Sup Forums keeps parroting this opinion that BoTW "changed" and "revolutionized" open-world games

Sup Forums keeps parroting this opinion that BoTW "changed" and "revolutionized" open-world games.


We don't. Sup Forums is not one person

No one said that

No one claimed that.
It's just people like you making shitty bait threads.

These anons are all lying. Sup Forums is split between two groups for Zelda.

People who thought it was the best game ever made and is perfect.

People who thought it was good but not 10/10 worthy.

The games objectively around an 8. Could've been better.

>keeps parroting

More like fags like you keep posting shitposting threads because he can't handle a good game

An user said it best before, but Zelda BOTW's main draw is it's ridiculous physics engine and design based around solving things anyway you want to. It creates new experiences for different players due to this

Your literally given the important items minutes when you start the game and told "already get the Fuck out and explore"

It's not about being open world
It's about experimenting

>Your literally given the important items minutes when you start the game and told "already get the Fuck out and explore"
So like Just Cause

It's available on a Nintendo device and has physics.

That's literally it. Last time I was this bored while playing a game it was Uncharted 4. Another game that got praised everywhere.


Nobody said that. Nobody ever said its the best game of all time or best zelda either.

Because Sup Forums is filled with nintenbros that try too hard to make bad things look good.

>play BotW
>bored after two hours
>play Link between worlds
>10/10 loved every second

I'm just fed up with open world meme games. Sure, if BotW is your first open world game like it is for many Nintenbros it's probably decent but if you have played shit like Skyrim back in 2011 you will find it tiresome at best.

Is there a botw thread that hasn't been made yet ? Literally leave it alone if it's that bad and it's gonna die like any other games. You're the ones that are trying too hard lmfao. You faggots are making more bait threads about games you don't like than on games you actually find great, what the fuck is this board ?

It didn't. It's literally just a zelda game that gave up its soul in order to become open-world.

Because it doesn't tell you where to go and what to do.

>but if you have played shit like Skyrim back in 2011 you will find it tiresome at best

Pretty much this. The adoration for BotW despite it following most open world design pitfalls, is nothing short of the praise that FO3/Skyrim got when they first released as well. It'll take an year or so before people look back and realize that the game wasn't anywhere close to perfect. It's a solid exploration game but there's nothing else it does better. I wouldn't even say its solid at exploration either, there's fuck all for rewards if it isn't a korok seed or a shrine. You spend resources to explore to find more resources so that you can explore. The game is so frustratingly easy and forgiving, it's no surprise that it shines the most during the Master Sword Trials or the island trial. Everything else is a haze of mediocrity, it's the reason that no one can discuss shit about BotW when actual threads pop up. For all the player agency and freedom it purports to give you, you're pretty much playing the same shit as every other player unlike games like STALKER or New Vegas where actual organic and fun experiences and dialogue comes up.


It did one thing better: physics.

I really enjoyed playing with the physics and surfing on my shield around the world. However, paragliding was mediocre compared to Just Cause 3, the story was LOL compared to the Witcher 3 and the gameplay itself was a hassle. Because the weapons break so fast I always dodged enemies whenever I could. I barely fought any monsters because I wanted to keep my decent items/weapons.

I really wish I could get into it.

>getting this defensive

I haven't even played BOTW my nigga, I'm just asking why it's so praised

>"heh, if I stay it's an 8/10 instead of. 10/10 like I really believe they'll never figure out that I'm nintenshill"

Fuck off, the game is a 6/10 and deep down you fucking know it.

>hiding items needed for inventory upgrade in rocks, statues, trees, iron blocks, flowers and glowing spots
>making you fight the same recolored version of enemies (according to the terrain they're in) over and over
>"scaling" enemy spawns with your current health meter which only means they'll have more HP so you can break more weapons
>random item chests give completely random items, but all of them are useless and can be obtained somewhere else, mostly under easier circumstances
>limited crafting system and upgrade system, you can't freely craft your own stuff, you're stuck with the outfit sold by NPCs and can only change color, defense upgrades are limited to 4 times
>no reason to ever replay it in your life once you finish doing all the relevant stuff (aka shrines)

"revolutionized" the genre, yeah

>Sure, if BotW is your first open world game like it is for many Nintenbros it's probably decent but if you have played shit like Skyrim back in 2011 you will find it tiresome at best.
Skyrim was the biggest disappointment of its generation.
Zelda on the other hand was in comparison reminiscent of playing Morrowind.

third post best post

these threads are just getting cringey at this point

It removed mission markers and practically all obligations besides the first hour's "tutorial" section. You can literally do anything, any time, any how you want.

It also found a way to deal with unbalanced enemy/weapon stats early and end-game with its simultanous breaking weapons + auto-leveling gear AND enemies systems.

And on top of that, it removes boundaries by making almost anything climbable.

>you can literally do anything
you mean find more weapons, break them so you can travel farther to find korok seeds and expand your inventory for carrying more breakable stuff?

It's like a card game where you destroy your deck after each match. Is that "freedom" supposed to be fun?

>hiding items needed for inventory upgrade in rocks, statues, trees, iron blocks, flowers and glowing spots
the game encourages you to explore and investigate the world. that's a subjective criticism
>making you fight the same recolored version of enemies (according to the terrain they're in) over and over
literally every fantasy RPG does this. Does this make Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, every Dragon Quest game and so many others bad? or is it just an easy way of creating an enemy with predictable, learnable traits, only to create variations of that to catch the player off-guard
>"scaling" enemy spawns with your current health meter which only means they'll have more HP so you can break more weapons
progressive difficulty and weapon durability are again entirely subjective criticisms
>random item chests give completely random items, but all of them are useless and can be obtained somewhere else, mostly under easier circumstances
if you find a fucking chest by accident, how is that any easier/more difficult than encountering it through the environment? that's fucking retarded
>limited crafting system and upgrade system, you can't freely craft your own stuff, you're stuck with the outfit sold by NPCs and can only change color, defense upgrades are limited to 4 times
I agree that stuff like arrows and weapons should be craftable, but there are WAY more outfits than the ones the NPCs sell you. you can't have progressed further than the first area if you think this way.
>no reason to ever replay it in your life once you finish doing all the relevant stuff (aka shrines)
again, entirely subjective. Korok seeds, DLC and completing the in-game completion percentage are all pretty fun imo.

Does anyone have an actual, genuine criticism towards this game that isn't opinion based?


It is the first open world game Ninroodypoos played so they think that nonsense.

It didn't change open world games, it took them back to when they were good. No doted lines, no gps arrow, just contextual clues based on landmarks and observation and then it trusts you with charting your own courses, following your wanderlust to wherever you want to go and doing literally only what you want to do. You can finish the game at any time and everything you do between leaving the plateau and facing off against Ganon is entirely up to you.

>le humorous triviliazation post
Nope. You can go and do anything you want, how you want. Period.

Weapon degration has nothing to do with it, and besides ADD kids whining about it all the time, it ultimately makes the game better and more dynamic.

Can I piss inside Zelda's pussy?


Then I can't do anything I want, Nintenbro.

>it took them back to when they were good

Name them.


what a faggot

Fallout 1-2 and New Vegas, Morrowind

Can't you do whatever you want in every game? Isn't that how games work?
Like of course there are things you can't do in BOTW it just gives you a sense of freedom and that's what you appreciate.

By not being garbage, you mouth breather.

I probably wouldn't phrase it like that. But if I was to answer your question anyway.
It took a lot of things, that by themselves aren't that special and have been in numerous games before. But it added all of them and packed them into one single game with all the things present all at once.
And then it refined on the concepts further for better or worse.

Name 13 games where you can urinate inside a female's genitals. I'm waiting.

>Can't you do whatever you want in every game? Isn't that how games work?
Only to a degree, but most other games do dictate how and when you get to perform certain actions.

Games like GTA and Witcher for example love to limit you inside a single area until you have moved far enough in the story quests. You may also be limited to shitty rookie gear and skills if you don't push forward. And the whole idea of being able to run from the very start to the very end / end-boss of the game is something fairly unique, to the point I can only name three games that allow you to do this: original Fallout, STALKER:SoC, and Zelda BotW.

On top of that, BotW has dozens of quite fancy "simulations" applied into the game that keep the world feel living and dynamic. The simplest examples are the weather elements, including wind and fire simulations, and how you can utilize these variables in numerous ways. Many other games, open-world ones included, tend to keep stuff like weather as merely visual statuses, with little to no effect on the gameplay.

>the game encourages you to explore and investigate the world. that's a subjective criticism
would be awesome if we had more freedom to craft, upgrade our characters and toss more variety in the customization department with the stuff we find by exploring
>literally every fantasy RPG does this
who the fuck ever said this was a good thing? And take a look at FF, Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger's bestiary just for comparison purposes. Just do it and I'll be waiting your reply
>progressive difficulty and weapon durability are again entirely subjective criticisms
durability systems are never good no matter how you try to justify them. No one would pick this system over regular, unbreakable weapons you can enhance and make them suit your play style. They're just lazy excuses for constant, disruptive inventory management, and that's NEVER a good thing
>if you find a fucking chest by accident, how is that any easier/more difficult than encountering it through the environment? that's fucking retarded
thing is, chests are usually hidden in shrines or at the bottom of lakes, so you have less trouble by just farming the items they're supposed to give from somewhere else, like ore deposits (easy to find), enemies and their weapons (easy as piss) and stables (all of them have a shrine nearby you can instantly travel to)
>I agree that stuff like arrows and weapons should be craftable, but there are WAY more outfits than the ones the NPCs sell you
you mean those 3-4 sets randomly hidden in shrines? The rest are available for purchase in towns or through amiibo scan
>Korok seeds, DLC and completing the in-game completion percentage are all pretty fun imo
it gets incredibly tiresome once you get past 300, either because you won't really need more slots for more breakable weapons (with that many you probably finished the game already), either because you grew up so damn tired of the same puzzles to keep doing it 600 more times

>no dotted lines no gps arrow

There's literally map markers and gps arrows for every quest except for the bring me a fried apple quests. Why are all the retards pretending there wasn't a big yellow dot telling you where to go?

If anything it was a major set back. It was just an outside walking sim. The only building to explore was castle Hyrule and that was the only highlight of the game. Terrible take on open world and Zelda. I hope they don't fuck up the next one.

You're retarded. The only time anything of value is marked on your map is when Impa tells you where the main villages are. How to get there is entirely up to you and the villages only serve as starting points for the various main quests, and Impa knowing where the major Goron/Rito/Gerudo/Zora towns are and telling you that information makes sense in the context of the game.

>It removed mission markers and practically all obligations besides the first hour's "tutorial" section. You can literally do anything, any time, any how you want.

There's lots of RPG's that allow you to do anything you want in those games

None of those games play like BotW.

And if you're a truly adventurous soul like me, you can easily waste over 20 hours before even meeting Impa.

I just played Oblivion for the first time and instead of going to the first quest location I just ran around killing people until I joined the dark brotherhood and got paid to kill people.

Pretty much way more in depth than botw. Because I did whatever I wanted. Instead of running to generic town, marked on the map btw, to fight generic boss that was in the shortest dungeon possible.

>There's lots of RPG's that allow you to do anything you want in those games
Name some, so we can start comparing and dissecting them.

what else lets you paraglide onto a horse
i don't own a switch or zelda
im genuinely curious

i've played skyrim, fallout 4, and other open world games and none of those held my attention for at least a few hours. i don't know what it is about this game but it's fucking fantastic. dunno about the rest of Sup Forums but this is the first game new game this year that i've completed and i've wanted to complete again.

What other games give you the one and only tool in the game right after the tutorial the lie and fool you into believing that there's more when all you get is a paraglider?

So you didn't do the first oblivion quest, and did whatever you want. Then you did the first BOTW quest, instead of doing whatever you wanted? You didn't have to go to that town. You didn't have to fight that boss. You can do whatever you want.

Pretty much this, and you can add all Far Crys, AssCreeds, etc to the list.
BotW ain't the only game I've enjoyed and finished in the past years, but definitely one of the more immersive, all around captivating ones out there. Like literally waking up to the reality at 4AM, when I was sure it would be merely something like 9PM, having started way earlier.

Dunno, maybe it's the atmosphere combined with the overall very un-patronizing style of the game. No fancy intro cinematics, no main menu and difficulty selection... the moment you boot the game, you're in the game. Kinda threw me off guard at first.

Scores have nothing to do with how perfect something is, especially when you consider nothing is perfect. Just think to your favorite games and you'll realize they all have flaws, unless you're blinded by nostalgia

BotW is a phenomenal game that has flaws just like any game, but what it does well is so good that it deserves a 10/10 score, which should be reserved for only the best games. If BotW isn't a "best game" I don't know what is

When did the game lie about any other tools?

But it was just killing trash mobs for no purpose other than replenishing my weapon stock and filling in the map. So after I got bored with exploring and walk simulating I had to do something. At least I got something from the boss. Even tho it was just one skill and a weapon, that broke really fast, no xp or armor.


for a second i thought you were making fun of me since you listed assassin's creed and farcry lmao. (both were ubisoft games) no but yeah i agree with you 100%.

>this is the first game new game this year that i've completed
you're just an ultra casual who can only play easy button-mashy games like zelda

games that allow you do to anything you want: GTA, Postal, Saint's Row, Far Cry, Minecraft, Terraria, Watch Dogs, Just Cause

open world games that allow you to do want you want and the world responds to it, Elder Scrolls up until about Oblivion, west coast Fallouts, Baldur's Gate, Witcher, Gothic

Its the only game that gets easier the longer you play, and bosses begin to not fucking matter

only revolutionized what it did (in my opinion) that you can really make your own story (sort of)
unlike in other open world games, you can go straight to the endboss to defeat him (except the tutorial area, that's mandatory)
that's at least mine opinion

maybe that and also the fact that i've been playing tf2, rocket league, and minecraft with my friends the entire year. i'm tryna play wolfenstein: tno right now too.

nah, just listing some of the better known yet overrated stuff that people do compare BotW to nowadays. Even more so with the superficial similarity of using climbable towers as kind of progression method.

>games that allow you do to anything you want: GTA, Postal, Saint's Row, Far Cry, Minecraft, Terraria, Watch Dogs, Just Cause
In many of those (GTA, Saint's Row, Witcher, Postal...), you are literally penned into a smaller area and capabilities until you proceed far enough in an obligatory mission queue. Missions that also tend to be very specific about their nature, and limit you into some kind of "mission area" to boot.

Without cheating, it's literally impossible to finish those games without spending a lot of time doing carefully scripted set of missions. You may be able to go to many places fairly soon, but you are either greeted with absolutely "nothing" that'd truly benefit you, or even various artificial restrictions and walls.

This is where Zelda breaks old molds. If you are smart and git gud, you can proceed anywhere, at any time, and totally "break" the game so to say.

The GTA games in general also don't have linear missions, they don't confine you to mission areas and they tend to have lots of solutions to solve those mission because of the games open nature.

Take San Andreas for example, there are lots of ways you can use the environment to complete a mission. You can do a drive by from a car, go on foot, use a vehicle and get out of it for cover, search for supplies throughout the map instead of buying it, or take the jetpack or a tank and steamroll the objective.

>Take San Andreas for example
Was the height of GTA?
Why did things go downhill from there? GTA V is still cool to mess around with but it's not the same.

>Oh goodie, that means you can explore all of what the game has to offer within the first couple of hours.
I have 205 hours clocked into the game, plot finished ages ago, and I'm still finding brand new places and features I didn't even knot to exist. It's just insane how large, open, yet content-packed this game is. And it's cunningly distracting as well - more than just a few times I've been on my merry way to do [important task], only to notice something interesting, resulting miles long detours and unplanned adventures of varying styles and endings.

>GTA games in general also don't have linear missions, they don't confine you to mission areas
it might've changed in GTA5, but I still count anything from GTA3 through 4 in my head, most of which do limit your play area and available options greatly in the beginning.

SA is already an improvement in this sense, but even it is a slave to its pre-determined goals and gameplay restrictions. Vehicles for examples are pretty much just momentarily equipment with their own limitations, and it's hard or even impossible to dynamically combine them with other details of the game. Walls are still walls, et cetera.

If anything, BotW is perhaps closest to MGSV of all things with its numerous integrated systems and pure "TECHNOLOGY" you can utilize and exploit. And the best thing is, you get practically all your basic skills and tools right in the beginning; you are never cut out from any place or unable to continue simply because you'd be missing an item or skill.

imo gta v's biggest problems were the body physics and the fact the missions are too scripted

the body physics are really wonky, you'll fall over after hitting a fence or a wall and will stay down for several seconds and it ruins chases. San Andreas's chases are much chaotic and open in what you can do. The only thing I would say that's better in V's chases are the AI and the cooldown periods

>And take a look at FF, Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger's bestiary just for comparison purposes
I mean yeah, obviously an RPG has more varieties of enemy by nature, but the 'different colours = different levels of strength' concept is an age old tradition as far as adventure games go. It's not as if they don't do anything with it either, as the elemental varieties add a strengths/weaknesses dynamic to combat. I'm on the fence with this point if I'm honest because yeah, I agree that there could be more, but I wouldn't say it's a major flaw because in total it still has nearly 50 different common enemies.

>durability systems are never good no matter how you try to justify them. No one would pick this system over regular, unbreakable weapons you can enhance and make them suit your play style. They're just lazy excuses for constant, disruptive inventory management, and that's NEVER a good thing
why the fuck would they want a lazy "excuse" for "disruptive inventory management"? the game offers a great deal of weapons of different strengths and different qualities, which gives you a huge variety. If you constantly kept collecting powerful weapons that never broke, you'd be fucking invincible. There's no challenge or fun in being constantly powerful, then finding random ore (which is everywhere) to boost yourself even further. A world empty of any weapons besides special ones you find is boring as fuck.

>thing is, chests are usually hidden in shrines or at the bottom of lakes, so you have less trouble by just farming the items they're supposed to give from somewhere else
How difficult is pulling a chest out of the water? And if a chest in a shrine is something you value over the obvious goal of the Spirit Orb then that's also subjective.

>you grew up so damn tired of the same puzzles to keep doing it 600 more times
none of the Korok puzzles are the same. There's different variations but not all of the Koroks even emerge from puzzles.