You've lived long enough to see one of your favorite games brutally murdered in front of your eyes and its characters...

>You've lived long enough to see one of your favorite games brutally murdered in front of your eyes and its characters brought back from the grave to fuel some shitty moba

I never thought it was possible to feel this much anger. Why did they do it, Sup Forums?

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No one even remembers City of Heroes either.

have a bump for your fallen game.



the game is actually pretty fun, but there's no one playing it, so.

but Ghost Widow is great. Fun to play, mobile, interesting skillset and works well in every game mode.

fuck you, faggot

Some of the original characters are really great.
But whoever thought you should be forced to play 2 bot matches before you can play with real people each day should be brought out to the back of the building and shot.

It's a perfectly reasonable idea when NCsoft are assuming the vast majority of the playerbase are coming from non-MOBAs (mainly their other games) and would need a little bit of versus AI to understand the basics. I've played MOBAs a ton before MXM and I still fed my ass off the first game getting to grips with it.

I'm familiar with MOBAs and still lost my first bot game.

Plenty of games have you play though mandatory tutorials and practice games for each game mode. But they don't make you play the tutorial for each game mode every day you feel like playing the game.

That does seem excessive. Did they have that in the closed beta?

>no one playing it

What are you talking about nigga? Shit is full everyday.

PvP queue times are really shit.

What are you talking about? This doesn't happen at all. Are you retards sure you are clicking the right buttons?

is this the game that has the pirate loli from blade and soul?

They are like a minute just as in any other moba.


iirc the way Titan Ruins works is that it makes you do a full AI game, then you do a 1v1 with the rest AI. You are stuck doing these bot games until you win once or you do eight games.

I have no idea what you could be talking about. You just pick Titan Ruins vs players OR vs AI and go.



You just need to win both bots match once ever. Whoever cannot get themselves to win against bots has no place in a normal match anyway.

I legitimately hate NCsoft and hope that South Korea is wiped off the Earth so that they are dead.

>never got any good Ghost widow porn before COX died
feels bad

what characters are even good in this game

I like Taejin, he feels even more generic assault rifle guy than Lua does.