I just got the Resident Evil Super Bundle on PSN. I don't know much about the spinoffs- Operation Raccoon City...

I just got the Resident Evil Super Bundle on PSN. I don't know much about the spinoffs- Operation Raccoon City, Code: Veronica X, Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles. Can I get a quick explanation of these and if they're worth playing?

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Veronica X is one of the best RE games. The others are trash.

Trash, play only if you really get into the series
Available on PS4, buy it, it introduces Wesker with his super powers
>Umbrella Chronicles
Get it on sale for PS3, as it explains the End of Umbrella and how Wesker came back
>Darkside Chronicles
Just an RE2 and CVX summary. Get it on sale if you really want it

Just play REmake and emulate 2 and 3. Those are the essentials and honestly the series just goes downhill from there.

Veronica is pretty fun if you like the classic RE gameplay

Code Veronica isn't a spin-off, it's a main series entry

>the series just goes downhill from there
>didn't even suggest CVX or Resi Director's Cut

what extra content does it have over the original? playing the original rn and its pretty good

REmake has extra rooms and story, as well as I believe 3 extra modes, one where item boxes don't link, Invisible Enemy Mode and One Zombie mode

does it have battlegame?

That's Resident Evil Deadly Silence, which is DS exclusive. That version also has an altered version of the main game called Rebirth Mode

>thats the DS version
it was RE on the saturn that had battlegame

Oh shit, you're right, the DS version had a weird multiplayer mode

Code Veronica is what ruined the series, so don't bother playing that really.

>code veronica is what ruined the series
That's a weird way to write RE4

Just stuck to the numbered ones. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7.

People always say 4 ruined it, but it was CV.

That game is a complete and total mess dude.


Why do I see people hate on Code Veronica these days? That's one of the good Resident Evil games. The fuck?

I think people were just getting tired of the formula. CV and RE0 especially were just like, "Ok, we get it."

OP, here's the games you play, and what order
>resident evil 1 (saturn or ps1, avoid dualshock edition)
>resident evil 2, 3, CVX (gcn)
>resident evil outbreak 1 and 2(ps2), survivor 1(ps1) and 2, dead aim(ps2)*
>resident evil 4, revelations, 5, revelations 2, 6, umbrella corps, vii(ps4)
>watch degeneration between revelations and 5
>watch damnation between revelations 2 and 6
>watch vendetta between 6 and VII
*Optional games
Non-canon optional games
>resident evil gaiden(gbc)
>resident evil orc(pc, ps3, 360)
>resident evil marhawa desire*(manga)
>resident evil heavenly island*(manga)
>resident evil SD Perry novels
>biohazard the stage*
>biohazard the musical*
>biohazard 4D Executer*
*Canon side stories

Explain what? All of the game is a mess.

Story, gameplay, characters, setting. All of it is RE turned up to and surpassing 11, in an obnoxious fashion. The dialogue is embarrassing even for RE.

My main gripe with CV though is the gameplay feels too "arcadey" so to speak. It feels way WAY easier than the games before it by a longshot.

Fuck Code Veronica.

I've hated CV for years. It's dreadful.

>complains about arcadey gameplay
>still says 4 didn't kill the series

Code Veronica X was originally going to be Resident Evil 3, it's legit.

REmake is one of the best games ever btw

It didn't because the series was already dead, because of CV.

Re4 is the best one

>some noname dreamcast game that 3 people bought killed the series
CVX had bad voice acting but the story was coherent and most of the new characters like Alfred and Alexia were good.
Objectively wrong

>alfred and alexia

Okay dude, CV is the best game ever.


>he doesn't like alfred and alexia

>le pretending to be a womman
literally worse than anything bfore and after it

>i hate fags so there
It's not like it was weird for RE, as we already had G-Birkin impregnating his daughter with embryos and RE Survivor

Both Jill and Wesker had fantastic themes.

dont listen to those faggits
i enjoyed Operation raccoon city
try it out

you're just butthurt the franchise didn't stick to tedious tank control gameplay and that the best game in the franchise has nothing to do with umbrella or zombies

>writes like an autist
>likes orc
>best game in the franchise
As I said before, objectively wrong


The dualshock version of RE1 has the bad OST

>replies likes autist
>doesn't like ORC

ORC is the worst of the shooter action spin-offs, and that includes the Gun Survivor series

No one cares about your objectively wrong opinion because you're only judging with nostalgia and couldn't actually objectively detail how RE4 isn't the best game in the franchise cause you're a child

speak for yourself retard

>not like it was weird for RE
rape, shadow goverment and secret experiments that go bezerk are all natural in a democratic life, acting the faggot isnt and is forever more weird than some canibal

>judging with nostalgia
Played RE1-3 5 years ago, CVX for the first time 2 years ago.
RE4 is just a side story that has no right nor need to be a main series entry, with gameply that was rough around the edges and characters that were objectively the worst incarnations of themselves.
RE4 also had QTEs up the ass and shit boss fights that people say are hard for some reason

I hope souls games are about to get the same thing happen then.

ORC is a shooter, and Chronicles are on-rails shooters. They're fun but not amazing games or anything.

CVX is among the last of the original-style games along with RE0, but neither of those are the best of their era.

Your enjoyment may vary as someone who may not be an RE fan, but RE1 Remake is a game that belongs on everyone's bucket list, along with RE2.

>playing RE4 for the first time
>kill blind faggot and procced into next room
>huge area filled with iluminados
>lock myself inside some room
>they start dropping from the ceilling

>My main gripe with CV though is the gameplay feels too "arcadey" so to speak. It feels way WAY easier than the games before it by a longshot.

This is exactly how I feel about Classic RE in general, upon replaying them you just go for the best time and don't really see the enemies as a threat anymore, although I suppose this counts for most videogames.

I'm playing Code Veronica X right now and so far the game has been harder than 1 and 2, but also less interesting than them. What I really dislike about it is the enemy placement though, for most of the first half of the game, you enter a room and those yellow shits with extendable arms procced to bitch slap you off camera, the poisonous moths in Antartida also pissed me off.

>RE4 was just ok
>RE5 was good
>RE6 was also good
>REVII was somehow not good

What the actual fuck my man. You started so well too.

>Didn't stick to tedious tank controls
4 and 5 had tank controls you dumb retard.

How much of a blind apologetic dipshit are you that you are SO uninformed as to things you are blindyly defending out of sheer nostalgia?

>4 DID kill the series
>It DIDN'T save shit
>It sold WORSE than PS1 RE's
>It has been ported 13 times
>5 retconned it instantly.
4 tried to killed off umbrella in the opening cutscene, the devs then realized what a fucking retarded idea that was and brought it back the very next game and fucked off las plagas, because it was also retarded.

Go wank to leon one last time and convince yourself it didn't kill the series.

It is a good game but it is a fucking atrocious insult to the franchise, it split the fanbase apart paved the way for the commercial casual shit that came after it.

>B-but it's not 4's fault it's 5's!!! 4 is good! it's GOTYAY!
Grow the fuck up and accept it fucked everything up.

It was nothing more than a last minute casualization of a concept that was better, reduced to mindless tps action shit that had the square root of jack shit to do with anything in the series. Literally remove Ada, Leon and Wesker and not a single thing connects it to the series other than the mention of umbrella and the name. No plot advancing, no character development, no incident, not even a reference in future games.

It is nothing more than a "Check out what everyones gay little bumfucker did after he stopped getting dragged around raccoon city by claire (an actual plot relevant character that was there for a fucking reason) See how relevant he still is?" i.e. fuck all.

He's so shallow and pointless they had to bullshit his dead waifu back just to try and give him some semblance of depth.

>you're just butthurt the franchise didn't stick to tedious tank control gameplay

But only RE6 and onwards has not featured tank controls. What are you on about?