Why are so many characters in Bloodborne blind, or at least wear blindfolds?

Why are so many characters in Bloodborne blind, or at least wear blindfolds?

At first I thought it was to symbolize characters who have no insight, but then several characters who have insight like Willem are blind.

Then I thought it had something to do with staving off becoming a beast, but there are multiple NPCs who become beasts that are blind.

So now I'm not sure why so many are blind, there must be a reason, at least 8 major NPCs wear blindfolds, plus several bosses and enemies, and plenty of armor sets that cover your eyes.

To be edgy.

maybe it has something to do with how the disease spreads

See no evil

Lovecraftian (God is blind)

But there are also blind NPCs with no sign of the disease at all.

>trying to find logic in memezaki's games

Just enjoy it man

maybe they didn't have enough eyes

Who needs physical eyes to distract you when you have eyes on the inside?

Why do Souls characters have such a dark sense of humor?

because the first thing that shows you're infected is the beastly eyes you develop, they're not blind, just hiding it.

>they don't call me father GAScoigne for nothing!
>*uses fart attack*
Really the blindfold was the least offensive part of that fight

maybe to symbolize characters who have enough insight to not need their eyes to see

There's a description of the blindfold from the Choir attire mentioning some tribute to Wilhem, something about "our eyes are yet to open"

name five (5) characters

>see americans playing BB

This and trying to gain insight are the most likely reasons.

To make themselves less like beasts

Didnt some piece of writing or item lore say something about how true sight is not in ones vision or some bullshit.

>tfw want a story driven game set in the Bloodborne universe
So few games get the gothic horror feeling right, and I want to explore and uncover more about the world in a way more similar to traditional rpgs.

Are there even any good gothic/cosmic horror games on the market? The closest seems to be Sunless Sea/Fallen London and even that takes a lot more of the cosmic lean.

>Were we're going, we don't need eyes

It's so they don't get plucked into the Hunter's Nightmare. Hunter's go mad and become Blood Drunk. Their eyes become mushy and pupils collapse.

Without covering their eyes they are snatched away by the Amygdalas.

I imagine that it isn't a blindfold and that they can still see through the cloth.

Or perhaps eyes on the inside allow a hunter to gain a new sense that lets them act without vision.

either way this is the reason they cover their eyes.

It was a superstition spread via rumors. Those that didn't cover their eyes disappeared quickly.

Similar to the theory that the beast sickness crawled up the right leg.

leading to hunters inhibiting bloodflow from their right legs.

to them downright cutting their leg off when seriously fearing infection - hence why there are so many trapped in wheelchairs in Yharnam


Eyes (and the removal thereof) are a big theme in the game. The pebbles are petrified eyes. The use eyes in chalice rituals. They show you becoming a beast.


Then explain characters with no insight wearing blindfolds like the Beggar? Or explain characters with plenty of insight who don't wear blindfolds?

Explain Annalise or Djura, who have no sign of infection, nor any reason to hid it if they did?

Plenty of non-hunters wear blindfolds.

ashen blood
blood transfusions were popular in the city because it could heal anything from injury to disease, it got so popular that the people started drinking blood instead of alcohol (alcohol was still drunk)
the city got isolated because of how outsiders thought what they were doing was wrong which also led to the people being suspicious of outsiders
then one day the ashen blood disease happened and pretty much afflicted everyone in the city

tl,dr: the people of yarnham drank blood because it healed wounds and illnesses alike and were infected with the ashen blood disease which transformed them into beasts

>Then explain characters with no insight wearing blindfolds like the Beggar?
See >explain characters with plenty of insight who don't wear blindfolds?
Difference of belief? Wilhelm thought the path to the great ones was through insight, Laurence decided it was through blood. Perhaps There's a difference in just how high in the church they are. The choir for instance all have blindfolds. But the school of Mensis use the cages as "conductors" for the great ones.

>"The eye of a Blood-Drunk Hunter. Its pupil is collapsed and turned to mush, indicating the onset of the scourge of beasts."
People that have started to succumb to the scourge have eye issues as the first sign. They either want to hide their eyes, protect them since they're useless anyways, or might be more sensitive to light since they can't contract their pupils anymore.

The Beggar wears the same headpiece as The Harrowed Hunter Simon implying that the Beggar was once a servant of the church with a lot of meaning.

Having Insight has nothing to do with becoming Blood Drunk and being snatched I don't know where you are coming from with that.

Annalise covers her face because it is disfigured

Djura is an Old Hunter, you don't wait until you are Blood Drunk to cover you eyes. That would be too late.

And plenty of non hunters have heard of the superstition.

>be dumb american
>not sure how to pronounce
>come up with nicknames
>"Papa Guacamole"

It is the Blood Moon which advanced the transformation into a beast once you have taken the old blood. They wear it to slow down the effects and try to remain human.

With regard to normal people having no eyes, it could be that because the church wants to further explore the chalice dungeons, they're in need of a large amount of bloodshot eyeballs, which say "An exquisite eyeball removed quickly after death, or perhaps even before."

The witches also seek to take eyes, especially the witches of hemwick that have a place where they take eyes down the stairs where you find the rune workshop tool (incidentally, you're able to buy bloodshot eyeballs after killing the witch of hemwick)

It could also be that with the blood they've been taking, they're seeing things and going insane and blindfold themselves/remove their eyes in an attempt to make it stop.

Point is; there's a fuck ton of reasons why one might wear a blindfold or have no eyes in this game world.

>way to use access the Cathedral Ward via the Great Bridge even though it's literally directly below the Cathedral Ward, you can fucking climb up to it
>You can even summon Gascoigne for the Cleric Beast fight
>no way to save Gascoigne
>Gascoigne killed his wife
>Both of his daughters die if you interact with them at all regarding their mother's brooch

Why Miyazaki, why do you hate happiness so much.

Did you have difficulty with vicar amelia? I've seen plenty of people pronouncing "vicar" wrong or not knowing what it is and thinking it's her name.

Explain why superstitious characters like Gehrman don't cover their eyes?

Or why characters particularly vulnerable to infection like Eileen and Iosefka don't?

Similar to how The Plague was so terrifying that people thought just looking at it would cause infection

father gazza is the correct pronunciation

Why did Amelia turn into that beast?

>can never save his daughters
This is what truly affected me. His story was depressing enough with finding his wife and such, but then interacting with the daughters and even when trying to save one and direct them to safety, they die horribly.
They were too innocent for this world.

The story of bloodborne absolutely destroys every cosmic horror game ever made, it's better than the source material

Because it's supposed to be cool and edgy and just a very Japanese thing to do.

why did humans become dog like beasts anyway? Didnt the old blood come from Ebrietas and she looks like a squid caterpillar

Gehrman was the first hunter.

We only fight and see him in The Hunter's Dream

He could have at one point covered his eyes like the others.

The other thing is even though Gehrman is missing a leg that might not be his own doing. The Moon Presence might have taken that from him as it does to us in the second ending to the game.

It is a good question why Iosfeka doesn't cover her eyes and I think the answer is simply that she probably doesn't cut people open that often.
she seems to experiment on her patients with concoctions more than anything.

And of course perhaps the devs didn't think that far into it.

Eileen already covers her eyes with the plague doctor mask.

>So few games get the gothic horror feeling right, and I want to explore and uncover more about the world in a way more similar to traditional rpgs.
i doubt it will turn out well, the basis of all lovecraft horror is DUDE IT'S SO BAD I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT WORDS AREN'T ENOUGH which makes it infinitely better suited to actiony games where you face the horror without thinking too hard about it

What if you just don't tell them anything. The younger daughter will stay, and her older sister will come home.

Just because you get (no response) doesn't mean that they're dead, they could be sleeping. In the wake up sunrise ending, I bet the majority of Yharnamites survived and they lived on as cranky Yharnamites spitting on outsiders

She was too weak of faith
And misunderstood the purpose of the pendant

From what I gathered the scourge of beasts was more related to ashen blood(according to the antidote's flavor text) over anything else(happened in Loran too) and the blood ministration was supposed to help solve it but maybe only delayed it?

All you can do is assume one thing or the other, and given the events of the game, it's safe to assume they don't make it.

No it is not. Bloodborne doesn't hold a candle to Lovecraft. It certainly blows the post-Lovecraft mythos out of the water though. Only things that can compete are Eldritch Horror, really.

I think it's mentioned in some description about Willem or something, but they believed that by blinding themselves, they would look inward, hence gaining eyes on the inside (insight).

Gazza was always blooddrunk too from the look of it

Because they're the game's way of telling you that you're a blind fucking retard for having fallen for the Pee Ass 4 meme

>sonybros think bloodborne even QUALIFIES as cosmic horror

I've read all of Lovecraft's major works many times. The only reason I got Bloodborne was because how important Lovecraft is to me. Bloodborne absolutely without a doubt destroys the source material and shows the untapped potential in Lovecraft's ideas.

Then again Djura only had one eye covered so I don't think he was infected it was more likely he was missing an eye.

How did Ashen Blood come about though? Would Ashen Blood not look like paleblood? From what I gather the Church used Ebrietas' blood as the source of Blood Healing.

I'm American and I've never pronounced it like that.

>t. Sickdark-fag


Old Yharnam and it's fall were what triggered the spread of the scourge of beasts.

I don't think that the Ashen Blood Sickness had anything to do with turning people into beasts.

Ashen Blood could have been poison from the healing church in an attempt to be able to treat the populace with massive amounts of blood.

V-eye-car Amelia, right?
I didn't actually have 'trouble' with Gascoigne, because I've read some books here and there and the name has popped up, and I learned it then, but I did make fun of it with my roommate when we first got Bloodborne. Americans see an "E" on the end of a word and it gets them thinking, and to have an "OI" which has like 3 or 4 pronunciations fucks with some people. "GN" is highly uncommon as well.

>too weak of faith

>implying that the strongest of faith don't become the most terrible of beasts

Because sight distracts from smell. Scent is mentioned multiple times in the game.

It's a Japanese grim dark game, they just throw blindfolds and hats on everyone because it looks cool. You're looking way too deep into it.

I thought Mergo was the source of the Beast Scourge?


Vi-ker, with a short i.

Vicar is pronounced "vick-er" and is a position in a church, like a priest. (as far as I know, it's only within the church of England, but it might extend to other parts of Europe)

I call him Gaston

>V-eye-car Amelia, right?

There's the What a Beautiful VNs but only two and the spinoff are translated.

How do you pronounce it? American here, pronounced it gas coin or gas key O nay



Only because they'd partake in communion the most, and with the "highest quality" blood.

I was just poking fun that she transforms while clutching a pendent made from a rare and special gem that amplifies damage against beasts and reciting a prayer endlessly trying to hold off the transformation.

i-its gas-coin right guys? or is it gas-con?

Italian here, we pronounce it Papa Gas-Cou-Ne

it's Gaskwang


Gas coin is right. You hear the correct pronunciation when you speak to eileen after you help her with the fight in Gascoigne's boss room

It's like a nasally gas-coin. I don't know how to describe the sound other than the coin starts out in your nose.

From Software clearly has a foot fetish and a blind fetish

Probably watched too much avatar

>Papa Gas-Cou-Ne il Guascone
laughing irl here

Gah - scone - genie

I would like to read some of Bloodborne's lore. I still don't get what the fuck the Moon Presence and Gerhman want.

o b s e s s e d

Google the paleblood hunt

I agree, especially when you consider how it was marketed and that the cosmic twist was so excellently hidden but yet obvious

Gehrman's just a puppet of the moon presence, you take his place if you kill him but don't have the umbilical cords to resist it. From what I gather, it wants to stop Mergo and the rituals that are going on over there. Perhaps due to some power struggle between the Old Ones or something, but that's somewhat the point, their desires are beyond our comprehension.

Because they have dark souls

I'm going to need some Vocarros for the following names:

>Father Gascogine
>Vicar Amelia
>Ptumerian Ihyll

Gerhman wants to get rid of the beasts.

The Moon Presence doesn't understand humans at all and has weird logic that doesn't make sense to us either.

Gerhman and friends called the Moon Presence to help them get rid of the beasts.

The Moon Presence says "Okay" and enslaves them to a never-ending nightmare so they can assist hunters and bring them back to life over and over during a hunt to kill beasts.

If you kill Gerhman, the Moon Presence still wants to help, so it tries to enslave you too.

Outer god logic is weird.

They dont need eyes to see

Moon presence is essentially an opportunistic Great One who has his own motives, and took control of Gehrman and confined him and other hunters inside of the Dream so that they would do his dirty work. The motives are obscure because Lovecraft.

being blind is cool in edgy murder games

>Padre Gwaskwang
>Veekar Amelia
>"Spitting sound" Heehee

Father Gas-coin
Vick-er A-mee-lee-a
Koz (as in cosmos without the "mos")
thu-meh-ree-an ill (elongated i)

That's how I pronounced them.

friend of mine says "EE-brih-TOSS"

The fuck?

Alright lads? This ain't a bad thread, fancy pronouncing my name while you're at it? Cheers.