Any video games that aren't for children?

Any video games that aren't for children?

Gears of war 1
Gears of war 2
Gears of war 3
Gears of war 4

most of them?


There is absolutely nothing inherently childish about Tetris.

>gears of war
>literally shoot some stuff, kids fucking everywhere
It's a children game
>inb4 muh violence, and mean words!

This. This is a fucking thinking mans game. This is what I was looking for

Maturity doesn't come from shooting people.

You don't shoot people in videogames you twat.

unironically spacechem

>playing with colored blocks is not childish

You get what I mean.

So what you shoot at?


>gaem with adult theme is le childish game
>childish game is le ebin matur gaem for matur gaymerz like me

Fuck off with your shitty contrarian thread you fucking faggot.

>kid protagonist
>not for kids

The Elder Scrolls™ 5: Skyrim™

Do you mean in terms of difficulty or subject matter?



Leisure suit Larry boi

Here are some I can think of
>Ready or Not
>GTA(yes, I realize the irony in this)
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Silent Hill

>Any toys that aren't for children?

>Tetris : Greyscale edition™
>Rated M for Mature

any game that has mature themes gets riddled with children (GTA and CoD)