How fucked are you?

How fucked are you?

>doom guy


>no underwear
>crash bandicoot

>Getting fucked by Link

I am very okay with this

>Crash Bandicoot
>Real world

I'm good.

>no underwear
I guess I'm pretty "fucked"

who the fuck even wears green underwear

>Captain Falcon (GX incarnation)
>black boxers

Thankfully I live in a city that's too cramped for the Blue Falcon to maneuver properly, so this is workable.

>Geralt of Rivia
>Black boxers, so invisibility and in real world.

I'm fucked.

Hey, me too

what if my underwear are striped with an equal portion of two colors?

>Josh McCown
>Real world

Lol he wont see me so he'll probably try pass to me

Child Ryu from BoFIII gets transported to the real world, huh. Well at least if someone comes looking for me for beating up a child I can just turn 360 degrees and walk through a wall to escape.

>my tenno
>grey boxers

someone format my hard drive please

>Nina from Tekken
>Grey Panties

Uh, lets go Tekken world cause I cant get wallsplat

>women get the objectively best option for being a woman
Just like real life

>gray underwear, walk through solid objects
>everything else (boxer briefs), you and your character are transported into an empty white room
haha get fucked you gay hedgehog I'm getting out of this room


Geralt doesn't kill sentients unless forced to, just talk him down

>power is flight

Isaac from Dead Space
Brown boxers

That dude is tough cutting limbs and shit
But if I buy a plane ticket to africa I can organize a pack of lions and survive, he won't be able to cut them all down

If you are playing Darkest Dungeon, who goes against me? The entire party? The entire roster? The person instantly in front?

>Protoss army coming to the real world to kill me
>all I can do is walk through solid objects

>My psiker from underrail
>red boxers

Whoever wins initiative I guess?

>Last game played was Horizon
>Grey underwear

i think i'm fine, really

>empty room
I guess I can just leave the room if I have time for it. If the room is sealed then I'm cool probably.

>real world

He'll be pretty slow and hard of hearing in all that armor. I can probably ditch him or run him over in my car.

grey underwear is way too OP, you basically just walk into a wall and you're invincible against most characters

>grey boxers
>the guy from Subnautica
I'd be fine.

Measure the stripes at the molecular level, faggot.

>he doesn't wear panties solely to win Sup Forums's hypothetical games
i want newfags to leave

>women get the objectively best option for being a woman
How? They only get to choose the location

>Grey boxers
>Lvl 20 Dragon's Dogma character
I honestly have no fucking idea. I'm probably dead.

>6ft 120 lb skeleton wtih invisibility
>vs pic related in an empty white room
Well, I suppose if he can't see me he can't kill me and therefore I survive

>Implying the Heavy will lose to an unfit Spy

>He'll be pretty slow
Armor isnt nearly as heavy as you think it is, especially in terms of physical exertion.
Besides good luck running away and dodging that Holy Lance

Can you outsmart bullet?
Didn't think so.

It's 2017

I think i can kill him.

>Heavy Weapons Guy

>6ft 120 lb
The Heavy just has to breathe on you to kill you mate

I get to fly (blue boxers) so Stardew Valley me doesn't stand a chance.
Maybe I can convince him to settle down and start a farm.

>The Courier
>white boxer
Beyond fucked.

>crash bandicoot
>walk through solid objects

easy peasy

speedrun time

>Geralt's hunting me
>in my world
>but I can fucking fly

I'm good senpaitachi

rodney mullen is going to fuck me

the rabbit from pharaoh rebirth
super strength
real world
I'm fine I guess

>William from Nioh
>Real World
Hard fight but possible.

What if you're not naked underneath your pajamas, but you're also not wearing underwear, briefs, or panties? The "everything else" option still says underwear, but what if it's STRICTLY not underwear?
Should say undergarment just to prevent some brainfrazzles

>lightning returns
she'd definitely be able to see me

>Hollow Knight, white boxers
I am dead, unless he is literally bug-sized, then I can manage to squish him after he slices my leg a few times

>Kat is hunting me in my world but I have stretch powers

this sounds fun as fuck

I get invisibility and am fighting the Sun/Moon MC in my world

Pokemon don't exist here, I think I can take a 10 year old, even without the invisibility.

>King Dedede
>Grey boxers

Go about my business not giving a fuck while he gets tired trying to touch me until the authorities capture that freak of nature.

Haters gonna hate.

Because Geralt is known to foiled by flights.
He has literally never killed a creature capable of flight.

>wearing nothing under my athletic shorts
>Crash Bandicoot

I'm fucked. Why didn't I just play as Coco...?

>Crystal from Nuclear Throne

I guess it doesn't matter where I go,I'm fucked.

>magic doesn't exist here
>that weapon doesn't exist here
>a person capable of those feats doesnt exist here
>physics doesn't allow that here

That's retarded logic for this scenario. You're fine because a trainers pokemon would probably refuse to kill a person.

>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Blue boxers
I doubt the arisen in Hard Mode can tank a bullet to the head.

6/10 made me check my underwear color.

Well if you are not retarded and don't come close then you good, faggot.

>Hollow Knight Mc, with every upgrade
>blue underwear (flight)
I'm fine

>walk through walls
>vs fernando in the realm
Seems like it'd be easy for me to avoid him. His range is pretty limited still, and I can probably find a crystal weapon somewhere.

>Corrin from FE Fates
>Can walk through solid objects in the real world
I just walk into a locked house. I'm fine as long as there is no enemy around to drop a doorkey

>Real World
>I can Fly
>Agent 47

I think I'm fucked guys

>Dan Marshall
>Black Boxers
I'd still lose.

>Imotuo Paridise
Well I got an easy fight and the power of flight so that's pretty cool I guess.

If VN's don't count
uhh how high can dragoons jump.

>Preston Marlowe from Battlefield:BadCompany
I guess I am save

also, real world

>You and your character are transported to the real world.
Where am I now?

>naked at the PC because it's too fucking hot
>last game I played was Renowned Explorers with Molly as my captain

My body is ready.

>Real world
>Red boxers
>Barely adult baryonyx
get fucking shit on

yall got a kik ;)?


>vs minecraft dude irl with flight
Probably easy.
I wonder how the FAA feels about magic as means of flight.
post shimapan

Hella high.

>The dude from Betrayer
>Gray boxers

I'll be fine. He's only got bow and arrows and cross bows and flint lock pistols and muskets and some kind of grenades and tomahawks and four water skins. But he's only human, and could technically be color blind.

I'm a shapeshifting flyboy with striped boxers and Big Boss is after me.

However, he's on a Butterfly run, so he isn't going to kill me unless I call the (real world) cops

If I turn into a computer or a woman he will probably leave me alone entirely

>Alucard from SotN w/ Echo of Bat and Holy Glasses

I'm fucked

That is literally false. There are multiple scenarios where Pokemon were just following orders and about to kill and actual human. Not to mention the wars that happened in the Pokemon universe unless you're naive enough to think it was just a human on human/Pokemon on Pokemon affair.

> Battlefield 1 Fighter Plane
> I can fly

I don't like where this is going, but hey, if I'm faster fuck it, I'm taking my rifle for a dogfight

Greenish blue

I'm going with green so I can become a girl

Red Boxers Against Roa
Hope everybody likes becoming a zombie...

As robots, Pokemon are not actually capable of killing a human. It's the first rule programmed into their firmware.

>Blue boxers
>Crash Bandicoot

Yeah I'm fucking fine

>grey boxers
>scout from TF2
I mean, shit, he may be fast but I can just walk through a fucking wall and wait until scout gets his dumb ass arrested one way or another.

>Blue boxers
I'm fine

Well considering i'm free balling it when i'm not at work or somewhere special which takes the majority of muh underwear stake i'll just have to be fucked by...Ancient Apparition.

The simulation

I'm not wearing underwear and the last character I played as is 2B.

>New Vegas character
>dumbass with a revolver that jams half the time
I'm fine

Stretchy powers while fighting Alm in Valentia. If its 1v1 I should be pretty fine but if its his whole group I'm fucked.

>invisible against WIlliam Blazkowicz in Nazi Germany

He's got more to worry about. I'm fine.

>no underwear
>last character I played as was my pso2 dress up slut

>Paragon 130 hardcore Crusader
>Walk through solod objects
>Real world
A more extreme game of hide and seek. I think i can manage

I might be able to get the jump on him.

>the courier
he has guns, i'm so fucked

they're dudes wearing panties, why would you ever want anything to do with them

>My thicc Sorceress character from BDO
>no underwear

>How fucked are you?