This is a videogame

This is a videogame

What does Sup Forums think of this videogame?


haha memesXD

haha funny meme bait thread op, be sure to post me in the screencap when you post this on r/Sup Forums for epic karma points!
get out

In terms of campaigns
AoC > RotR > AK > AoK > FE

First person to make a kangz joke gets to go back


>Big Bro, stop playing Age of Empires 2: HD Edition: The African Kingdoms and let's go swimming!

I played AoE 2 since I was a kid but always just played skirmish mode, are the campaigns worth it, never played a strategy game campaign

>make an eceleb thread on Sup Forums
>told to fuck off
>make a videogame thread on Sup Forums
>told to go to reddit

I have over a hundred hours and only played maybe 3 or 4 online matches.


were quite misinformed. we realize that we have no historical connection to egypt and apologize for the misunderstanding.

why is he so smug, is really bothering me.

Game came out years ago (I'm talking about this expansion) and it's almost dead already, and it's part of a dying genre. OP doesn't want to talk about AoE 2 he wants to get some epic memes. Plus this was shitposted hell and back when it came out. It's safe to assume this thread isn't really about video games

It depends on how you interpret it. I just see it as the same expressions as the other two kings, but I can see how it can be interpreted different. Something to do with the lighting since the dark skin shines more.

It's an album cover thing

I banish thee, succubus! Dare not show your face again in these hallowed halls!

t. Alberto Barbosa

Genuine Question here.
Should i get AoE2 with all the DLC's on steam?
Or is there any DLC's to avoid

Name? Source?

I only have the Forgotten, and its just more civs and like a new campagin. If that's your thing, buy it. Not sure how alive the online community for it tho. If you got a craving for competetive RTS, BroodWar is getting an HD re-release soon.

If you're going for campaigns, I'd say look at But if you care more about multiplayer, I'd look into the different kingdoms and what kind if playstyles you want
I believe they rotate out the new kingdoms anyways if you don't have the expansions, so you can also test them out


>I'm an underage faggot who wasn't even born when AoE came out: The posts
Kill yourselves. Your parents won't care, I guarantee.

nice assumptions user, are you this mad you didn't get WE WUZ KAAANGZ replies? Try Sup Forums or /trash/

We seem to have been Monarchs

>succubus (male)



Been playing this game on and off since like 1999. Still a brilliant RTS with amazing balance.


this is an Sup Forums meme you cuck

That's a man right?

user behind the post here. Yes, that's a male. Saw him in another thread and cropped out his genitalia such that it would be Safe For Work.

Post uncensored please

Will dawn of war get new expansions? Maybe? Please

It would be extremely painful.

t.Alberto Barbosa

this is for (You)

Give me a name!
