How does NintendoGA/v/ feel about this?

How does NintendoGA/v/ feel about this?

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It'll be just another day.

See you in a year once switch does the same thing:)

But I'm playing my PS4 right now

Do you have more of these?

lol. It won't.

You sure about that?

2020 is still 3 years away. PS4 is only halway through its cycle. It came out 3 years ago.

>22 million

Please, I beg you! Please delete this!!

No. Sorry. I found it in a random Sup Forums thread like a month ago. To be fair, the Wii would rape. I think.

The Dreamcast died WAY too young. But then again, by that time SEGA couldn't make a good decision even if they'd had the hand of God shoved up their assholes using them as puppets and forcing them to make good decisions.

Not really. Wii only sold 101 million. PS3 sold 89 million before they stopped counting 3 years ago, it even though it ended production a few months ago, and still got many games well into this year. The gap really wouldn't be as big.

Also, Gen 5 would show a similar graph.

Yeah, I'm sure. People think it's gonna happen but they're sony drones so they'll believe anything.

I think that this money should have gone to the workers, not the fat cat bourgeois-management class.

kind of hot


Well, what are the 5 consoles in the article?

and the fifth?

Needless to say, 2 of the consoles in the PlayStation home console line broke past it, and the 3rd came awfully close, and that was a disaster. What's stopping the PS4 from doing the same?


Whoop, ate the DS


I'm genuinely curious about the fifth.


>101 million
Does that include that insipid $100 "Basic" version from a few years ago that had some Mario game pre-installed but no internet connectivity or something retarded?

either NES or SNES I think

Kirby...what are you doing to yourself?

NES. Thing was stupid popular. Hell, mine's still hooked-up, too.

>dfc intelligence

Are there fanboy wars over stuff life fastfood? Do people post McDonald's sales numbers and ask how to Burger King fags feel about these?

I didn't think I would be saying this but I think I liked the pee pee poo poo memes more then these.

Yes, it includes everything. They're official numbers from Nintendo.

NES was just over 60 million
SNES was over 40, like 47 million.
GB+GBC was 80 million.
N64 was around 37 million.
GBA like 60 million.

It was not a Nintendo console. Only Nintendo consoles to break past 100 million were the Blue Ocean ones.


what was the 3DS? could it have been that? or maybe the PSP

3DS is currently at 67 million
PSP hit just over 80 million iirc, and I know it's not the Vita, it sold like 30 million, which disastrous for a handheld.

>GB+GBC was 80 million.
Quit lying

>and I know it's not the Vita, it sold like 30 million
Vita sold like half of that

Ahh, alright, there it is then. Musta been the GB alone that sold 80 then.

Vita outsold the WiiU which sold 14 million.

>dfc intelligence

>Vita outsold the WiiU which sold 14 million.
Exactly, that's still half of 30 million

Nobody cares what you think.

I'm amazed that I forgot about those, and I'm even more amazed that I'm agreeing with you.

Im a doof, can someone just explain to me what this actually means? What is install base?

Bow imagine it was not Sony in the lead for sales. Imagine it's Nintendo consistently.

>15 million
Man, what a miserable console.


>Cheaper than the cheapest dvd player with playing games as a bonus

The ones that are hurt the most by Sony's current success, aren't Nintendo fans or anyone else. It's Sony fans.

Remember when you didn't have to pay to play online?
Remember when the instant games collection wasn't utter crap?
Remember when PS+ was cheaper?
Remember when didn't screw you out of last gen options for cross-gen games or games developed for the last gen alternative?
Remember when game and hardware sales were more important than paid subscriptions?

It took a long time to get there, but Sony really turned the PS3 around had an incredibly good thing going on. When they decided to launch the PS4 the PS3 was at an all time success in a way that was still growing. And what did they do? They chose to shit all over the PS3, and charge for an entirely new system that was more restrictive and offered less and or did things worse than the PS3. With such amazing titles such as, all those games that were developed for the PS3.

The success of the PS4 just means that things will never get better again. Of course, you'll just call me a complete drone of Nintendo or something. Because you're no doubt just a console warring shitposter as opposed to an actual Sony fan.
I fucking hate this videogame generation. Everything went downhill.

>all Sony products in the top 10 minus the Vita
>PS4 already beaten SNES

>b-but Sony

What's funny is that the PS4 will likely boot the Wii out of the top 5.

>PS4 thread
>Sony did -
>Yeah so Sony -

>b-but Sony

just your average sonyfag and his cringeworthy role playing

Sonyfag just kill yourself

MUH DVD PLAYER!!!!1111!!!11!!!!!ONE!!!!1!!!UNO!!!!!1!1!

Why does the date of publication matter?

>How does NintendoGA/v/ feel about this?
Delighted. The best and most purely vidya-focused least gimmicky console of the generation is also the best selling and most widely liked. Hopefully this will push both Microsoft and Nintendo someday to try competing that way, which would be good for us all. Sony earned this one and the market rewarding the best is how things should work.

It's also good from a market perspective because the only one at risk of vanishing was Sony. Microsoft of course has infinite money press, even Nintendo has no problems with plenty of profit off their IPs. Sony was having huge troubles though and PS3 was a big blunder that they had to work very hard to recover from. The PS4 doing well preserves 3 competitors going forward.

Nice Aneurysm

So here is the thing user, Sony Microsof, Nintendo or valve, whoever sits on top, what difference do you think that makes to ANY of what you just said? Before PS2 Nintendo and Sega were not making BC consoles. Microsoft had already made paid online the norm. I believe Nintendo are ALSO charging for an online service that MS started as a fashionable idea right? Nintendo used to be a company that said "fuck you" so often that even when you could show them a thing could make money they gave zero fucks. Remember back in 1998 there was a blockbuster just print money video game called "Resident Evil 2"? Guess who was ZERO help in brining that money maker to their platform: NINTENDO.

>To further compound Angel Studios’ challenge, his team had to first convert the game’s code from the C it was written in for the Playstation to the Assembly language used for coding on the Nintendo 64. Surprisingly, Nintendo wasn’t all that helpful during the entire affair (something that many developers working on the platform complained about) as it reportedly refused to share its own in-house microcode tools with developers, and the basic tools available suffered from poor documentation and no provided debuggers.

Point is, give ANY of these companies a chance and they will fuck you and some already HAD been for gears and years. Don't act like this is new. They all want our souls.

>the worse a console preformed, clearly the better it was as a product

>what difference do you think that makes to ANY of what you just said?
I am not excusing Nintendo or Microsoft. I just legitimately believe that fans of Sony would get considerably better deals if Sony weren't as successful as they currently are. There is clearly a balance that needs for an environment benefiting the customer to be cultivated. And rampant success with no competition is no such environment.

>shitting on the greatest console of all time
Hard to believe, that after all these years, you're still salty.

Nintendo actually keeps their profit margins reasonable.

In short, they make more money in spite of selling less consoles.

Ultimately the Playstation business model isn't really sustainable in the long term. The only reason they can stay competitive is because of Sony's other divisions.

I dunno user, Nintendo has been shitting the bed for two decades now and they've only gotten worse.

June 12, 2008

>In the United States, MGS4 was the best-selling game in Jun 2008 selling 774,600 copies (nearly one million if the number of copies bundled with the PS3 console were included), causing PS3 sales to double over the previous month, according to the NPD Group.

>As of Dec 2009, the game had sold over 5 million copies worldwide, as stated on page 5 of Konami's 3rd Quarter Financial Results. This milestone labeled it as the best-selling PS3 exclusive until the release of GT5. MGS4: Guns of the Patriots is now one of the Platinum range of bestselling games.

>On May 21, 2014, Ryan Payton, a former employee of Kojima Productions who worked on MGS4, stated that the game has sold 6 million copies.

September 1, 2015

>MGSV: The Phantom Pain shipped 3 million physical copies within its first five days of release, across all platforms.

>The game cost $80 million to make, meaning that developers Konami need to sell another 2 or 3 million before the costs are made back, according to an estimate by Forbes.
>On its release date the game grossed US$179 million.

>Most of the players bought the game on PS4, according to numbers from the GfK Chart. PS4 accounted for 72 percent of all sales, with Xbox One representing 22 percent and PS3 and Xbox 360 making up the rest.

>The GfK chart only tracks the UK and traditional ways of buying the game. That means that it doesn’t account for Steam, which lets people buy games on their PCs, or PSN or Xbox Live sales.

>MGSV was the most successful launch for the series in the UK, beating out the previous record holder, MGS2: Sons of Liberty on the PS2, by 37 percent.

>By the end of December 2015, the game had shipped 6 million copies.

Jun 13, 2016

>Death Stranding is an upcoming action video game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PS4.

How does he do it?

>everything about this post

I had no idea that it sold that low, would explain why sony isn't making handhelds anymore

Nintendo pretty much follow the same pattern though.
The Wii was a huge success.
The Wii U was awful.
And now they've got a success again with the Switch.

This. I love my N64, i really think the N64 is an ICONIC console, but i also don't think the platform matters, the industry just is what the industry is. You can pretend "if we just went back to before EVERYONE wanted to play video games we would be fine" but even then it was cut throat and stingy. Even people without Nintendo consoles, we ALL had Nintendo products (usually the gameboy) and we loved what they made there dearly, but we all knew they were a bit "disney" too.

>The only reason they can stay competitive is because of Sony's other divisions.
That's the other way around. PS+ subscriptions are carrying Sony's other divisions

There was a really informative image floating around a while back about how, despite the vast differences in Gamecube and PS2 sales, Nintendo still remained competitive profit wise.

And that difference when their fortunes were reversed with Playstation 3 and Wii were staggering.

PS4 is not the success story people want you to think it is, especially after the failure of all their peripherals, new IPs, death of established franchises like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy, and services like PS Now bombing.

"Prehaps" Time will tell. Id like to say "we just want a GC2" but i also know that is hypocritical. I never owned one that was not preowned and we never really supported it like the Wii's customer base supported that. Why WOULD Nintendo want to ever do that?

>And now they've got a success again with the Switch
Too early to tell still. You're delusional.

That nintendo makes more money is the truth user.

Just imagine nintendo didn't sold the ds and the wii at lost. They made money out of it and still have fucking 8 billion reserves.

While Sony is only alive thanks to their business in the insurance branche

Horse shit. Ludicrous fucking horse shit. I mean sure, you could talk about MS/Nintendo fans being hurt by Sony succeeding and at least have some argument. But Sony WAS FLAT OUT IN DANGER OF BANKRUPTCY. Yeah that was mostly due to stuff outside the entertainment division of course (beyond the massive capex of the Cell dev), but even so they really needed a major success, spinning off dying stuff can only take a company so far. Restructuring costs money, and if things look gloomy lenders and investors treat it differently even for the exact same level of revenue, which can trigger death spirals. If the PS4 had bombed, or even merely been in a dead heat (and on economic basics it should have if MS hadn't been retarded), Sony would be in huge trouble. How the fuck can you in any way argue that "Sony fans" would be helped by that?

Most of the rest of your post is bullshit too due to lack of context. "Paid online" is a huge bugaboo by Sup Forums but is a dumb one, because old "free" PS online sucked and naturally so, it was an open ended cost commitment that wasn't paid for. That's not sustainable without cheaping the fuck out. PS+ is like $45/year, $4/month. In a $/hr value, at least at current rates and given what is given, the pricing for online is more then reasonable. Obviously that could change in the future, but it's not an actual issue yet.

>Remember when didn't screw you out of last gen options for cross-gen games or games developed for the last gen alternative?
No. I have no idea what you even mean here in fact.

>Remember when game and hardware sales were more important than paid subscriptions?
They still are?

You are absolutely delusional you crazy kid.


100 million sales and exactly one exclusive. And Apple announced last year they've sold over a billion iPhones. That doesn't mean the actual product's any good.

I don't care who does well in the industry i just don't want them having a monopoly because if either of them do we will have always online form for real or 599+ and ridge racer! Again since they know they can completely fuck us. Competition is good for consumer like us.

We should all hope they do well and companies like ea and Ubisoft die in a fiery grave.

>That nintendo makes more money is the truth user.
Uh, what truth? Last report, Nintendo had operating income of around 33 billion yen on ¥505 billion revenue. Sony had ¥289 billion operating income on ¥7.6 trillion in revenue (divide by like 113 for number of trumpbux). You'll notice the latter numbers are higher then the former.

Shit user, these are both traded companies. They issue financial reports, this stuff isn't some cloak-and-dagger secret or something you need to go on rumors by you could just go to their sites and look it the fuck up. Or Google Finance or whatever. How do you get "that nintendo makes more money is the truth"? For fucks sake.

>"Paid online" is a huge bugaboo by Sup Forums but is a dumb one, because old "free" PS online sucked and naturally so, it was an open ended cost commitment that wasn't paid for.
Dude. The vast majority of the games are either doing peer to peer and or using their own servers.
The games actually using Sony's servers, or Microsoft's servers in the case of the Xboxes for that matter as well, are by far the minority.

Meaning that paying for online has no damn effect on your online experience.

Console Wars are dumb. Why can't we get along? We all like videogames.

Vita sold roughly half that at a little over 15mi

million sales and exactly one exclusive
>*all those other 100+ exclusives and 400 someodd console exclusives don't count though!
do you actually think such blatant lies even accomplish anything?


Really makes you think don't it

fifa machine

>muh sales
I guess thats all the Sonybros have considering that they have no games to play.

You are hurt and your console and games are and will ever be irrelevant


PS online sucked for me on the PS3 and now it apparently doesn't. Something has improved on Sony's side as far as I can tell, even if it's just a matter of whatever does use their servers or whatever devs they're paying to maintain the PS4's network stack and cloud links and work with devs on making their own stuff work better.

Sure, that may be quite a modest amount. By the same token I'm PAYING quite a modest amount, specifically less then $4 a month. I simply find it inconceivable that someone who could acquire a PS4 in the first place and TV, pay for internet and electricity and food, and have the free time to play vidya, could make the stink Sup Forums does over $4/month. I mean, obviously a lot of you do, but I just can't wrap my mind about it. I work in tech and even very minimal cloud support stuff isn't free, and one of the biggest blunders I've seen a lot of naive tech companies make is to have ANY recurring cost get offered to a potentially unbounded audience for an unbounded time. It almost always goes bad in the end. At this point I genuinely prefer the honesty of just paying for it directly and cheaply rather then paying for it some other way. I prefer subs for MMOs over F2P too for what it's worth.

Lmao you two are why we make fun of Sonybros

>Blatant lies
As of now the only exclusive games on the Playstation 4 system worth half a shit are:
Let it Die

And I'm reaching with Nioh and REALLY FUCKING REACHING with Let it Die being worth a shit. Everything else either has a PS3 version (Yakuza 0, P5) or is straight up trash like Horizon and TLG.

I agree with that, but this IS Sup Forums on Sup Forums

>nintendo switch
>4 millions
I can't believe how hard it flopped. Less than the fucking atari 7800.
Nintendo is dead.

But I see this shit outside Sup Forums, even in normalfag platforms such as Facebook.
I just get sad every day I come here, maybe because we had no consolewars in my country. Arguing over a company's profits like they worked for them, exclusives or lack thereof, and specs seems petty. What games do you people actually like, anons?
But you know, I'm here forever.


>How do you get "that nintendo makes more money is the truth"?
because we were talking about the console business. Not about the thing, how much income a purely gamemaking company compared to a corporation/concern.

Nintendo makes more money with each consoles they sold compared to sony. That´s what I said.

I fucking supported the shit out of the gamecube.
And it was awesome.
I feel sad for the people that couldn't experience it back then.

It's bizarre that it's selling so well given the lack of good games, but I bought one too for Bloodborne so I guess I can't complain.

Nintendo doesn't have billions in debts, Dumbo niggerino.

>Nintendo fanboys getting ass ravaged by low quality shitposting.

>just a few years ago Sup Forums was memeing there would never be a PS4
>ends up being one of the most successful consoles ever created

>As of now the only exclusive games on the Playstation 4 system worth half a shit are:
>"worth half a shit"
aka, the most retarded and tiresome goalpost shift back peddling on already very retarded console warring threads. By that logic any console at all could be claimed to have "[arbitrary n] exclusives" or for that matter "zero exclusive". AND EVEN YOU aren't bothering to try to defend "exactly one exclusive", you listed 3.

The only objective fact is that the PS4 currently has over 100 full on exclusives and a pile more that are "Sony exclusive" (as in, they were released on the PS3 or Vita as well), many of which have been very highly rated in general or by whatever niche likes them. There is yet another bigger pile of ones that are also on the PC, but having the only console version is still a win since the overlap between console gamers and PC gamers is very far from 100%.

You can certainly go by your own bullshit when it comes to "why I don't like the PS4" but when talking about the market the opinion of everyone else by definition matters. How is the hard for you to get?