ITT: Overrated garbage that Sup Forums loves

Awful combat that has zero depth to it without its already simplistic numbers.

Quests don't have anywhere near the variety in objectives that Oblivion and Skyrim do since Morrowind is so reliant on its stat based abstractions.

Morrowind has more NPCs than Oblivion and Skyrim combined, but they are all generic as fuck with 99% of dialogue options being the exact same. Variety is non-existent. Not having actual NPC schedules like every other TES game doesn't help either.

People praise this game's encouraging of exploring and understanding directions, yet it turns out to be tedious most of the time. I doubt any of you hardcore fans can tell me the names of all Foyadas and exactly where they are without looking it up on the internet first.

Morrowind has the worst dungeons in the series. They aren't the intricate labyrinths of the games before it, while nowhere near as fun to traverse as the modern game dungeons which may have more "straight" path, but each individual bit of a dungeon's far more open than boring/restricted. Also the Tribunal Sewers are the worst dungeons in the series.

The game's most lauded features are its custom magic and its freedom. It's magic system is very hampered by the combination of how clunky the inventory system is with constant pausing/unpausing and how awful the combat is. Both the magic and freedom are also pointless when the game itself has so few systems implemented in it in terms of how the rest of the game interacts with the player as a result of their actions.

Morrowind is the most overrated game on Sup Forums and possibly of all time. Get better taste.

Gothic 2


playing gothic 2 right now actually, with night of the raven addon of course

i finished it several times, but never tried bows, which i am currently using

but man am i still shitty at it, hitting NOTHING beyond 5 feet distance



>the more worthless garbage on screen at once the better

Look at all this money I got from childmen who will always buy my games designed for kids no matter the quality!
I'm a real winner!

smells like gothic in here

train your bow skills
the higher the bow skill the longer the distance you can hit people from further away

at high bow % you can snipe enemies from a long distance

Newfriends get conned into playing Morrowind and find out how shit it really is.
They start pointing out its numerous flaws

Now oldfags try to con people into playing Gothic.
Why are oldfags such bastards?
We get it you had to play some shitty games when you were a kid no need to make us suffer as well.
It was just your bad luck to grow up in the dark age of gaming.

>worthless garbage

everything in that picture is useful to the player and worth picking up. It's not useless filler trash like Morrowind has - cups, forks, spoons etc

>morrowshits will defend this

Gothic games would probably be cool if they weren't German

>Gothicucks are too stupid to understand a simple mechanic and think their linear action game is an RPG

>gothicucks call their game an rpg
>no builds

truly pathetic

>no builds

>morrowshit has no arguments to he has to resort to straight up lies

wow cool what can you rp as?
>well um...

>voice acted character
choose one

your game is a clunky action game at best

The dialogue in Morrowind is really its most serious problem. Its so fucking lame coming to a town, and every NPC has literally the exact same, word for word dialogue. It really destroys almost all the immersion.

>doesn't do rpg aspects well
>doesn't do action aspects well

why does he shill this game again?

Nah , it's good. Awesome world and lore. I loved the interconnecting storylines from quests in the various guilds/groups.

Not just Sup Forums but basically the entire internet: Zelda games. Here are the ones I've played:
>first zelda
Actually fun. I like the arcade-y gameplay
>ocarina of time
>wii games
I'm pretty sure the only reason people like these games is nostalgia from when they were kids. The games just aren't that interesting. I haven't played BotW but it actually looks super fun even though Sup Forums hates it.

You RP as the main protagonist

Is COD an RPG?

No, because RPG doesn't mean whether you can create your own character or not, but whether there are choices that affect the world around you, you can gain experience from dialogues, you can upgrade your characters in a different ways etc.

Now answer this - so to you Planescape Torment is not an RPG but FIFA is a full-blown RPG because you can create your own character in it?

You can also level up your character and make choices that affect the world around you in FIFA and there is dialogue where you talk to the press.
Is the FIFA the most successful RPG series ever?

oh its a bait thread


we're talking about morrowind nigger

>can play mutiple different races
>people treat you differently depending on the political region
>multiple different playstyles that make sense within the context of the world and are viable
>can become a potion merchant who dabbles in his own product to escape encounters and make money peddling his wares to different towns/cities

when you wanna play an rpg, play morrowind

when you wanna play babies first action adventure game, play gothic

Witcher 3

I sure do love having to kill every single fodder monster to grind my character and not get fucked later in the game.

I sure do hate having to play the video game to beat the video game.

>Awful combat that has zero depth to it without its already simplistic numbers.
What do you mean by depth? It has stats affecting how you perform, different attack types, several weapon types and skills, etc... It's okay for an RPG.

>Quests don't have anywhere near the variety in objectives that Oblivion and Skyrim do since Morrowind is so reliant on its stat based abstractions.
Most quests in Skyrim and yes, Oblivion, are still fetch/talk/kill quests. The only difference is that Oblivion painted them nice like
>go into this painting and fight painted trolls
>go into this island where they're hunting people and kill the hunters
>I need my medallion to keep my visions in check, go to this fort and kill all the bandits to fetch it
The same shit except very sparse occasions that are easily rivaled with the few quests in Morrowind that break the mold.

>People praise this game's encouraging of exploring and understanding directions, yet it turns out to be tedious most of the time
No it doesn't, especially when Morrowind gives the player the most freedom to travel with levitation and jump magic. The bit about the foyadas is fucking retarded, kys.

>It's magic system is very hampered by the combination of how clunky the inventory system is with constant pausing/unpausing and how awful the combat is.
There are quick slots you know? You don't need to open the inventory to cast spells.

don't waste your time user

Why do people who want to talk about Morrowind always start off with obvious bait threads now? Just make a Morrowind thread.

I even forgot to reply to his rant about the NPCs that, to this day is the most retarded criticism one can make of Morrowind but yeah it's probably a waste of time, he's falseflagging or a kraut autist.

Add Fallout: New Vegas to the list too please.


I'm speeding through the main quest right now and searching for Urshilaku camp.

How far along am I until the end and when does the story start getting interesting?

I liked Morrowind when I was younger but you have to be literally retarded if you think it holds a candle to games like Fallout or Baldur's Gate.

man level are hard to come by, speaking of lvl 5 +

i will go for bow skill but with only 20 dex they do no damage, but that's because i simply went for sneaking and lockpicking first


>Quests don't have anywhere near the variety in objectives that Oblivion and Skyrim
>quest variety

nig best be jokin. skyrim quite literally only has one quest; kill X at location Y

>not playing LttP, the best lonk

Morrowind blows but it's still better than turdlivion and shitrim so just kys already