>it's a gaming analysis video
>it's 2 hours long
It's a gaming analysis video
Other urls found in this thread:
Jauffre would be the one to know. He lives quietly as a monking in Weynon Priory, near the city of the game.
*golf clap*
What can I say? This is pretty fucking epic.
>1 IPs
is this really fun for you samefag?
they let stutters be imperial guards now I see
>18 posters
don't feel too stupid user, sometimes it's hard to fucking mouse over things
>18 ips
What did he meme by this?
>You v-violated th-the l-law...
yes it is!!!! xDD
Thanks friend.
Pure kino
How did you even do this?
A magician never reveals his tricks ;)
18 connections through a vpn, you can make as many as you want but your internet will shit the bed at some point
Bumping this. also curious
inspect element and add (you) after every string, make screenshot
By not being underage and/or technologically illiterate or gullible
See: I fucking called it fuckers. Go fucking die
Will you be washing that spoon or do you want me to do it for you?
Right click > Inspect
Please tell me this is bait. Please tell me Sup Forums isn't this young/retarded.
Wew this thread never stood a chance
there's a missing step so no need
>Game "anaylsis"
>it's just a synopsis of the plot
Fuck you Clemps.
>"""""in depth analysis"""""
>just retell the whole game in youtube platform
Am i the only one who actually likes in depth analysis of video games?
>"top 10 x" video
>over 40mins long
>that five hour long Oblivion review
Can't believe I watched the whole thing
>video game analysis video
>2-3 hours
seeing as in how there are tons of people doing it and the videos get millions of views, I don't think so.
I'm okay with them, but I tend to be cautious about them. A fair amount of them only repeats what has been mentioned several times before in other places and doesn't attempt to add anything new to the mix. Some of them also don't include gameplay as part of the analysis which is usually the most interesting aspect for me.
i frequently use noah gervais videos as background noise when playing MMOs
i've probably heard some of his 2 hour long vids over a dozen times by now
Long videos are comfy.
We must go further...
>it's a once good channel turns into meaningless drivel about indieshit no one cares about episode
>have idea for video series where I talk in-depth about games with my specific and autistic criteria
>but no clue what to do for the video component since I don't want to spend hours on end recording my own footage
>so I'd basically be making a podcast
Wat do??
I'm sure you can ask some let's player permission to use their footage
steal other people's footage, disclose that it's stolen footage, and paste their channel name in the corner
Do people actually watch those 2+ Hour long videos.
I can max out at 1 hour. Beyond that holy shit I might as well just play the damn game for myself. Like I enjoyed watching Joseph Anderson's Edith Finch video because I'm not going to pay $20 even for a more polished Gone Home non-game, but had it been longer than 2 hours I would have turned it off.
Hmm okay I guess that could work. I'm just having a hard time imagining what I want to actually make.
That guy makes pretty good reviews. I how he writes and reads his content like an essay.
I also enjoy MrBtongue and his totally-not-ripping-off-mr-plinkett style, but that guy hasn't put out a video in over a year.
I like how*
Don't confuse lack of brevity with depth. Some of these aforementioned videos just belabor all of their points until the video ends up being a loose baggy monster of ideas.
I prefer 10-20 minute videos that assume you're already somewhat familiar with the game. Cut out info I can just look up on wikipedia, cut out an explanation of the basic premise, cut out repeating the same ideas over and over. Just give me your thesis and back it up. No reason this needs to take hours to do.
if you like mr plinkett style, check out mistercaption and gatorfolk
I'd add MandaloreGaming to that as well, that guy's excellent.
I want to make videos like AVGN, been watching his stuff since the beginning. Would you guys watch it?
I think you're usually okay using footage from World of Longplays so long as you credit it's from them, and link the original person playing.
It's the Daedra you see
>tfw writing a game analysis
>26 pages long on Overwatch
Was it the case of the chromies?
>video is 3 months, 13 days and 49 hours long
make a podcast.
I commute for an hour every day so I appreciate these