What about this game ?


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A pile of fecal matter that tasteless retards can't get enough of.

Bought it when I was drunk last night because it seemed like a lot of fun. You spend almost all of your time running around barren fields not seeing any other players. Not nearly as fun as it seemed on the store page. Refunded.

>early access

best game around right now if you like mil-sim mechanics but dont have the patience to mod arma 3
you either have to be into BR games or mil-sims or you wont get much out of it likely
also worst game if youre a generic Sup Forums poster

I hate duo and solo, but squads is fun.
It's like fast food, once in a while pretty good.
Might get better once they will have a first person only mode.
Oh yeah, and it got plent of updates for content and performance, so Sup Forums was wrong yet again.


It's fun.

I like solo and duo a lot.


early access streamerbait trash.

third person seeing everything round corners defeats the purpose of the game to me also, looks janky as fuck

Kinda fun for a few games, but quickly gets stale and boring due to the lack of anything interesting to do.

h1z1 v2
if u paid money for that shit consider suicide faggot

It's the best battle royale game. If you don't like battle royale games, you won't like it. If you do, you'll like it. It's as simple as that

Seems like it could be fun if they introduced a game mode that limits everyone to first person and either actually did something with the massive game world or made it smaller. 100ish players is not nearly enough for an arcade experience on that gigantic map. There's no reason for it to be that large currently.

Pretty fun
Needs more content right now, as well as some optimization.
After 20 hours I'm getting kinda bored

>more content
Like what?

I have 330 hours and I want to play all the time. All they can add is more weapons.

Perhaps another map?

I have no idea how bullets work in this game, it doesn't help that the collision meshes are inaccurate so you end up shooting bullets into invisible walls

Pretty fun with friends and alone if you don't play like a little panzy. Make no mistake, the only way to play this game is to go balls to the wall and hunt motherfuckers down.

People shitting on it for being stream bait probably haven't played it and are just spewing whatever hot memes they saw posted on the 4chins.

The developers also add a lot of new content every month. This includes new guns, vehicles, weather effects, and animations. Its early access done right.

It is honestly worth it for $30.

They're working on two.

Desert map is 4x4 km and more cqc based that should be in a couple months probably. Snow map is likely.

>It's like fast food
This, its fast and simple, pretty good if you're just looking for an adrenaline hit

I play with friends and they always insist on just avoiding people even though we would kill them easily. Defensive play is so boring.

what your steam name

They need a night time mode.

More guns would be nice, I would love to see some higher-caliber pistols, like a .500 Magnum
More vehicle varity, maybe a jeep with a LMG on it?
I wanna go full retard and add Bazookas and grenade launchers, bayonets,
More Melee weapons, once again full retard with Katanas, Axes, Swords, maces
More Armors we got EOD suits, Kevlar suits, Full suits of plate armor, Samurai armor.
This, add Flashlights, Night Vision, Flashbangs!
There is so much they can do!

Last 3 matches I played:

>Fuck up my drop, miss my marker by like 2 squares. Proceed to loot nearest barren house and come out with only a pistol. Circle spawns across the universe. Spend the rest of the match running until I get sniped from a window I couldn't see.

>Land at the same location as another player. Grab the shotgun and cackle as he tries to punch me and I blow his brains out. Proceed to get ran over by a truck

>Land in the circle in an upstairs apartment complex. Hide for ~10 mins while I keep hearing people walk downstairs but don't come up. Finally get the balls to raid a building to get better gear and get splattered by an AKM.

It's pretty gud but I suck.

it's shit

I really hate night maps usually. Everyone just turns up gamma. Usually it's no fun anyway. Hated it in Insurgency.

I really love the Dusk mode they added in the last monthly. They could do a early morning one that's still kinda dark I would be alright with that, but full night mode I don't care for.

Not worth $30 fucking dollars on.
>B-but my free for all!
Name one thing on this game that I can do that I can't do on Gmod.

Yeah they're playing wrong. Whenever I play solo or with friends we always run towards gunfire in hopes to catch two teams fighting and pick off the winner or take them as they fight. Of course shit goes wrong sometimes and we end up wiping or losing a few guys but thats all part of the fun.

Driving around in a car in the last 20 or so people for better circle positioning is the way to go as well. I think too many people ditch their cars way too soon.

stop shilling cancer



Too much camping and sniping

>Bazookas and grenade launchers
>Katanas, Axes, Swords, maces
> EOD suits, Kevlar suits, Full suits of plate armor, Samurai armor

Please, please, please keep your garbage ass opinions away from this game.

I'm all for more content but keep it realistic and not full retard

i will tell you why nu-Sup Forums dislikes this game
>cannot handle pure gameplay
>cannot into quick-thinking improvisation
>no imagination to just think that a person just camps and there is nothing else in between
>no QTEs to hold hand
>no cinematics to hold habd
>it isn't like new spiderman game
>no story to hold hand
>completely unscripted

it's almost like Sup Forums did a complete 180 with this game. this is the sort of pure gameplay, no cinematics/QTE sort of game that requires improvisational skills that Sup Forums wanted. i don't understand why people do not like it
>hurrr twitch this twitch that
i've literally never sat through or even skimmed any stream from any game. the only one i know i this nigger called "soda poppin'" because this retarded filipino shit who only plays WoW and CSGO talks about it constantly. there was even one nigger in a previous thread who made at least 10+ posts, and the nigger actually admitted that he didn't even have the game and was going off what he saw on internet videos. i don't know why some of you left your spiderman thread

it's better than dota

post playtimes and/or screenshots of your highest placement. Sup Forums is usually very quick to do so, but the previous thread only saw one (1) person post their playtime


not original arma 3 wanna be garbage

It's just a battle royale shooter, dude.
Stop letting buzzwords cloud your vision.

you forgot
>no waifus

Its futile to try and convince those kinds of retards to actually check out the game themselves instead of parroting shitposts.

As this poster said this game is just pure gameplay. Sup Forums should be all about it but shitposters gonna shitpost.

there is literal zero crafting. don't you watch your little streams and youtube videos? you would know that there isn't any crafting

There's no crafting, it's not open world. It's a 100 person deathmatch game. It's one of the purest game experiences that exists now.

Sorry there are no unlockable weapons or achievements or speedruns for you to aut-out about.

nu-Sup Forums hates waifus. you make a caucasian girl with light colored hair, and you got yourself a waifu

>when you land in the middle of the circle in a one of the most remote places of the map and just hold the stairs for four circle closes

Maximum comfy

* this game is just pure garbage

and fuck off back to plebbit please, thanks

the point is that when those tags combine on steam it's literal cancer. and yeah I just checked it's not crafting, it's survival, equally cancer. It's what we've all hated for some time here on Sup Forums but this time it's for real good right? just cause m-muh battle royale

>Sorry there are no unlockable weapons
pls -- these sorts of niggers are too lazy to unlock weapons. they want overpowered, paid DLC weapons


>team based
>"open world"

congratulations, you've let the hate consume you. You're one of those people who parrot first impressions and assumptions like it's fact

i hope you're proud of yourself

You don't speak for me you fucking faggot. Guess how I know you're new?

if it's 'survival' every multiplayer FPS in the world is 'survival'
steam tags are community driven, which means they're frequently inaccurate and occasionally flat out wrong
you're wrong, stop fucking trying so hard

how is it not open world? just cause they confine you to an area? it's still a wide open area. open world just means not corridors like CoD. you're arguing semantics.

Kill yourself dude. Seriously, all you're doing is looking at buzzwords and then forming your opinion based on them.

>i hope you're proud of yourself
oh, he is. he's getting paid to do so. kek i wonder who it is because xbone/bethesda/zenimax pays people to shit on sony and nip games. is it sony this time? they've been saltier than ever lately

So it's a bad game because it's tagged as survival on steam?
Some rock solid criticism you got there, user.






Starting to believe the shills are the ones negatively attacking it because it's always the same responses.

I think Sup Forums just can't handle that it's a casual $30 game and think everyone plays it think they are pro gamers or some shit. There is a ton of shit out there for $60 which gets a pass.

the game allows you to play however you want. besides, you'll likely die if you stay in the same place for the whole game due to the play circle

Does it feel smooth or is it like a clunky Arma mod?

What the fuck is your definition of open world? Its literally a map that you play on. If you consider this game open world then literally any game where you move around at all is open world you mouth breathing, piss sucking, twat waffling, commode licking, shit eating, utter moron.

>how is it not open world? just cause they confine you to an area?

Were you born this stupid or do you actively work at it?

>it's always the same responses
this -- but i personally think someone is paying them to do so

play on asia servers

jeez I didnt wanna reply to the original bait but I had to this one: its 5% gameplay and 95% something else

>map is big
>map isn't big

very rarely are people just waiting in building forever.

They make a preemptive decision to forgo looting and go ahead to a place where they might think people will visit.

I have a pretty good memory so if I see where people dropped I can do a decent job assuming their path to the next zone and I position myself accordingly

If they fix first person and add a first person only game mode, then the game will be top tier

>being able to see shit that your player model can't see

>open world just means not corridors like CoD
Open level design =/= open world
I bet you're on of those tards who call everything a MOBA.
>you're arguing semantics
When you're judging a game based on what it's categorized as, you better categorize it correctly.

Pro tip: avoid buildings after the early game loot stage. Unless you're severely hard up for loot there's not really a point to going in them. If you absolutely have to, run around the outside first and look through the windows. Another option is to fire off a few rounds at nothing in particular, if someone is in the house they will most likely peek or move around so you can hear them.

its a perfect opportunity for people who dont like playing video games but want to feel like being part of some meme

it's already a thing.

my biggest issue is the fact that FPV and TPV have 2 entirely different positions.
on screen you'll see TPV is higher than FPV, so where you may think you're shooting well above an obstacle, FPV is the real position and you're shooting a concrete barrier

Please elaborate, assmaster. Since you have obviously played the game what makes up that other 95% and how is it not gameplay?

I'm on the edge of my seat to hear you mumble and drool out your response.

is the game running a lot better for anyone else lately? i stopped playing and went back to it late last week and it seems to run a lot better now. actually kind of impressed seeing how it was before

pic related: no one to blame but myself because i died outside the play area. i saw him and started shooting, but he just ran. that's what he meant by running. fucker didn't even take a single shot at me. just a reminder that when the circle gets really small when there are less than 5 people or so, you're not actually IN the circle even though you think you are. i learned the hard way

like an Arma mod

yes and no, Solo it runs perfectly but the minute I go duo or Squad I run into the same issues as before

I dont need to play the game to see that people are just talking to their friends, looting, walking, camping ANDTHENSHOOTINGAND-back to the other stuff.

>Might get better once they will have a first person only mode.
Certain situations can be practically impossible to win because you're going up against someone who's in a spot where they can peek you in third person without you having any possible way of knowing they're there in the first place.

what about /vg/

>Rank 2
>0 Kills

Absolutely disgusting.

>for people who dont like playing video games but want to feel like being part of some meme
but that's games like spiderman, gone home, become human, tlou (not a bad game, but people who got into video games in the past five years or so think it's the best ever). people don't like PUBG because it's purely gameplay and they can't handle that


Woah guys, shh shh shhh
We need to document this
it's a rare Stage 4 CoDbabby

>I dont need to play the game

You are everything that is wrong in the world. Please just get off of this website and go play a god damned video game you jaded piece of shit.

Its popular. so Sup Forums will hate it, why even try to argue with them. the only answer you will get is "its reddit"

I personally like it. It was 30 bucks and I've more than got my money out of it already. I can play with some friends, hop in a match almost instantly and we can play. It's way better than League or CSGO or dota, overwatch tf2 hots and whatever other multiplayer game people gush about FOR ME and my group of friends. If someone is feeding in a moba, other players get mad. If theyre not trying too hard in csgo, we get frustrated. If we're losing in overwatch, it's kind of a bummer.

The odds of winning in fucking Pubg is pretty low. There can only be one team out of roughly 20 teams, and everyone is trying to win. So when someone dies or your team wipes out you don't really get frustrated because...You honestly probably werent going to win to begin with.

It's just way more relaxed and fun. Shooting people is fun. Sneaking is fun. all gameplay. No bullshit. It just works for me.

>Get a building in the middle of the circle for 10 minutes
>It's raining
>It gets hit by four different Red Zones
Ah yeah, that's the stuff.

Yes no. Lets take Reflex Arena as an example. Thats pure gameplay for continious 10 minutes that combines your knowledge, tactics and mechanical skills in 1 on 1 combat. Now you're probably going to attack me with something like DEAD GAME! Yes. Exactly because it has too much gameplay.

ALRIGHT Sup Forums


the game allows you to play however you want and that's what i really like. i was going for complete stealth that time and i'm actually really surprised i got 2nd. the times i got 5+ kills, i actually ended up lower in placement -- around top 5/top10+

Drop in a town instead of being a faggot running through fields

Auto > Double > Pump

>Early Access game

Double barrel obviously. If you can't kill someone in two shots with a shotgun you weren't close enough anyway.

And PUBG isn't pure gameplay because...

lmao 2 plane

Yeah I can understand that. I usually try to get as many kills as I can and not really care too much about winning. It is nice when it happens though.

>I don't understand why people do not like it

Sup Forums (as in a group mentality, obviously there are outliers) has never liked anything that is popular, early access, or involving twitch. The dislike of early access is completely understandable, and it is a valid argument against a game, especially when you look at the track record for early access games being abandoned. The dislike of twitch is mostly personal preference, although I do agree with it as far as streamer and twitch threads not belonging on Sup Forums. The dislike of popular games is pure contrarianism.

These are the first 3 things many people on Sup Forums see, and thus it is instantly disregarded as early access, streamer bait trash that appeals to the lowest common denominator, despite having never given it a chance.

Okay so I'm going to buy it and refund it just to be a smart boy then huh? Surely my view towards the game will be completely different after I've played it myself because in the year 2017 it is absolutely impossible to do some research and have an opinion about a video game before playing it. After all all we have access to is gaming magazines and few screenshots with glorious reviews next to them.

This. It's the reason I don't like the trench at all. In most fights lategame you can easily be dead by the time you've pumped it if the first shot didn't kill them.

its a good game shill's

nah, i've had problems with solo in the past because i play solo almost exclusively. do you think it's okay for me to try at least medium settings now? almost every other game i play is at 60+fps @ 1080p
>r9 270