Where did it go so wrong? What was the point of no return?

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When you decided that sucking dicks for a living would make for a good life plan.

When you played the same game for over a decade, got bored of it, complained that they should change things and then complained that they did change things.

I will say that Legion is the most horrible grind in the history of this game.

>grinding AP after they literally took away all reason to do so
the retard is you

>What was the point of no return

>most popular wow stream is showing re-runs of a chinese guild killing the second last boss

Honestly though Legion's been pretty alright after EN.

>playing an MMO
>expecting there not to be grinds
>he wants another WoD
Yeah nah, fuck off. You're the one killing the genre.

Cata for making the game convienient, MoP for placing the player at 'Hero' status, WoD for making the PC a major lore player, Legion for making the player character one of the most powerful lore characters to ever exist.

If datamining is to be believed, we're brining down a goddamn Titan on argus. Agramar I think it is.

Gameplay is good, I'll give it that, but I can't say the story and lore are solid at all.

>MoP for placing the player at 'Hero' status
That happened at the end of Vanilla and went full retard in BC.

Because they just got done streaming Kil'Jaeden progress

>Mythic Kil'Jaeden


Legion is a step in the right direction but it comes after the worst blunder in the series so its hard to build up trust again.


>hero classes
>removal of core class abilities
>changing of core class cabilities
>changing of core stats
>removal of 2s arenas
>achievements added
>heirlooms added
>raiding casualized to allow 10-man full progression
>raiding tweaked to add difficulty modes
>cross server integration
>start of phased environments
>reused content (Naxxramas, Onyxia's lair)
>set up for the Cataclysm of the old world, which would even further remove everything we ever loved about the game

Don't you faggots have a thread on /vg/? Fuck off shills.

the moment they introduced LFD

>Where did it go so wrong?
Correct spelling is "when" and the answer is in Cataclysm.

Everytime I see people say this, I laugh. I quit when AP grinding was very much still a problem and underpopulated servers were stuck doing mythic dungeon runs with complete strangers in tradechat. It was far too little that came far too late.

No, in vanilla and TBC, only raiders were heroes. It was an optinal ocupation, one of many many roles you could fill and play as in the game.

I guess what I mean is that MoP is the first time the player character is recognized within the canon as a 'hero'. Sure, in WoTLK you're comented on as being a veteran of outland, but that was it. Being the hero was still optional until 4.3 with dragon soul, where LFR is used on a nerative level to shoehorn every single player into the role of hero, instead of letting it naturally RP out. This was expanded on in MoP, where the PC during the questing experience is hot shit.

VG is hot shit for most games. /wowg/ is one of the worst communities on the board.

Doesn't matter, mods delete this thread they have a /vg / thread

>the only grind in Legion is the AP grind and that's what everyone refers to, not the legendary grind, no sir
Kill yourself.

Not really, no.

How's the Legion grind any different from vanilla's grinds? Remember all that protection gear and consumables? Healers having to farm without any way to kill shit at a decent speed?

>If datamining is to be believed, we're brining down a goddamn Titan on argus. Agramar I think it is.

The titan we're killing is Argus's Worldsoul infested with Sargeras

even at it's worst only mythic raiders had an actual reason to grind AP since every trait was only a 0.5% DPS and 0.75% health increase

server transfers still being 20 bucks is pure jewery tho

Don't forget:
>Bring the most broken shit and not the class.
>Min/maxxing everything
>Enforcing Gearscore cancer
>The beginning of the horrible content draughts that last years
>Gated content
>Pointless rep grinds
>Dungeon queues
>BGs becoming complete shit so Blizzard can force their garbage arena "eSport".
>DKs being Ghostcrawler's pet class that was allowed to be utterly broken for 5+ years.

>Where did it go so wrong?
>What was the point of no return

usually when people complain about the legendaries they refer to it as RNG grind or something so i didnt think he was talking about that

the legendary system is far from ideal yes, but I've yet to see anyone propose a perfect solution. I can understand why people would prefer the systems from older expacs, but those all had issues as well

I'm kind of biased in this since I just play one spec casually since the start of the expac so I have almost all legendaries bar some of the new ones

Fuck you all nostalgia fags. The game was shit back then. Right now its better than it ever was.

>I've yet to see anyone propose a perfect solution.
Dump them into the garbage fire they belong in and forget they ever happened.

Top b8
Anyone who prefers MoP/WoD/Legion to Vanilla/BC needs to be euthanized

>be in top guild
>spec as x cuz its the best
>they nerf x and now y is the best
>no legendry so you lose your spot

Levelling 1-60 was more of a fucking grind than AP ever was

name 1 clearly better thing (feature) of Vanilla/bc.

Blizzard needs to be strong and not pander to the lazy shits that came with WoD. The grind is good and not excessive, it's ok to have to work dor your shit.

no lfr

>be in top guild
>dont have 5 alts fully geared when a raid comes out

you're not in a top guild, you're just a shitty tryhard

When they decided everyone would be able to experience everything and kill progression.

Delete the entire fucking system, fuck legendaries, fuck warforged, fuck titanforged, fuck all this RNG

delete lfr meme.
Ok. Now tell me how showing naxx in vanilla to like 3% of playerbase ingame and 75% of playerbase on youtube is in any fucking way better then showing ToS to 100% of interested playerbase in game. Given that the prestige of killing the final boss stays the absolutely same, becouse if you even try to imply having LFR chiev is worth anything to anyone ever you are a madman.

Why shouldnt people be able to experience the content they pay for. Thats some retarded vanilla mindset here.

But the raid has been out for weeks and the final boss seems to be still standing. How does that be explained motherfucker? Doesnt really seem like it was abled to be experienced by everyone :o

By letting people see the boss by themselves it demystifies the raid, it stops being an achievement. When you stepped into naxx, you were part of a few players who did and everybody knew that. Stepping into ToS doesn't mean anything.

WoW, just like any video game, feels incredibly good when you have friends playing it. The content is okay, and I have a bunch of friends playing it, so feels good man.

>dks broken for 5 years
but this is wrong. After 3.2 we were second class to warriors. Cata we were just alright. Same with MoP. Gorefiends made us manditory in WoD. We've been hot garbage all legion.

3.0 and 3.1 we were brokenly overpowered.

Finally free after somehow sticking it through Mythic Nighthold, that shit was a pain to do.

Actually quitting also means I can play other things without feeling like I'm letting down my guild by not farming mythic+ or AP like an idiot.

>Timewalking raids

Legendaries in Legion are a poor band aid fix to their terrible work on the ability pruning. Instead of dropping them or even just leaving the current amount alone, they doubled down and throw in more shit into a pile of stuff that will get in the way of aiming for the one you want for your spec.

You should be able to with some reasonable effort, no almost no effort.

With this I'm not saying that all content should be catered toward the top 5%. My opinion is that MMOs should release two or three raids per patch, one for each tier of players. That way everybody has end content without devaluing the top players.

Nah the way they have it is fine. Everyone gets to see the content. Mythic is still hard and gets a bonus real ending to boot.

Titans are Worldsouls. Argus hasn't turned into a titan, but theories are that the fel infused world soul is being used to assist in the rapid regeneration of demon bodies.

And I think we kill or purge a corrupted Agramar, who's defending the McGuffin we need to destroy/save Argus's soul. There's been some datamined text that supports Agramar as the last boss of the Throne of whatever the fuck,

That's the interpiritation I've got from what 7.3 content I've watched.

>We've been hot garbage all legion.
blood maybe, but Frost had it's time in the sun
shit now tho

That's ridiculous, MMOs don't work that way. You pay for a game pass not for complete access to all content. It's like showing up to a competition and arguing that you're entitled to a medal because you paid for it when signing up. You didn't, all you paid for was for the permission to participate.

Hot garbage is an exaguration, but the point stands. 7.0, none of the three specs were viable. 7.1 frost became viable, with niche unholy uses (helya, ilganoth), Nighthold was pretty okay for Frost, shit for unholy (worst spec in the game for the majority of NH), now Frost is one of the worst specs in the game, with unholy being middle of the pack. Blood's seen enough buffs that I think it's sleeper viable.

It's not like that at all.


their intention with legendaries is not to have everyone walk around with BiS legendaries, but have them be varied and close enough in power that individual players will feel like their legendaries make them more unique

they have failed to achieve this goal so far, but they are taking steps in the right direction and adding more legendaries is exactly what they need to do since it decreases the probabilty that an entire raid has BiS legendaries and thus decreases the need to tune around this

the only people truly affected by this are cutting edge raiders, which are something like >0.1% of the playerbase

But it is, on MMOs and multiplayer games you're only entitled to seeing the content that you deserve to see. It's not like they were locking naxx behind a wall, if you were good you could get in. Babbys like you want to see all content without putting in any effort and that devalues the sense of achievement for legit players.

Demysifies the raid? Sall on fucken youtube mate. You havin a giggle? Still a pretty fucken big achievement beating Tos myth, see noone did it yet. When you steped into naxx all it fucking ment is you verry annoying enough to make 40 autist grind. no more no less. And if yo parents told you being autistic is an achievement... well they do nowadays dont they. Son i feel so sorry for ya.

So heres a way you should understand it more clear, see if ya pay people X dollar to make a raid and then some people see it and they pay Y to see it. Now be your mind blown to be succesfull even viable at all to continue development you kinda need the money you get (y) to be biger then money you paid (x)
And shit man more people seeing the content and paying for seeing it means more money, simple as it gets.

Also, fagot! Explain this. Errybody be memeing about deleting lfr. BUT! If you were one of FEW who got that hype achievement feeling for going in naxx why is there so MANY people bitching.

Shit aint logical on many fronts i find.

DKs have been overpowered in some form since their introduction. Very rarely were they ever even in the mid-end of class strength.

Fuck off and let them have their thread you autistic piece of shit. Go bitch in the waifu threads or something

Multiple raid difficulties RUINED RAIDING. If you can instantly teleport to a full raid group and breeze through it like a ride on a track at Disneyland and get your EPIC loot and EPIC tokens to turn in for BiS gear there is something wrong. Might as well just play a 1 player game where you control the EPIC HERO OF AZEROTH and 1 shot every enemy because YOU PAID FOR THE GAME

You pay your sub for the ability to access the content. If you chose not to raid, you shouldn't be able to experience raid content.

Your argument is reminecent of the 'elo hell' complaints in mobas. If you're unwilling to work for what you want, you shouldn't get what you want. You want Diamond in LoL, get better, find a strat that works, once you do, grind games. If you want to raid, you should need to get geared up, find a guild or a pug, and go in after preperation.

The lack of barier to entry is what's really killing the genre. Everyone wants imediate gratification, rather than a long process that supports player choice in activity, forcing a player to get invested in their character and the world around them, in order to really see the content.

>Blood's seen enough buffs that I think it's sleeper viable.

I was kind of thinking the same since the DPS and HPS they output seem absurd at times, which seems especially useful in M+. However I wonder if they still dont have issues with mitigations after I tried to run a +15 cathedral this week and our DK tank kept dying on the first boss

havent looked much at actual data tho

>97% of the playerbase should pay for content only 3% will ever see
Sounds fucking retarded

What happened?

BiS gear is the good one. The best actually. Aint gonna get that in LFR.

PTR and datamining
The mystery is fucking gone.

yeah, they randomly picked 3% of the game's population and gave them a special code that let them enter the secret, exclusive Naxx raid that players who didn't receive the secret code would never be able to access no matter what

Exactly. I don't think average players shouldn't have fun, mind you. I think blizzard should release two single-difficulty raids on each patch, so that all players have current end game content. But I guess they'll whine that it's too much effort even though they are a multi billion dollar company.

If you're going to argue with me at least argue against my general proposition and stop cherrypicking points. I've said that I don't think vanilla's model was optimal, although I do think it's better than legion's. Right now you're choosing between alienating shitters, or alienating the top players. I believe there's a middle ground.

Boss mods.

>you're only entitled to seeing the content that you deserve to see

autism might lead you to think this, but the content you're seeing is developed with the money everyone is paying. common sense dictates that people want to see as much content as possible for their money, else they will leave for other games that do make more content available for them

I honestly would prefer the removal of LFR as well, but it's just not a viable business model. I do hope they continue to add cool stuff to Mythic like Gul'dan last phase.

A lot of shit but the worst thing was that they just kept coming going forward coming up with new shit, trying to bring people back when they should've gone backwards. Now it's too far gone and I doubt there's any saving it

Agreed. I wish they'd just drop this shit.

Unsubbed when 7.2 hit.
Now I'm playing on a Wotlk private server.

t. you

The new model is better though with LFR, Regular and Mythic/Mythic+. The people who want higher difficulties are still rewarded and the people who just want to do the game at a lower level can still do the game. Talking bullshit about "mystifying" the content by ignoring other difficulty modes is dumb.

this and adding
>the internet and all available information you could possibly need on the game being instantly available

the golden age was when information was sparse and viable and you had to actually talk to people to discover stuff

that will never return

>Ion: “It was a different era in the game in a lot of ways. Streaming wasn't a thing. YouTube was still in its early stages, but no one used it. was the place to go for all videos, and most guilds kept secrets closely guarded."
>"When we first entered Black Temple, we didn't know what to expect. We'd seen a few datamined screenshots of the place, but there was something exciting about being one of the first few in the world to actually be in it. We killed Kael'thas for the first time; then we dropped Rage Winterchill, and no one wanted to stop that night so we kept going until we reached Black Temple. That excitement and exploration and discovery was a product of the times, not so much the game being different, but the world surrounding the game being different. The unknown is always exciting.”

The developers know that too.

Blood's problem has always been the inability to deal with high damage over time. In MoP, we could deal with it with a fuckhuge toolbox of defensives and with mastery. In WoD, the raid mechanics made blood harder to use optimally

In Legion, Bloodshield got guttted and we haven't really recovered. However there's so many little buffs acumulated since launch that I think our mitigation and healing finally works.

WoTLK we were OP early, and then on the weaker side of balanced towards the end.

Cata and MoP we were pretty much dead middle of the pack, Unholy was perticularly strong in ToT. Blood was on par with all the other tanks.

WoD, no real reason to bring a DK outside of gorefiends. The damage alright, but they never topped charts. Legion, we've been middle of the pack most of the way, being the worst class int he game to start. We're okay now, but not amazing, wouldn't bring more than 1 good DK dps in a raid comp if i was leading.

'DK is OP' is a meme that should have died in 2009. We're pretty much balanced the same as any other class. We have ups and downs, and were only fully OP for the first 2 patches after release with the stupid Icy Touch build.

i mean you can keep yelling strawmans at me but im afraid that you're going to have to accept that videogames are businesses

its only going to get worse from now user

the only escape from it is smaller budget games that can focus on a niche audience. Unfortunately, MMOs don't mix well with small budgets and niche audiences

that's why the genre is dead

We just disagree. Back then players noticed if you were doing naxx, actually fighting KT and the blue dragon and stuff was an achievements, players felt like they were doing epic shit. Now there's nothing epic about fighting any boss.

>you're going to have to accept that videogames are businesses
I know that, I know that LFR is better for business. I'm just talking about my ideal system even though it may not be optimal for profits. And who knows it may even be more profitable if they tried it.

Datamining killed WoW.

Have you even cleared any of the Mythic raids in Legion or are you just obsessed with fellating those oldschool guys AFKing in Ironforge/Org?

Don't have them. Get rid of this stupid system. Everyone with a fucking working half brain knew RNG Legendaries was going to be an incredibly stupid idea.

Titanforged and Warforged are stupid too, and have been stupid and nonsensical since their inception.

Yeah that too. I wonder if a company could make datamining illegal, as much as I hate giving up my rights to a corporation I think it would be for the greater good.

it became shit when i started playing, sorry guys

lmao i don't play wow anymore, they're not gonna keep me subscribed with a system that panders to the lowest common denominator
i'm not a cuck

In WotLK DKs could do everything by switching presences, in raids or out in the world. I don't pvp much but until WoD Blood DKs dominated arenas by being immune to physical damage. In 3.3 I was hearing how they one-shot people with Frost Strike.

I always knew it was this guy's fault

Right now it's better than it has been for years. The problem wih WoW is and will always be the autists that play it 24/7 and complain about inane shit that 90% of the playerbase doesn't even notice. If you log on for a bit a few times a week it's still a top notch pastime and well worth the puny sub fee.

then i dont understand why you were >'ing at me when I said I personally agree that the removal of LFR would be good

and they did try it user, they didnt add it for no reason, they did it because they felt they were losing subscribers because casuals felt a lack of content

there's so many people doing LFR now, which actual raiders have almost no reason to do. what do you think they are going to do when it's suddenly removed? man up and join a raiding guild which requires a steady schedule? try and join a pug which almost always requires you to already have cleared the content? Id wager less than 10% of them would do it

There should only be ONE raid difficulty, like in BC. Long attunement chains that required you to go through all the content, join a guild and progress together. When my guild downed Kael'Thas it felt like a huge achievement. And others could see that when they saw us with our KT gear and progressing into Hyjal. If he was normally really easy and the "achievement" was from doing him on extra heroic double mythic magnum mode where you have to fight him with one hand tied behind your back and solve a bunch of Rubik's cubes in order to get him to drop the same gear but with better stats, would that really feel the same? There should be one game with one difficulty, Heroic 5 mans were literally as far as they needed to go

One difficulty with Ulduar style hard modes and secret bosses.

That's it.

Really? You're using Wrath as an argument? Raids were so easy and simple, it popularized pugs raiding for gold. It didn't matter if half of the raid was retarded either.

Baddies wont be able to do it. Fuck they can't even do fucking Flex.

Pretty much yeah. I do not understand why they haven't used the Ulduar model. I haven't seen or barely seen anyone say anything bad about it.

>remove legendaries
This is certainly a viable option, even though it would probably cause a ton of complaints since legendaries have been in the game from vanilla.

However, we should consider then an alternative way to achieve the goals legendaries were intended to accomplish this expansion:
>give characters a sense of uniqueness
>add excitement to loot system
>allow players to fine tune their performance through gear selection

What? I meant KT as the last boss from vanilla naxx, you're the babby here if you didn't get that. lmao get fucked

Not really. You can't make up the massive gap in mitigation gear offers. In WoTLK you had to have def rating capped in addition to other mitigation stats in order to tank, and if you invested your stat alocation into defense, your offense was crippled. If you invested in Offense, your defense was crippled. A 15% shift between mitigation and damage meant shit. Optimal talent and gear builds didn't allow for swapping roles mid encounter.

You couldn't 'just tank the boss' if you were full on frost dps specced. Blood had an easier time of it, but it was still crippled by the lack of defensive stats, and would get crushing blows hammering on you left and right.

While any talent tree could tank or dps, there were clearcut paths for each role. You were never going to tank with a dps spec, you were never going to dps with a tank spec.

Back in the day, basically the entire community was retarded, so the disparity was there. Look on private servers now and you can see how developed the WoTLK is. Skill gap was amazingly large at the time, and a dps in tank spec/gear could likely out dps a lot of people, because players were bad. It was never viable or optimal to cross role play, but people did it cause they were fucking stupid.

Raid progression in BC
>Hit 70
>Start with regular dungeons to get the gear/rep for heroics
>Do some heroics
>Do some Karazhan
>Raid Gruuls/Mags to complete t4 set
>Do TK and SSC for t5
>Do Hyjal for some t6
>Do BT to complete t6
>Raid Sunwell

Raid progression Now
>Buy a level 100 character
>Hit 110
>Queue for LFR of [current raid tier]
>Do Normal of [current raid tier]
>Do Heroic of [current raid tier]
>Do Mythic of [current raid tier]

Raiding is just so boring now. It's even worse since back then raiding wasn't the focus of the game like it is now.