I never thought BotW was 10/10 to begin with
Yeah it was good, but it was pretty forgettable and tedious
I'd say it was more of a 7/10, and I'm being generous
Other urls found in this thread:
You're part of a very small minority since most people say its a flawless 10/10 or at least a 9/10
Remove Nintendo and Zelda and it's suddenly a 7/10 with bunch of stolen ideas from other games.
The safest thing to do is to always divide the scores of the most hype Nintendo games by half or at least take 3/4 from them to get a relatively real score.
>inb4 that butthurt BotW fan posts that one picture with smug Zelda
Look, BOTW is a really good game, but it sure as hell isn't perfect. That said, 10/10 is not perfect in my point of view. To me, it just means its good parts are so good it genuinely makes you forget the bad ones while you're playing.
With that also out of the way, there were reviewers ready to give it a 10/10 after the Great Plateau demo at E3 2016, which is just wrong. Handing out an easy 10 like that when you're supposed to be a professional is terrible both for your reputation as a reviewer and for the developers, who don't get meaningful feedback on what to improve / correct / fix. It's only good for the marketing / PR teams and publishers.
It's funny because the Zelda series is so overrated with every new release that when an actual good one is out you as a consumer can't know if it's actually good or not until you play it.
Went in to BotW with 0 knowledge about it. No trailers, no reviews, nothing. I hadn't even been on Sup Forums in months. Picked it up because I needed something to play on the Switch. I had no idea it was even an open world game. I went in expecting something akin to OoT or TP. Within 5 hours it became my favorite Zelda game of all time, dethroning Link's Awakening. Well deserving of a 10/10.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Notice that none of these BotW criticizers can dare to name a better game than it. It's always a one-way argument and it's always the Zelda fans that have to bring up Horizon or Nier or whatever for them. In reality they're too insecure about their tastes to throw themselves under the bus like that and don't have any legitimate criticisms to bring to the table.
MGS V was better than BotW
I'd rate it 9/10 and BotW 7.5-8/10
Thing is, MGS V would be perfect without the shitty Chapter 2
You are so dumb OP
Enjoyment is enjoyment it doesnt matter the reason
Super traversal and interactivity and attention to detail.
Enemies, weapons, combat, bosses, shrines, dungeons, fetch quests, empty world full of korok seeds, etc, all pretty shitty.
>Everyone who like stuff I don't is just following like sheeple
Do you have any proof that this is the case for this game? Or do you just like to throw around physiology terms to sound smart? Just because something CAN apply to an event doesn't mean that it DOES.
When a weeb hating normie can play BOTW and then plays P5 to higher praise, you have a MUCH bigger issue than just "not being a 10/10" game.
>4 months have passed
>Sup Forums is still mad at BotW
Dude I stopped playing it around April, you should move on too, it's not healty user.
>Only got it because I needed games for the switch.
>My favorite Zelda was Link's awakening
Nigga, you're a hardcore nintenbro. You bought their GAME console literally not knowing which GAMES they had available or which ones were good. And your favorite Zelda is one of the earliest entries.
The mental image of Nintendo and Zelda being automatically good was already hard coded into your brain by the time you bought BOTW
Welp you were right This. Liking Blow of the Whore is proof that you're a fucking fanboy that likes anything Ninturdo makes. There is no arguing against that.
Also see For delusional cucks pretending this isn't the shittiest Zelda.
>And your favorite Zelda is one of the earliest entries.
You're right on the other parts but you're plain wrong on this one since usually people who like 2D Zelda games more are very damn bitter and critical about new entries.
>I don't know what to say so I start swearing randomly like a little kid
I had lots of fun playing the game, it was a pretty great experience for me. Hands down my favorite Zelda next to A Link to the Past.
>Any proof?
Its a fucking empty open world game with no sense of progress or direction. There's 4 dungeons (a staple in the franchise) which can all be completed in an hour, they all have the same recycled boss. 16 enemy types (I'm sure this is even less than the first game), the only rewards for exploring are a higher capacity to carry weapons and fucking consumables. Most shrine rewards are just weapons that will break in ONE encounter.The weapons all break extremely fast to encourage the use of multiple weapons, but they all behave EXACTLY the same, it's just pretty much using swords or spears with a reskin and different damage values.
Everything about the game is super mediocre, it just gets a free pass for being zelda
I didn't even play the game faggot, but you can't just throw out "Anyone who likes this game is just following the popular train!!1!!" without any proof, and expect to be taken seriously. You're actually retarded if you think this is a valid argument.
I've never heard about that
Don't forget there's also basically no plot
Your point? I never played a nintendo game in a decade, this being my first in a long time.
No, it sucks ass.
Greatest game of all time
When Tingle tries to show you his tingle.
>when posting
Kill yourself
That's not proof that's an opinion. There a people out there that liked, or didn't mind all of what you just said. There are people that liked weapon durability because it made you want to explore more. Or like the shrines because they were a neat. My friend who did play it loved the fact that there was little to no direction, because it made the world more fun to explore. Just because you didn't like a game doesn't make it fundamentally flawed.
>There are people still getting butthurt about other people liking Breath of the Wild
Listen here intolerant baitcucks people can like whatever the fuck they want and you repeatedly making threads trying to shit on BOTW and convince people otherwise isn't going to change that.
>Blow of the Whore
Imagine being this underaged
Couldn't you say the same of the fucking retards who keep complaining about the score, share this shit mentality?
I'm pretty amazed by how retards still get triggered by the score.
Liked the game by the way, had more fun than expected with it.
Why the sour grapes? You can emulate it you know.
Fucking this. Blow of the Whore does basically nothing good and I can guarantee if it weren't a Zelda game everyone else would have thought the same. It's unironically one of the most worthless games this decade. Though the fact that nobody is debating this is pretty strong proof that more people are agreeing with this mindset.
>Liked the game by the way
See Stop jumping on bandwagons.
Nope, most of the stuff mentioned in his post were objective. Try again.
Looks like Bloodborne has been dethroned as the biggest butthurt causer on Sup Forums, unbelievably
The point is that you're a long time Zelda fan and so you inevitably fell prey to the idea that all Zelda products are flawless.
Hell, you don't even have to be a Zelda fan to have that idea, since the circlejerking around the franchise is so good, even a guy who has never heard about video games know that everyone loves Zelda and that every Zelda game must be great for that to be the case.
>trying to validate the opinion of people who like to have a character dumped into an empty world and who have fun at "exploring" virtual worlds
Hahaha gtfo
You people need professional help.
>getting this mad about people's opinion on Sup Forums
Hahaha gtfo
Its one of those cases where the ACTUAL fans of the franchise hate it while every other casual "fan" or newcomer loves it, because they actually didn't like the older games.
Also happened to Uncharted for example. Real fans consider 2 to be the best game and 4 to be the shittiest, casual fans consider 4 to be the best, simply because it's vastly different from the other games.
Same for MGS, the real fans hated it because it was extremely different to the previous titles and the ones loved it for the same reason
I believe it after how much PS4s sold on launch with zero games
No it's not objective just because you say so. Try again.
BOTW is an average game
I don't think anything past age 12 is 10/10 anymore.
Skyrim, Fallout 4 are better games for exploration and quests.
Dark Souls, hell even Dynasty Warriors have better combat.
This board complains nowadays whenever anything that isn't a Souls game succeeds.
the butthurt this game has generated from neofag is glorious
>This board complains nowadays whenever anything succeeds.
can i paraglide onto a horse in skyrim
I don't think I would like BotW
Quit after 2 divine beasts, game is super front loaded and besides the short main quest almost everything is copy paste after the tutorials end.
Clearly they took too much time making the engine and mechanics, thus content is super low and game balance is completely fucked as you can hoard 50+ full heal foods and never die as you eat then in a pause menu.
Who the fuck though healing in as menu was a good thing for an action game? At least the old Resident Evils and other survival horror games limited heals like crazy even if you could apply them instantly.
With mods sure.
Can someone explain to me why I should now suddenly listen to the pack mentality? Pic related is why I refuse to consider anything popular as good.
Let me also remind you that I refuse to listen to the "broken clock" analogy, since this means you willingly listen to a clock you know is broken, and in the case of game journalists, they still tick, but they're not even set to the right time, so they're NEVER right no matter what time it is.
being that your two favorites were the two most open, then maybe you would, actually
>Blow of the Whore
I want you to explain why you think this is a good insult
>not liking minish cap
>Almost two hours
For what reason
This. In the eyes of any true Zelda fan, Cuck of the Shilled is objectively the series worst offering to date, and know to abandon the series now that it will head down this direction forever. The only people giving this garbage a good score are the brainless newcomers who gobble up anything critics say about it. It's a trashy Generation Z funhouse in every aspect. If you like Blow of the Whore, you are the cancer killing this series.
>Can someone explain to me why I should now suddenly listen to the pack mentality
You don't. Be your own man, bro. Don't listen to the Zelda """"""""""fans"""""""""" that pretend Blow of the Whore is anything but the most embarrassing title of 2017. A true Zelda fan would agree to that.
If you are a true Zelda fan, you really won't. Just don't fall for viraling.
I remember reading threads about people being extremely butthurt on neogaf as well.
>for example by placing 2 actors in a waiting line who get up to clap when they hear a buzz, a third person who is foreign to the study comes in and after 2 buzzes he's also getting up and clapping, despite not knowing the reason why the other 2 are doing it
Did the third person know he was involved in a study? If yes, he probably thought the researchers neglected to tell him that he was supposed to clap since the other people were doing it.
That's not reproduced herd mentality, that's stupid ass researchers not understanding the psychological motivations behind specific choices.
>Game considered to be great because of its cutscenes
>Game considered to be great because of its gameplay
>pokebarneyfag and AC fag in the same thread
The autism is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
BotW can easily compete with BB on how much anal devastation it caused.
>true Zelda fan
Everyone says devil's third is trash but I liked it. Most people say positive things about GTA 5 but I think it's bad.
I loved wind waker didn't like twilight princess. I didn't like red dead redemption I do bayonetta 3.
I dislike games everyone likes. I like games people hate. I also like games that people like and dislike games everyone dislikes.
Tldr everyone likes zelda botw because it's good.
The issue is people say it's trash and people say it's perfect. Its neither. Of you can't see why people would like it, you're blind. If you can't see why people would dislike it, you're blind
>Blow of the Whore
Man that sure is catchy user. You come up with that one today?
>If you are a true Zelda fan
What about my chart makes you think "zelda fan" at all, let alone "true zelda fan"
Sorry bro. Not everyone wanting to step out of the herd is your boogeyman. They're just people who aren't so willing to give up their individuality to a trashy open world ""game"" that even true fans of the source material hate.
If that was true then everygame would be considered a 10/10 masterpiece.
Even the shittiest games will always have rabid and vocal defenders. See FFXV.
Yeah it was 7/10.
you really don't want to get blown by a whore
Also is there anyone who hates the subtitle as well? The Zelda subtitles have always being about something extremely meaningful to the plot like an event, character or relic, like THE OCARINA OF TIME, an invaluable relic capable of traveling time. THE WIND WAKER, an invaluable relic to control the winds, which are central to the plot. MAJORAS MASK, an object of unspeakable evil that can bring the end of the world
BREATH OF THE WILD, a, uhm, an open playground?
>Game considered to be great because of its cutscenes
>that even true fans of the source material hate.
That's a good joke
>Of you can't see why people would like it, you're blind. If you can't see why people would dislike it, you're blind
Pretty sensible outlook. I didn't like BotW at all and I have my reasons, but I can see why people enjoyed the game all the same. And it annoys me a lot of the fans brush off any criticism you give the game with "you didn't play it" or they accuse you of being some kind of Playstation fanboy. It's retarded.
This is how you postmortem a game and analyse its faults.
Im wondering how could I be part of "herd mentality" if I got the game at launch, never played a mainline Zelda, minimized looking at any preview footage, didnt look at reviews, and went into the game with a fresh mind. Yes I liked the game.
(Thinking emoji)
So every popular and liked game is shit then? How delusional are you?
Wait, are you saying game journalists are trustworthy, and/or they lied? That can't be! They liked Zelda, they can't be liars!
Gee, OP. It sure would seem like it's herd mentality now that you juxtapose it with your opinion. Boy, I should just abandon my personal opinion and adopt yours because everyone else is doing it and if everyone else is doing it, I should probably do it too.
I never thought BotW was 10/10 either but my opinion sure as hell didn't have a Wikipedia article backing it.
Yes, essentially.
I think people would be better off just moving on from this whole number system. Numbers don't tell you anything about how much you're going to enjoy a game. Rallying and getting all smug when your game gets a high number is pathetic, and trashing other games when they get average or lower scores is just as pathetic. People need to have some confidence in their own opinions and stop hiding behind numbers to validate them.
Name 5 games you actually like, you contrarian autist.
I played it. I loved it. But it had issues. There were points where I spent so much time alone when I stumbled across a town I thought, oh yeah, there are supposed to be people in zelda games. So yeah,it's not perfect
I don't consider BotW a 10 because other people do, I consider it a 10 because it's everything I've ever wanted from a Zelda game, because I understand what the developers were trying to achieve and I understand that they were going for adventure and exploration, not dungeon-crawling bullshit.
This whole argument of "If you happen to agree with other people you're just following the HERD, man" is the shittiest piece of contrarian logic plaguing this board. Just because you're going against the grain doesn't automatically mean you can think for yourself.
undertale is highly rated because it's very good
i've never played an uncharted game but after seeing the dynamic combat and environments it looks fucking stunning desu
I live how you think this is some amazing dscovery. You have to be either 12 or mentally disabled.
So which is it?
Every one of them is agame that either has no metacritic score, or has a sub-90 metacritic and is hated for being too videogamey.
>Dwarf Fortress
>The Desolate Hope (from the maker of FNAF, not enough furry porn meant that people hate it. Also lacks the let's player appeal, too videogamey for people like pewdiepie)
>Armored Core: Last Raven (70 and below Metacritic, cited for being too "challenging" and not enough tutorials
>Terraria (considered Minecraft's weaker brother, doesn't have enough let's player appeal, hated for not having enough tutorials and thus shows in its sub-90 metacritic)
>any of the indie games in my library (in particular the ones without story, since the gone home and tumblrtale audience hate videogamey stuff)
No you fucking retard, botw is a 9/10
>Undertale is very good
Wait, shit! OP, what about the PS4? I was thinking of picking one up this weekend because everyone tells me it's better than the Switch but now that I know
>Popular Opinion = Herd Mentality
I shouldn't get one. Right? Tell me if I'm wrong. Man, I'm glad I'm saving my money. Thanks OP
>Dwarf Fortress
Oh, so you are actually literally autistic. Okay then.
>It's the dwarf fortress fag again
Man you post on this site a lot dude.
>this level of autism
Why are people so butthurt about BOTW being a success?
>wtf where are the waifus and cutscenes and expensive graphics?! There's too much gameplay in this!
>h-herd mentality is real guise, there's studies on it and everything!
>if you agree that BotW is a 10/10 you're following the herd, WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Your entire post and also this entire thread is pretty cringeworthy. Being a pretentious contrarian doesn't mean you're some brilliant freethinker.
Now fuck off.
Wow neither of us said that, nice job champ. Argument successfully refuted.
>neither of us said that
If you're saying Dort Fort is shit, then clearly you are.
nintendo must be doing something right when there's like 400 ass-blasted switch/botw threads daily
I've read nothing in that coming close to coherent idea.
I think I've discussed this too many times to count. Botw is not on the level of the better zelda games, and I wouldnt even call it a zelda game. It's a different genre from what the old zeldas were, which is my problem with it.
>people have different opinions
>user doesn't like BotW (which is perfectly fine)
>instead of recognizing that it's a difference of opinion, user thinks he's attained enlightenment and has a SACRED DUTY to spread his PURE, OBJECTIVE TRUTH to the plebeians of Sup Forums