I have to come clean... This is the best game I have ever played
I have to come clean... This is the best game I have ever played
Enjoy your abandonware, then.
why is it abandonware?
What the fuck are you on about
Dont forget there's online multiplayer for up to 4 players for one lobby
It's a really good game but I'm sad that Vlambeer gave up on it. A nice expansion pack like Binding of Isaac got, with new characters and stages, would be great for it.
Its a completed game so I don't mind
Apparently it's "painfully close to an update" too
Nigger what?
How do I beat Lil Hunter
Hes not even that hard unless you are trying to get the melting b skin
Git good fucking faggot
When he calls in for allies, he basically gives you free hits.
The original developers, Jan Nijman and Rami Ismail shoved the game out of early access in order to meet a Sony contracted release. The game is fundamentally unfinished and the release was buggy as shit. While the Steam and PS4 version got a single bugfix patch (that didn't even come close to fixing all of the bugs), the Vita version is fucked up and has been for over a year and a half. There are literally hundreds of bugs still left in the current Steam and PS4 builds and there's no indication of them being fixed anytime ever.
The only reason you have to enjoy the game are either because you aren't skilled enough to see the lategame where the game's bugs and lack of balance and polish really shine through or you downloaded the community-driven Nuclear Throne Together mod that sought out to not only fix those bugs that have been in the game for its entire existence, but also adding online multiplayer, in-line developer console, supporting external modding, and other shit that only a russian with way too much time could've set out to do for no compensation other than wanting to see a game with potential actually reach that potential.
>Its a completed game
Oh you sweet summer child.
how do i loop 2, theres so much shit going on
how many vaccines did you get as a child lmao
if you kill all or most of the enemies before he spawns, you can focus on avoiding him (which is easy if you don't panic)
he really isnt that hard unless youre cornered by your own stress
breathe and move along
he has low hp, so just shoot the fucker while he's calling adds. Try to fight him in a area where there are few or no enemies. Watch out for his kamikaze death, that's the only thing that kills me when fighting him.
>Not enter the gungeon
Get a load of THIS guy
>Enter the shitty game feel
>Enter the downtime
No thanks
Do you realise that the game never expects you to go past the second loop tryhard fagget?
Anything past the captain is just being an autistic completionist
>playing a slow piece of shit game
>Score attack game
>Never expect players to get far enough to get high scores because of (((storytelling))) that the game was never designed around having for over 2 years
Fuck off, Rami.
>entering the scaling guns dungeon
No more than once. Hope you enjoy getting that sweet gun you always wanted on the first level and discovering it's become worthless two levels later.
Go aggro when you enter the level to clear as much space as possible for before he spawns.
Use walls to go between you and him, bait him into firing straight shots and then smack him inbetween.
Burst DPS from explosives/shotguns can be better overall unless you have bolt marrow or something.
The jackhammer is a hardcounter, literally nothing he can do against it
Also hes a low hp faggot, a lot of high burst damage weapon kill him in 2 shots like the super crossbow, super slugger, energy hammer, nuke launcher, heavy grenade launcher etc
Gungeon is just wasted potential. It would easily be one of the best "roguelikes" if the gameplay wasn't an extremely slow-placed slog.
Call me when it isn't running at a pathetic 30fps.
I was waiting for this post. I bet you think Crash is shit too.
It runs at 30? I wouldn't know, I never played it. Some 30fps games are fine but for 2D games its especially aggravating because of how shit the camera scrolling feels.
True. FPS is mainly only a problem if your games camera isn't designed for it. That's why the on-rails camera in Crash makes the game feel like it runs smoother than it does. Dark Souls on the other hand suffers pretty badly from its 30fps.