Crackdown 3

So... This is the unlimited power of DA CLOUD

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That looks fun though?

>Air dashes and dodges lifted from Cuhrayzee games
>Combo meter gives you more XP for chaining kills
>Melee combat like dash punches

The cloud is powering the destruction in multiplayer

It looks "alright" in every respect.

It just makes me want to play earth defense force.

Cloud destruction is multiplayer only they said that in 2014, kys OP

>"The power of the cloud is infinite!"

>Releases an updated console several years later for the sole purpose of more powerful hardware

>oh that's so sick
What? Is this kid autistic all he did was shoot a rocket launcher.

>Oh shit guys. Turns out the xbone is weak as fuck and we had to downgrade the graphics to the point where it looks like a 360 game. What the fuck are we going to do?

Crackdown 2 really shoud've been this. Wtf happened to that games development that fucked it that hard?

Rushed out and reusing the same assets. New game's single player is being done by Sumo Digital while the Multiplayer is being done by the original creators at Cloudgine and Ruffian games.

The first two games had cell-shading too you dumb faggosaurus

So what's the deal with the destruction in this game? That trailer they showed at E3 had barely any destruction

>Click """""""""""""gameplay""""""""""""" link.
>More e-celeb bullshit and general faggotry.

Fuck nu-Sup Forums. I miss 2007.

Gee I wonder what other game uses the same art style.


>Release game with full destructibility and as a result require online and destroy the whole hook of crackdown (collecting orbs)
>Wahhh muh always online
>Release game with destructibility only in the multiplayer

nice photoshop

Kat is adorbs

>Want to go back to the year Sup Forums started being shit

Why do you want to live through that again?

Crackdown is a massively underrated series. The people bitching about MUH LOCKON and MUH SHITTY COMBAT are missing the point. Crackdown may not have been intended as it but it turned out to basically be a collectathon, and did it perfectly since you actually had a reward to collect all the orbs. Sure there was no big narrative hook or anything once you collected all the orbs but once I collected all of them in the original Crackdown I felt the same way as getting all the collectables in a Banjo or Mario game. I looked back on all the fun times I had collecting the orbs or Jinjos and thought "yeah I had a fun time". Basically I'm saying Sup Forums is really way too cynical, and it makes me sad.

Brad is a dumb nigger but the game actually looks fun, gonna buy it.

>No footage of the Agency vehicles
>Agent doesn't transform his appearance when he level up his strength or agility skill

It going to be shit

I want to shove my cock down her snobbish throat while pulling her hair so bad.

>being this nitpicky

Such a disgrace. The first title was a classic and really owned the art style. It was a far better game than the Sints Row games which tried to copy it. it had excellent gunplay and a real challenge when played on Hard. This shit looks and feels like that New Dead Rising that was shit.

but shes a nazi!

They've already confirmed tranforming vehicles. Also they're using the Nemesis system from Shadow Of Mordor for the boss fights. Sadly no matter how good the game is it won't sell because shitty marketing and people being averse to anything new. Of course it could be shit as well. But I'll take a shitty game where you jump over buildings over a shitty game where you hunt le epic robot dinosaurs as a mongoloid who talks to herself 24/7 any day. Prototype, Sunset Overdrive, Hulk Ultimate Destruction, and Crackdown should be the template for open world games.

>2 unique and defining aspects of crackdown
never post again

>defining aspects

yeah you're right
static models are so much better

go play tf2 then, should be your fav game

Cloud is for the multiplayer

why are you still posting?

why are you, skinsfag?

How can someone talk so much while saying so little? Just shut up and let us watch the gameplay.

shouldn't you playing saints row 4? since transforming cars aren't appealing to you at all, it shouldn't matter

transforming cars are in the game, im talking about u crying about the character not getting a different skin after leveling up

that was a different guy, user
but go ahead and argue that progression not having a visible effect is somehow a good thing and not removing features from the previous game

That Borderlands artstyle is so shitty looking.

>they're using the Nemesis system from Shadow Of Mordor for the boss fights

Fuck that is the absolute worst thing they could do.

it's neither bad nor good

it looks more like gravity rush

so you have no input whatsoever? great job, keep posting

not everyone is autistic like you so they refuse to play a game because the character doesnt change his clothes after leveling up


>sequels with features removed are totally fine
just save us some time and admit your cancer, frogposter

I hope we get to fight giant robots.Killing mooks is cool and all, but I wanna duke it out against mech suits and whatnot.

>i don't know anything about this game or this clip but that won't stop me from talking over it the entire time

youtube was a mistake

yeah well its okay because its Japan and Japan is perfect. Fuck off my board you west-cucks

>that's so sick, he picked up the thing and threw it at him


he even said his game was inspired BY crackdown not the other way, so youre actually liking western artstyle

>"I am going to watch this gameplay footage with you and react to it"
Who watches shit like this? Who needs someone's reaction over a video to enjoy it? Why not just watch the fucking footage yourself and experience your own reaction?

>selling point of the gane is full destruction
>game is a few months from release
>still no footage of this

Explain this Xcucks

millenials have never experienced the outside world so they don't know how to react to things

The game is still in development, retard.

looks like your average run of the mill sandbox game

>Destruction was shown in 2015
>Sonybros screamed and cried claiming it was fake
Nows the point you pretend to be a Nintenbro or Mustard then go back to shitposting the Splatoon 2 60fps thread. So so predictable these days.

That looks fun as a fuck though.

Nigga, how can a game that's supposed to release in 3 months be in development?

Link the full destruction cuck or you're bullshitting

So it's Saints Row 4?

Crackdown existed way before SR4 child.

>pre alpha footage

Kek they need to show an entire full map on the full game.

looks jewish
>Moving the goalposts again

Well duh, but the first weapon I saw was the black hole launcher which is straight out of SR4 and the general movement seems more SR like.

what's wrong with it?

Like this guy in the video, I only played the first. Never got around to the second. This 3rd game looks great though.

I also agree with you on Crackdown being underrated. Not sure about the second game however.

this looks so bad

>cloud computing
yeah right, as if that would have ever happened, what was even supposed to be processed in the cloud? i never got that, you cant just process any graphics or physics stuff in the cloud and then keep sending you the data in live , that would have caused so much lag

>he thinks some prealpha footage represent the entire game and full maps


Cloud is only used in Multiplayer

Does this look like Multiplayer, Sonybros?