Turks member yet nobody fucking even knows about him but Hojo and he knows shit about Shinra other than Muh Hojo
Or basically anything that they shoved in in the countless garbage FF spinoffs because FFVII plot was such a mess they could spin anything out of it.

you're probably right. i played it once at release and it was absolutely mind blowing at the time. it might not hold up if i played it again

Can you please remind me how all of them contradicted each other strictly in the on the run portion? I remember just two versions of that existing. The CC+ACC one necessarily contradicting VII proper of course by the Living Legacy nonsense. The BC, Last Order and VII being still plausible, if undesirable. (VII alone being the third and best, but irrelevant in this discussion for not being a part of the Compilation.)

Needed more Gackt, which will surely be fixed in the remake.

>Such as what was Shinra doing when Cloud&Co. were happily busting shit around the planet while Rufus was twiddling his thum...OHHHH THE WEAPONS AWAKENED
Rufus was after Sephiroth just like Cloud was, it's why they always ended up in the same places.

>Or the entire Cait Sith's character
He was robot cat who joined Cloud's party to spy on them controlled by Reeve. Not a plot hole just retarded writing with Cloud and co not suspecting him.

>Or all of Zack's backstory
What's wrong with Zack's backstory in the original? He was just random SOLDIER who happened to get involved in everything by being on a mission with Sephiroth.

>Or Vincent being a former Turks member yet nobody fucking even knows about him but Hojo and he knows shit about Shinra other than Muh Hojo
Because Vincent was Turk 30 years before the start of VII? Why the fuck would anyone remember him. Hojo was basically given free reign by the first president to do whatever the fuck he wanted.

It isn't V.

>being a storyfag
>giving a shit for anything that isn't gameplay

One good thing AC did is it showed us that Square, if even for a moment, can still get music right. Now while the story elements of AC are questionable the music is not, they showed off a true understanding of the pieces they remixed and added in amazing new ones that all meshed great together.

It does give me a little hope for FF7R to see that at least for AC they understood the source material and adapted it appropriately, while the AC OST is maybe a bit heavy for a direct port to 7R it shows they still have some talent.

>Then they did the FF10HD OST and destroyed our ears


Holy shit, csn you imagine watching or playing this shit without the interspread cutscenes and adventuring? Who gives a fuck about who the objectivly best is at turn based RPG gameplay? Its not rocket science, it's mostly grind shit and guess work. No one would fucking touch these games without the narrative aspect.

I actually like the origami chibi models. They are funny, iconic and compliment the game well.

RPGs are for low testosterone soybois, only latent homosexuals/trannys play them

I personally thought it was very well done and enjoyed it a lot. At least they let you choose whether you wanted to use the arranged soundtrack or the original.

Those are not plot holes. Plot holes require conflicting information. Those are just lack of information. Anyway:

Pursuing Sephiroth/Promised Land, destroying Meteor.

Some sort of semi-autonomous A.I. robot controlling another robot by shouting at it, of which Reeve can take full control by some mysterious method, presumably a mechanical remote controller, since it's a robot. (Revealed to be psychic in Compilation, which was total bullshit.)

You can get enough by going into the Shinra basement. He just had the Buster sword before. Nothing more to his role than to relinquish it. You can get a bit more about him from Aerith and Gongaga, but that's superfluous. (Secondly CC told us nothing new about him anyway.)

It was twenty-five years ago. You don't know that he doesn't know, he can just not talk about it, because he's all dramatic and seemingly uncaring according to Cloud. Easily believable scenario.

This, this is both an RPG and an actual game at the same time.

Why are white people so superior bros?

It's aged like milk.

>Not realizing that gameplay should ideally be the primary focus of this medium of entertainment while also realizing that a good story just makes said gameplay that much more enjoyable while helping you more easily invest your emotions in said gameplay for an overall much more meaningful experience.


Not saying it should be all story and shit gameplay either mind you. Ideally some sort of a balance would be great. Gameplay first though.

It was either rushed or done by people who didn't understand the original OST, the entire thing felt incredibly forced. All throughout the new OST you just had shoehorned in instruments, random pitch changes, and new segments that completely ruined the flow of the song.

The most obvious one to me was the Besaid Isle theme. The original had a chorus of frogs singing in it and this was the most iconic part of the song, in the HD OST they replaced the frogs with generic violins and completely ruined the song and greatly damaging the atmosphere of the settings it was used in.

It may not seem like much to the casual gamer but it showed they had no idea what they were doing. I mean if you want to have your ears bleed go ahead and listen to the new Seymour theme, holy hell.

sephiroth was actually a weak piece of shit thats no stronger than any of the Turks
the midgar zolom that got slayed was jenova's work

>sephiroth was actually a weak piece of shit thats no stronger than any of the Turks
Sephiroth was always a superhuman soldier that was far above the other superhuman soldiers. The Turks are just normal people in suits.

>gets thrown into the lifestream by a heavily injured Cloud that's below level 5 and 20 STR
eh sephiroth's hedgehog pie tier at most

But if we're going by gameplay his stats are clearly higher.

>best game

not even the best jrpg of its time

It was a mediocre game 20 years ago but it aged like fucking milk and nowadays it's not even worth mentionning

I think he was expecting you to mention some of her personality traits, her loyalty, jealousy, being uncomfortable in emotionally charged situations, being demure and such instead of merely listing what she looks like or does for a living, which are more obvious and skin-deep.

Also calling them childhood friends, when they only talked at the well for the first and last time, casts doubt on your understanding. (Especially since it's a big plot point that they weren't close, because it starts to prove Cloud is real in the Lifestream separate from Tifa's perception and memories of them being close, that Jenova could've constructed him from.)

In all honestly I was just baiting him along. I do like tifa and have played through the game twice now but I don't really give a fuck about waifus. I really thought the cloud strife gay implication would've worked. Now the only thing I'm wondering about is if he realized I was baiting or if he's actually gay for cloud.

>best video game ever
>disc 2 exists

Shit bait, OP.

>Now the only thing I'm wondering about is if he realized I was baiting or if he's actually gay for cloud.
You're the one with a shirtless picture of Cloud saved with the name "gay cloud" not me.

I hunted it down just 4 u senpai.

IX is my favourite but this is the pinnacle of video game cutscenes.

its a turn based RPG, that makes it a boring game.