Donkey Kong Thread

Donkey Kong Thread

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2 > 3 > 1


>tfw no remake of 1-3 in claymation style

expand dong xp

Dixie best Kong.
3 = 2 > 1

The crouch animation where she puts her ass in the air is too awkward.

no memes

jesus christ my dick
post more Dixie

yeah it's really awkward
i would be really embarrassed if she did that in front of me haha

they should bring back death animations

Here you go.
I don't wanna see Dixie cry anymore.

I loved all the underwater levels


Donkey Kong is better than Mario


DKC art is so comfy.
Such a shame that the games are shit though

well instead of cry she can masturbate or blame the player


that lvl is so sick


Mario thread

>Next DKC game won't have any levels nearly as good as TF's World 2


someone wanted this pic in one of the last 90's CG threads

TF > Returns > 2 > 1 > 3

I hate the look of nukong games. They should go for a stylized semi realistic look like the dkc 1-3

video link for those who care


I wanna replay DKC2, any tips or challenges on making this playthrough feel fresh?



2 > TF > 1 > Returns > 3

Diddy Kong only (except for parts that absolutely require dixie.)
Single life play through.


TF >2>Returns>1>3

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat >>>>> TF > 2 > 3 = Returns >>>>>>> 1.
Fuck donkey kong country 1. Bare ass bones game with zero interesting mechanics or level design. It's only saving grace is the music and art.

I dont like how the kongs lack their personalities, I mean, they weren't deep, but it was more than just "monkeys that love bananas".
At least the intro in Returns was kinda funny.

>THere will never be a game featuring Chunky's idol, Kong Hogan

Tell me you wouldn't live there. TELL ME!

i would

>Go Outside
>Get hit by lightning bolt

Change Lost Mines to Lost Memes

By Crash

I live in Canada so close enough.

>mfw Tropical Freeze is stuck on Wiiu

I really hope they port it to 3ds and reminder the new Planet of The Apes is coming out soon.

DKC3 is just as good as DKC2.

Banana Eater

Hey man, I like DKC3 too, but let's not spread false information.

>mfw bought DKC trilogy online during a sale and DKC 3 was a bootleg

If I could have saved my progress then I would have kept it. 2 out of 3 ain't bad though for buying online.

This fucking level scared the shit out of me when I was 5 lol.

>Tropical Freeze in 240p

They should just port both DKCR and TF to the Switch. That way we can finally play Returns in HD 60fps without waggle.

Sequel neverever?

DKC3 is great.
Love the ost, is really atmospheric.

Squawk's Shaft can be skipped by somersault-jumping into a barrel on the far right of where the level starts

TF > 2 > 3 > 1 > Returns

who invited the pleb patrol?

Let me break it down for you

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat = DKC2 > DKC1 = DKC3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NuDK which somehow play even less like DKC than fucking Jungle Beat


My only exposure to DKCR is the ds version and I like it other than the shitty balloon pop shit.

>DK is immune to hypnotism

Is he too badass or just too stupid?


Every level in the first 2 worlds can be skipped by finding hidden barrels at the start.

Same goes for DKC3.

Your thoughts on this man

Would suck his dick

too good for this world

Hey Sup Forums I'm making a video about DKC1, what topics would you guys like me to cover

IMO the aesthetic of DKC1 has never been topped.

The series got progressively cartoony as it went along. The first game was more grounded. It really feels like a lost jungle with abandoned mines and factories, as well as remnants of an ancient civilization. Even though the characters were obviously stylized, they still felt a little more real. The world of DKC1 felt like a place Indiana Jones would explore.

Also, I think the military aesthetic of the Kremlings in DKC was the coolest. I didn't care for the pirate theme or the mad scientist theme. Although as a kid I imagined King K. Rool went nuts and experimented on his own men to make the roided up versions seen in 3, so at least it got something out of me.

I will say that the gameplay in Returns is superior by far. Making Diddy Kong a powerup instead of a fully playable buddy was a great decision, and DK's movements felt like how a gorilla should move. A part of my soul died when I started up DK64 and saw Donkey Kong running like a human. The only shitty thing about Returns' gameplay is the waggle. Thank fuck for Dolphin.

How sexy Kevin Bayliss is

>Donkey all confused

>DK's movements felt like how a gorilla should move
Gorillas in nature are lazy fucking niggers
Pretty sure it was stated somewhere the britbongs based DK's movements on a horse gallop

Balloon pop as in the animation when you lose a life?

The Great Ape War, Kong Hogan's career, and whose tax accounts Tiny Kong submis, and to whom she submits them

DKC1 was the one with the plastic palm trees.
DKC2 is grittier and 3 is more realistic looking.

Very good stuff right here, thanks boys.

It really bums me out that even though the DKC sprites were all CG models, and even though we've long since had the power actually render these models in real time, that we'll never have a Donkey Kong game that actually replicates this look.

I'm 99% sure I saw a Retro interview that confirmed DK is too dumb to hypnotize. I haven't ever been able to find that again, so it might be incorrect.

I love DK64

Sometimes you have to go through courses on a on rails magic carpet popping balloons with stylus point to progress.

To this day, I like this artstyle more than our current overpolygon vidya standard

It just looks so clean.

The touch control stuff was integrated rather poorly into that.

But the extra stages were cool, coming from someone who absolutely adored the N64 original.


Retro is a fucking garbage studio and anything they say should not be taken to heart
Thats like saying Prime is canon because they said so

I know that feel. Tropical Freeze ia goegeous, but fuck I'd instead like to see the SNES style in real time in HD.

>DKC2 is grittier

Levels in a haunted amusement park, an active volcano, a giant beehive and a mass of bramble are not grittier. The environments of the first Donkey Kong Country were jungles, caves, lagoons, mines, mountains, forests and factories. Nothing wacky too wacky.

>3 is more realistic looking.

DKC3 went back towards realistic environments, which is a big part of why it's my second favorite in the series, but the overall look of the models was much brighter and more saturated. It's noticeably more cartoony, from the environments to the character designs.

When is the next game?
They need to bring back the 64 crew. Fuck Kiddy.

Stop literally eating shit because it has a familiar label you stupid cunt

The Krocodile Isle was pretty fucking dark and gritty

And the Kremlings. They've had a nice vacation, time to come back now.

meant for

Whoever thought using touchscreen for that extra boost at the start should be shot .

>The Krocodile Isle was pretty fucking dark and gritty

What I meant is that the environments in 2 were less naturalistic. Sorry.


yet the Kremlings were shown as environmentally destructive, so it would make sense


unpopular opinion

3 > 1 > 2

How apes throw their shit at each other to establish dominance, make it like a animal documentary, and kill yourself for trying to shill your gay YouTube shit faggot.

"Naturalistic: derived from real life or nature, or imitating it very closely."


I miss promos like these
