How can there be a prosecutor who never lost a case...

How can there be a prosecutor who never lost a case? Sometimes people are proveable innocent and even if they aren't there is still the in dubio pro reo rule.

This really breaks immersion.

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he picks the right clients

I guess in some countries prosecutors actually get to choose who to prosecute or who not to prosecute. But yeah, I get it. Every prosecutor in the Phoenix Wright series has this "I've never been beaten" meme and it does get old.

Ace attorney has basically always gone by make-believe rules. Every character would have been held in contempt of court at least once during a game in the real irl.

Law in Japan is super different than in America and even AA plays it up beyond that, quite a bit is lost in translation.

I never took it so seriously, if I wanted the real deal I'd just go watch some primetime drama.

That's because he never prosecuted before, so that technically means he never lost.


Japan has a 99% conviction rate. Over there it's assumed that if you're put on trial, you must be guilty. Thus a character like Phoenix who actually has innocent clients is novel over there.

In that character's case it's explained about 20 seconds later.

On a more serious note, Edgeworth used forged evidence in 1-5 and just moped about in Europe for a bit until he felt like coming back. Phoenix used forged evidence in AJ's shitty flashback case and was kicked out of the profession on the fucking spot.

The legal system in Ace Attorney is complete shit.

>Sometimes people are proveable innocent

Doesn't that need to read "provably"?

>Edgeworth used forged evidence in 1-5 and just moped about in Europe for a bit until he felt like coming back.

No longer canon when he returns in JFA.

In Japan, you're guilty until proven otherwise.

>No longer canon
1-5 was written after the trilogy. The writers knew what they were doing when they stuck it at the end of AA1, it takes place between the end of that game and before Edgeworth 'dies'.



I know.

But that very fact that it wasn't in the original means that 1-5 never happened.

And even if it did, Edgeworth not getting in trouble for using forged evidence is because he had connections unlike Phoenix.

1-5 IS canon, faggot.

They updated the script in the Trilogy (at least the 3DS one) to reference 1-5 in 2-3, so it's very much canon now.

>unlike Phoenix
His notboyfriend is the Chief Prosecutor and atleast in DD he's treated as a celebrity, how could he not have connections?

If I play 1 game and win, then I've never lost that game, user.

I'd guess Godot would've had to win 20-50+ cases to actually gain fame, so it's still possible even if the cases were 50/50.

In those cases it never goes to trial. Instead they just get kicked out of jail and back on the streets, no prosecution needed.

Assuming is right about the script in the trilogy being updated, go play JFA right now and see for yourself Phoenix saying Edgeworth left because of his "petty perfect record".

Honestly seeing that again after 1-5 was just stupid.

They hadn't thought of that yet by AJ (probably) to be fair.

That being said, in the first game alone Phoenix nails an extremely powerful information broker, a famous producer who had ties to the mob, and the most succesful and influential prosecutor around. It is a bit weird that isn't more influential than he is (though the games sorta run on that underdog feel I suppose)

I guess Ema isn't canon, and therefore the Apollo trilogy isn't either.

Well I know her sister Lana isn't.

He could have come to many compromises on his cases. If your client is looking at death and you get him life you technically didn't lose.

>This really breaks immersion.

Thats because it was parodying japanese law more so than american law. Since the way the nip law system worked at the time, though supposedly its gotten a tad better since then, prosecutors or prosecuted shit they though would be a slam dunk and such and was and unquestioned matter of pride as to how few cases they would lose. Since stuff kind work as guilty until proven innocent kind of way. And since it was thought of that by many then it meant that a bit of stigma happened that made seem more so like one is prosecuting an guilty person trying to get off instead of the whole supposed trying to find the truth and from the truth proper guilt would found accordingly.

So yeah that part about prosecutors never losing or never having lost is a bit of an immersion breaker in countries which had a bit more fair idea as to how trials should or do work instead of court system that initially influenced and had a game built around it.


Don't they also claim that Mia Fey has never lost a case?
So presumably they've never been against each other.

Von Karma managed to stay undefeated for 40(?) years by manipulating evidence and testimonies and intimidating witnesses. You play dirty.

They haven't faced each other, no.
But the reason he hasn't lost a single case is because the case from OP pic is his first case ever.
If it's his first time, he hasn't lost a single time

I've played the first two games and I really don't understand why people enjoy this series. The "gameplay" is terrible both during investigation and in court, and if you try to look past it you're left with a poorly written VN about anime characters in a nonsensical legal system. I didn't find any of the characters likeable or interesting even though they mostly look cool and memorable

That's quite unfortunate for you.

Prove it nigger


you are MY nigger
Didn't think they'd ever "fix" this because it was annoying

Now post the part when Edgeworth returns.


They also added this, which I thought was pretty neat way to acknowledge the fans.

Mia Fey is known to have lost a case in the case previous to this one

And here is Phoenix and Maya at an All American Diner eating cheeseburgers and french fries. The classic American Lunch.

That's the weird thing about it, though.

Atmey literally told you at the end of the first investigation day of 3-2 a whole bunch of bullshit about how Edgeworth acknowledged Godot as the best Prosecutor in the country and how he was literally Godly at what he does. And then we find out that none of that was true.

I mean, it WAS Atmey saying this, but still...

>I mean, it WAS Atmey saying this, but still...
That's the joke, user; he's full of shit.

I thought there was no verdict, for obvious reason.

I thought I was talking to someone who didn't know their shit
Yeah, I just think Mia would never consider that anything but a defeat
Isn't that why she's motivated to defend Phoenix?

>boot to the head

I feel like I have read that in a different game a while ago.


Godot had never had a case before

Underrated girl.

She's shit.

What the hell is that weebshit?

She's adorable.

She was pretty horrible to Gumshoe in Recipe for a Turnabout, but I agree.

>that sameface

Even in American law, prosecutors often pick and choose what they prosecute. This is why it's so important that police come up with a sufficient case against someone to actually take it to trial. Basically if it's not a slam dunk most prosecutors will tell the police to fuck off and make a better case.

The way it really differs from American law is that in America prosecutors are typically the good guys in criminal cases while the defense is usually defending Tyrone for being a gud boi who dindu nuffin. It's every other type of case that's up for debate on who the good guy is.

In Japan it's also usually up for debate, but the law heavily skews towards the prosecution regardless of the defendant's actual guilt.

>That Minions shirt


You can choose to take only sure-fire cases.



I think only the first three games did that? Klavier was just "sup, yeah I'm the prosecutor" and for Simon I feel like they just introduced him as a really dangerous prosecutor who used psychology to turn the tides to his favor. I forgot if Nahyuta was introduced that way. And if you want to include them, Barnham and Darklaw are simply fearsome opponents in Labyrinthia.

Fucking why
Why the fuck does this exist

Because of the characters and overall aesthetics. If you don't find the visuals charming, the characters endearing and the music and tension engaging then there's really nothing here for you.

Why did I click this? I mean I know the Phoenix Wright games have a large gay fanbase. But fucking hell.

Because this is his first case, dumbass

>Pearl laying on Phoenix's lap
I want this.

What did you expect out of "delicious maya ecchi"?

Fantasy law is always different then real law because real law is boring as fuck.

Even in movies and TV shows the only time I can think of where law is treated more or less realistically is in Better Call Saul

Admit it, you would.

My Cousin Vinny as well.


Japan has a 99% conviction rate.
It's really fucked up actually.

>Unbroken records is what breaks OP's immersion
>In a game where animals go up to the witness stand

Hey that parrot saw everything.

Working as assistant to a public defender in Brazil, I can assure you it's incredibly easy for a prosecutor to win every time for 20+ years if he's prosecuting poor people.

>public defender
This must be the worst fucking job. Especially in Brazil of all places. 99% of the time you're defending the most worthless scum of the Earth.

Don't you mean the Wright clients?


You know for all the whipping and dominance posturing, Franny is probably a sub.


Did my boy Gumshoe ever get to smash?

So we ever getting DGS? I know Capcom think games without Phoenix as the star sell (which is debatable when people tend to shit on Apollo, Athena, etc a lot) but you play as his ancestor which is close.

>We get shit like this over good Ema/Maya/Franziska porn

It's pretty obvious that all that bravado she has is just overcompensation especially by the end of Justice for All. She's definitely matured though, even if just a bit. I really wonder what Franny in her late 20s would be like. Would she still go around whipping everyone or would she finally calm the fuck down?

Phoenix wasn't advertised as the star of AJ
DD was advertised as having multipe protags and him & Apollo get roughly equal focus in it outside of the DLC, Athena's the only one they push hard
SoJ was advertised as having joint protagonists

Capcom doesn't push the series in the west because it doesn't sell that well (by their standards), that's all. Spin-offs sell less than mainline even in Japan, DGS probably isn't seen as viable over here.

Yeah man, it's as bad as you imagine.

A conviction rate is not necessarily an indicator of something running afoul.

It may simply be a prosecutor that only starts a trial, when he has absolutely no doubt with regard to the guilt of the suspect.
I don't know how this works in other countries, but in Germany prosecutors are technically supposed to be absolutely neutral. They are supposed to look for evidence towards the guilt of the suspect as well as for evidence towards the innocence of the suspect.

Defendants in Japan are prosecuted at a 99.9% conviction rate. It's entirely conceivable to never lose a case as a prosecutor there.

Although it helps that there's barely any crime in Japan, and when people do get charged it's almost aways the right guy due to the crazy high burden of proof.

I ain't japanese, but I'm pretty sure their juries being unable to render a not guilty verdict is a recurring theme in their politics.
That and figuring out ways to up the birthrate.

Does Japan even have juries?

I thought that was mostly an US thing.

Japan has no Jury. They tried to implement it around the time AJ came out but it failed. That's why DD dropped it. This fact is in almost every AA thread I'm surprised it isn't common knowledge.

if Discovery existed in the Ace Attorney world none of this shit would happen
but that would ruin the exciting feeling of nailing a witness down and feeding them their own lies through their asshole

The implication really is that they found innocent people guilty.

Edgeworth and Von Karmas were depicted as being in the wrong because of their perfect records.

And if you haven't figured it out yet the legal system in Phoenix Wright is fucked, there is no presumption of innocence/reasonable doubt.

How did the Von Karmas get a perfect record in America (burger localization fags get out reeeee) despite the fact their methods would probably not fucking fly?

DGS2 is releasing soon in Japan so they're already 2 games behind. With the 3DS liekly ding by the end of 2018 there's no fucking way they'll ever bring them over. The only chance is if we get a re-release on Switch but that has to exist in the first place.

At least the fan translation is coming along.

because even if we assume it is in america it's in some sort of alternate history where they use japan's legal system

>Even in the real version of AA Japanifornia exists

>implying other country's legal systems aren't just as fucked as Japanfornia's.


You gotta remember that in his country, lawyers are pretty much banned. So he can be considered "unbeatable" because he literally has no one to beat him.