People actually think this is a home console

>people actually think this is a home console
>people still don't realise it is the greatest handheld ever made

if nintendo came out with an adaptor to connect the 3DS to the TV it wouldn't become a fucking home console

I agree. Nintendo got out of the home console business.

>greatest handheld ever made
That would be the Vita.

>people actually bought that in the first place
fucking kek

The Switch isn't even close to the greatest handheld ever made. When the Switch can emulate as many systems as the Vita/PSP and more, THEN we'll talk.

That's nice, except Samus Returns is stuck on a shitty 240p screen. I would buy a Switch now instead of waiting for Prime 4 if that would just come to the damn Switch.
>but it will look like shit at 1080p!
Peace Walker on PS3 was still infinity times better than on PSP.

>waggle on the move
>greatest anything

ill wait for the 3ds successor

If it's the greatest why doesn't Sony talk about it?

I sure fucking wish that the guys that develop 3DS games will realize that. New Ace attorneys, etrians and general weebshit when?

Okay, at the moment it isn't but a few years down the line it will be when emulation is possible and we have all of the 2017 and 2018 games.
The Vita has no potential other than emulation of games that are playable elsewhere.

nice post, here's your (You)

>switch has bigger screen and better games
They have the Kernal fuck wad. It's only a matter of time

The 3DS also has a gyroscope

I'll be happy when the indie devs jump on board and Nintendo don't charge twice the price for them.
Still unsure if they will bother or not.

I know you got Minecraft and Rocket League but I mean like every indie release starts getting a Switch release rather than the super established ones.

will they release a version that can fit in a pocket? because atm it's a shitty portable

the joycons are detachable
the screen is the size of a 3ds

So is the vita in that sense
Buy a case fuck wad

>Delicate shit
>"laptop portable" aka not portable
>Can't keep a case on it at all times because joycons and the dock meaning it HAS to be exposed
>A screen protector is the only thing keeping your fat ass "portable" safe for the next five+ years
I dont care how careful and cautious you are. Fate and random chance are going to take a lot of peoples Switches away in the next 5 years because there's no good fucking way to protect.

EVERY sane person keeps a case on their phone and tablet for this exact reason. The fact that Nintendo does not have one or a design that can support an actual hard shelled case in any way is full blown pants on head retarded.

My actual portables have gone through a lot of punishment since I got the 3DS and Vita in 2012, especially since until about 2015 I was regularly working out in the wilderness for long periods of time. If I didn't have a case on the Vita or 3DS I'm sure they would be dinged to hell or broken at this point.

The Switch would never last in the lifestyle my other handhelds have. It's a shit tier handheld and a shit tier console.

Too expensive to develop those games on a console power "handheld"

They're going to IOS where it's still cheap for sure.

Nintendo markets it as a home console.

Switch has ZERO support for hard shell cases.

I thought its whole purpose and that one of its main selling points is that it's supposed to be both.

>people actually think this is a portable console
>people still don't realise it is the most mediocre home console ever made

It's battery life and size makes in impractical as a handheld

It can't fit in most pockets and you're lucky to get 4 hrs out of BotW with brightness at 1 and airplane mode on, it's abysmal

But it's also an underpowered piece of shit when docked

The Switch has an identity crisis and it is worthless trash as a result

I got my niche indie game so I'm good. There's so many first party games coming out this year that its probably for the best that indies aren't coming out just yet. They'd be best to fill in drought periods

>don't charge twice the price
Never going to happen but I can dream too.

>319 britbux for a handheld


Still has some of the best games recently released on.
You buy a console for the games not the spec of the machine.

The Switch hackers will probably go full moralfag mode and refuse to release any exploits.


vita memory card

>better games
Fanboys are most delusional "people" in this world

You people seriously need an hard shelled case? The most protection I use for almost everything is a screen filter and it's perfectly fine, how the hell are you treating your consoles.
Not even arguing in favor of the switch, not having an hard case is retarded to the nth degree, but I'm genuinely surprised. Granted, I'm really overly cautious with things, but still, I didn't think people were breaking things THAT easily.

An SD adapter came out last week.

it's too late

The quality of games are directly affected by its hardware. What the guck does the Switch even have? Everything of note is a ducking port. Zelda, Mariokart, etc. Arms was a flop because it has zero content, and Splatoon 2 looks eerily identical to Splatoon. What games are you referring to?

>300 US dollars + tax for a handheld
What a steal.

Going by your logic when it comes to splatoon, all games are ports of everything. That's retarded and hypocrite.

As it is said by the 3 000 of people that probably buy the last iphone and use like 10% of what it could do, but they need the last one because reasons.
A lot of people are always funny when it comes to not "having enough money."

It's not about protecting it from myself, it's about protecting it from any sort of eventualities.
Let's say your on a flight. Switch in bag in the overhead. You just slipped it back into the bag really quick instead of going the whole remove joycons, put them away, put the case BACK ON, all to just put it all back together once the seat belt sign turns off. Because it's a big fucking process to put it in any sort of protection after you've been playing it.
Some mook slams his 200 pound suitcase on top of your bag.

My hard shelled handhelds and devices? They'd be fine. The switch? It's fucked.

If it can't be exposed to random chance and have a good chance of surviving it's a shit handheld.

I separated Arms and Splatoon 2 because I acknowledge that they aren't poets, but I'm saying Splatoon 2 looks so close that the same experience can be captured in the original and the upgrade doesn't look worth it.

I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt and say Splatoon 2 will be godlike. That's one good non port exclusive.


The Switch has the capabilities to do proper Splatoon local multiplayer and they didn't go for it.

Pretty much all the proof we need that it's a retooling of Splatoon 1 and not from the ground up.

>Not having any sort of bag
You're not going to bring this thing on a fucking night out, course you're going to have a bag of some sort to stick it into.
I wouldn't stick a DS in my pocket any time of the day.

Fuck off
Let me give u the whole enchilada on why Sup Forums or gamers constantly needs to pick a side
>>No income to afford stuff
>>Gotta choose 1 console only
>>Choose one
>>Justify and chimpout they made the right choice

I you have no problem affording multiple ones, i bet my chink ass you wont be talking shit to other consoles.

Most guilty of this? NINTENFAGS

If I'm really going in a fight and the console is involved, my console is probably dead, hard ase or not or even gameboy or not. Otherwise, if it's put in a bag beforehand... I never had any kind of problem (..Well, actually, I had once, with a DS lite in an hard case, but these goddamn joints were probably the WORST on any portable thing, ever.)

Guess I'm just lucky except for this goddamn DS lite, I don't know.

It's true I have both a PS4 and a Switch. I'm a happy boy.


Step it up, senpai

If I can play it on my TV then it's a console.

still not an argument, desu, remember the early das of the ps4.
But then again the person you were replying to isn't much better because the point of the switch isn't what's on it right now, it's what will be on it soon. Although even port-wise, a portable Extella that isn't as terrible as the Vita one may be neat.

>Soft case
It's fucking nothing

>Soft case
It's not though, think otterbox

Still have to fully remove it to dock so it's still garbage.

No shit, it's a transport case, the only one you can keep on while you play

Mein nigger gets it. I own a PS4 and a Switch too. I admit I play tons on the Switch cos its very convenient where you can lay down a play a short session before sleeping on the comforts of your bed. But fuck off if you insist that that console has a lot of games

That is literally a lie, the battery life is fine

the Vita thusfar has been my favorite handheld. Up until now. The Switch just feels like a bigger better vita. If it can get the hyperweeb games the Vita got, it will be the GOAT. But I somehow doubt Nintendo would be cool with Criminal Girls 3 or the like.

OP here:

I have a PS4, Switch and PC. They're all great in their own way. The people that complain on this board over which games are better are mostly poorfags

How about not being a fucking child and dropping your electronics?

>can't fit in a pocket
I'll stick to the 3ds. Maybe if they make a smaller version in a year or two.

Until there's a case that can stay on my Switch in all hanheld and docked mode it's shit tier. Only one I don't care about is the kickstand mode.

This thing is more half baked than the original 3DS design.

I hope they port some of the better parts of the 3DS library to it.

It's jarring to play the 3DS then go to the Switch with it's far superior screen

Gaijin / weab detected. Love that nip brand though. Comfiest threads

>3DS lasts 3-6 hours
>somehow isn't a handheld because reasons

it survived a 1000 feet drop. im sure it can survive a 6 feet drop

Sup Forums is just cancer plain and simple. idk why i even come on here you people are scum of he earth

I own a PS4 and Switch and shit on both here for the bantz, you'd be a fool to come here for actual video game discussion

*scratches your path*

its hard when youre super autistic

And then somehow the vita is an handheld despite this.

Switch will be amazing when it gets hacked. Nintendo is too incompetent to take advantage of it.

Cool argument.

Yeah, so great, with a 2 hour battery life and too big to carry anywhere.

Holy fuck this thing is a pathetic system.

I know this is a meme did Nintendo unironically fix this? I haven't heard anyone complain about scratched Switches in months

it's a homeheld

>2 hours of straight gameplay is bad
Maybe look up from your device every once in a while?

its not anissue unless you are a retard

>Vita battery life is 3-5 hours
>New 3ds is 4-6 hours
>Switch is 3-6 hours

Woah so bad

Played 4 hours and half of straight Mario Kart 8 yesterday. Airplane mode was enough to make it last longer than a 3DS did running MK7.

Switch hype and people looking to nitpick. If you got a screen protector, the problem is irrelevant.

>have to turn off core features to increase battery life

Like I said, so good.

love my vita, but it isn't the best. but if we're talking to OP, vita is miles better than switch -- and so are GB, GBC, GBA, NDS, 3DS and PSP. switch is the true nogaems system. i go to this video game deals website once in awhile and they've actually combined the 3DS and switch section because switch always had the same games and fucking accessories on sale

>core features
sure. You're going to need that wi-fi when you're outside without a network. Retard.

Also, networks always drain the battery quickly no matter what the system is due to how it is even if you are not connected on anything. Deal with. This isn't even a switch problem.

why did you ignore this


Mine has a few scuffs there, but it seems like you would have to TRY to scratch it like pic related


The real answer.

You don't have to worry about scratches if you never take it out of its dock.

If you're in the UKprobably not, Amazon is getting them in stock on the 14th and you can preorder one now, I did that last month and been enjoying my Switch since

>greatest handheld
>less games than a ten year old phone

Some docks were warped getting close to the screen and scratching it. I have a Switch and I've gotten no scratches from the docks and neither other people I know. I think it's just people overblowing the situation instead of being careful with a $300 piece of tech.
Still, the screen is plastic, and it can scratch easily

Because it's 2017 and 4 hrs is unacceptable for current tech standards

Clearly you know nothing about tech and battery life

look up how much battery technology has progressed over the last 5 years

My tablet lasts 30+ hours

The fact that the Switch is a tablet that only lasts 3 is laughable

>greatest handheld

Handhelds dont cost the same as a brand new ps4.

The Vita actually doesn't have that many emulators.

how much was your tablet and what games do you play on it

Portables should be fairly cheap though. This is like purchasing another phone at 200% markup.

30 hours screen on time? I highly doubt it

>2 hour battery life
>Greatest hand-held


the system just came out why would it have more games then something thats been on the market for 10 years? god youre such a fucking idiot

>3 hour battery time


Games are what make a handheld. If the switch gets a lot of good games, then great. Otherwise its going to be crap, like any console without games.