Is Steel the worst tf2 map?
Is Steel the worst tf2 map?
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dustbowl exists
>is steel the worst TF2 map
The answer is junction
only to people new to the map
.t got btfo by dustbowl veterans like myself
This, also 2fort
2fort is simple, straightforward, and iconic. Certainly not bad.
It's the best map.
any ctf map is
Right here. Fucking FUCK Junction
All maps have shit points though.
Although Upward is generally pretty balanced, not many tight chokes.
>what is tc_hydro
Hydro a best eat a dick
At least it's not as bad as Barnblitz last
This. I personally find Steel's premise to be the most interesting thing I've ever seen when it comes to TF2's gamemodes.
only people who started playing before the year 2010 are allowed to have opinions on tc_hydro
>having eternal stalemates caused by 50 bajillion sentries in the intel rooms is "not bad"
Hydro is shit
Dustbowl is shit
ctf is shit
Junction is shit
the moon base one is a blast to play. Wish it was in rotation.
Thundermountain final section ruins the entire map
It was iconic because of a TF where it wasn't a sentry stalemate
Upward is shit and doesn't deserve the popularity it has.
no, that would be turd-bine
There seems to be a common trend with Payload maps and final-points. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the spawn is really close, and there is less flanking routes
>Not Sunshine
It's fine until the last point then it falls apart.
Same with badwater. Frontier is "ok" until last then it's awful.
barnblitz is ohshitwhatareyoudoing last point
seems to be a problem with a lot of maps
Process will never be surpassed as the best 6s map of all time.
Why do you say that?
Upward is a great map, all up until the last point
Steel is the zenith of control point maps. The fact that it was community created just btfo everything valve ever made, as far as maps go.
It's because the final point is supposed to be the easiest to defend / hardest to push.
Badwater is pretty okay with regards to that if only because the attackers automatically have the high ground to start with. If you got rid of that sniper lane that lets him basically hide inside the spawndoor in relative safety the last point would be a lot less of a pain to push into. Yeah there are sentries but again: having that highground makes pushing into the sentries far easier.
If you don't agree that hightower is the single worst map in TF2 then you are either autistic, a furry, a barneyfag, or some other piece of shit.
The problem is Thundermountains last section is just absolutely retarded to push, if the defenders are even semi competent, they can lock down the kart at several points
I kinda like how junction is a completely closed map
not the way tf2 was ever meant to be played
8v8 is the minimum
>ctrl+F "swiftwater"
>Zero results
Whoever designed that map needs to die.
Suijin is a great map
No that titles belongs to 2fort.
why is ctf so bad?
It's made by competitive niggers for competitive niggers.
Then you got retards like this, who are also probably a pyro "main"
People have less tools for taking out sentries
It's not though, I can't think of one thing I like about that map
Literally engineer
Junction is a cramped spaghetti mess of hallways and doorways with an occasional bit of space to allow you to jump higher than waist height. Then there's the fact that most of the map is entirely flat with zero props to populate the space to make gunplay even interesting. Either someone sees you and shoots you and you shoot back or neither of you can see nor shoot each other. At least with other maps there are props that you can duck behind or climb on top of to gain something interesting to do with your positioning than just holding the highground like a braindead Heavy camping a dispenser and doing nothing else.
What is the best gamemode, and why is it Payload?
>comp niggers can't design a good map
this surprises you?
Comp niggers are responsible for TF2 almost dying, they wished on a monkey paw for
and nearly killed the game because it was so shit
why couldn't they have just stayed in their tiny community and left everyone else alone with their autism?
Are you dense? How can you not see the light that is the 6v6 meta of this dead game?
Agreed desu ne
Matchmaking should've been comp only and with a few servers instead of making all of them matchmaking
As people get more and more interested in comp and start giving more key revenue, incest it on more servers and quality of life fixes
Also should've given levels for different classes and matchmade based on that, along with Highlander option
There are over 50 fake door textures in the walls of junction The map maker must've had some sick chokepoint fetish
yeah but instead we got MM forced on normal players, which killed community servers and valve servers
now hackers run rampant
you can't spectate to prove that someone is cheating
and the level shit is pointless, it only exists to placate the average "gamers" ADHD where you MUST BE REWARDED FOR PLAYING OTHERWISE THE GAME IS LITERALLY SHIT
had they just given matchmaking to the comp fags it would have been fine, but no, they forced this bullshit on everybody.
>The map maker must've had some sick chokepoint fetish
so that's the guy who made OW's maps
really forces you to fire some neurons
Good thing I started Halloween 2009
The two maybe three rounds only if you're lucky thing is very shit too
You either roll and only fight against 5 people next round or vice versa, and the round ends too quickly and everyone wants to change the maps so you can't have fun in your favourite maps for long
The level thing is just absolute bollocks since there's literally nothing you get except a new badge that's not even a cosmetic
And you get that plastered in the scoreboards so you can't act as if you are a complete noob anymore
If they revert this on the Pyro update and said "hey, we're sorry we fucked up so bad, here you go" I would go back to playing this game religiously.
Junction is unplayable. I do not understand how that one even became official.
Not only are the points 3 steps away from the spawns, the hallways are barely big enough for two people to go down the same time.
you cant even mitigate vertically because the ceiling is so fucking low.
Steel is the only AD map that gets played competitively what the hell are you talking about? Junction is a million times worse.
Casuals like me think the likes of you are even more casual.
Barnblitz last has already been fixed in the pro version valve just refuses to update it.
Upward desperately needs a pro version to fix that abomination of a last point.
Nobody cares, compnigger.
>Barnblitz pro
>Removes snow
I'm perturbed
2fort is one of the worst maps in the game.
>Only two entrances to intel both of which run by enemy spawn
>Snipers dominate outside area, no open space for teams to fight in
>Engineer can cover three major areas with a single sentry
>Lower spawn area nobody uses
>One of the smallest maps in the game
I'm not happy about it either but it's for performance reasons.
>Pub shitter thinks his opinion matters when he only plays hightower and dustbowl
I just want them to add the fucking maps back
we are missing just off the top of my head
>entirety of arena mode
>robot destruction
>CTF Well and Sawmill
and like I said, that's just the start
They should just remove ctf altogether, those maps are all god awful. Arena deserves a spot way more than fucking 2fort.
>comp niggers think they matter when they are literally sub 1% of the playerbase
nobody cares about you autistic faggots after the MYM update
you fucks ruined everything with this matchmaking horseshit.
>Performance reasons
>For a 10 year old game
Fucking compniggers such as yourself have ruined the game. Everything bad that has happened has come from that retard streamer and compniggers such as yourself support him.
>remove a gamemode because I don't like it
fuck off retard
people like you are why we are still missing shit.
Because TF2 is a 12v12 experience and anything less than that it shit.
Le bloat hats, effects and cosmetics and shiet
>comp players are irrelevant you guys don't play pubs
>but somehow casual is your fault because valve can do no wrong praise gaben
>complain about nadespam in TFC
>want TF2 to be played with a playercount that fills the map with all sorts of spam
No, you're thinking of 2fort.
>ask for matchmaking
>valve gives everyone matchmaking
Compniggers never should have asked for MM to begin with, so yes they are at as much fault as valve.
Everything was fine when those faggots stuck to their own servers and didn't interact with the normal playerbase.
Performance patch when?
Official cosmetics toggle when?
>Official cosmetics toggle when?
Never. Now just open the fucking crates.
Nobody could have foreseen Valve would fuck up matchmaking that hard.
I just want an option to disable unusual effects
This desu, 8v8 all day
when has matchmaking EVER BEEN GOOD ON A PC GAME.
I'd already be happy with proper LODs.
But no, I bet we just get new batches of hats that each have more polygons at a distance than an entire heavy.
How did valve implement matchmaking? I haven't played tf2 since tfgo update
>remove a gamemode because I don't like it
That's not the only reason though, CTF is objectively terrible and teaches new players bad habits. Engineers never move shit up they just sit in intel 24/7, snipers don't do anything but duel each other, demos just spawn camp and players aren't encouraged to go for the objective and just deathmatch 99% of the time. You need 24 players to fill up the server the more maps there are the more fractured the playerbase is going to be and harder it is to find a game. I'd rather matchmaking have a few good maps than a bunch of bad ones.
Nobody knew valve was going to add casual matchmaking until the day it was released. We were told there would be ranked matchmaking and that's all.
i miss gravelpit desu
>Everyone has to wait to get put into a server instead of using server browser
>It can still end up randomly imbalanced like usual
>But now you can't switch teams unless prompted to when winning and there's no auto balance
>People leaving takes forever to be replaced because of said matchmaking
>Ends up in eternal roll cycle where either your team is too weak or their team is too weak, hardly any fair matches
>also you can only play for a couple rounds, three maximum, before the server stops the game and asks you whether or not you want to change maps which only gives you two options
imagine you can click a button for a gamemode you want to play and it puts you in a vanilla server
things are grand, all maps and modes are available, you can switch teams, join spectator and fuck around and do waht you want
then they replace that with a waiting time (can vary heavily depending on what map you want to play) that matches you with 20 other chucklefucks (or puts you in a match where you're getting stomped), you can't spectate, can't change teams at will, can't see sprays unless you've seen it previously in a normal server
a lot of maps are missing, and entire gamemodes are gone (arena)
and what do we get for all of this?
a stupid fucking coin for retarded autistic children that make up the gaming community now to show that they
this is "casual" matchmaking
-t.sniper main
the point is Matchmaking never should have been asked for in the first place
remember when people "boycotted" games like MW2 because they added matchmaking opposed to community servers? WE DIDN'T NEED MATCHMAKING.
Matchmaking works well in pretty much all titles, it's just that most of them are shit to begin with.
>the point is Matchmaking never should have been asked for in the first place
nobody fucking asked for casual matchmaking you retarded child.
it's objectively the worst map in the game
i have never seen a serious 2fort game because there is NOTHING that can be done on the map in terms of progression
i am sure there is a section of hell that has the same layout
I'm saying in general you illiterate moron
Why did comp players need matchmaking? What was wrong with the system they had? Asking for Matchmaking (even though it was for comp only) opened pandoras fucking box and now we're stuck with it for both comp and normal. One of which is dogshit and the other of which is dead.
>no items whatsoever
>cant buy or trade shit untill the 30th july
>need some variety
how to get shit? how many drops per week?
Scoot actually
Standin is the greatest map ever created and I'm not even a soldier fag
I bet you use the force-a-nature to knock people off cliffs you monster
So the best way to play matches is to just use community servers now? I don't even know how you can fuck it up this bad
>can't see sprays unless you've seen it previously in a normal server
what the fuck? how does that work, do I just have to hope to come across a spray and then I can actually see it on community servers?
>with the system they had
Why do you even try to talk about shit you have no idea about to begin with?
>implying anyone is anywhere near a cliff on that map