Normal mode or Master mode for first playthrough?
Normal mode or Master mode for first playthrough?
shameless self bump
master mode
normal mode
master mode is rough at the start, but there's all these handy strong weapons hanging out on those floating platforms they put everywhere.
bump for interest
That depends, are you a tryhard faggot?
Master mode is probably like normal mode for most games since this is a modern Nintendo game, so that.
I'd recommend normal mode
Master mode is hard at the beginning. Really hard
It gets easier, but then there are other things that will likely kick your ass and you'll regret it. Like Eventide island and the Sword trials
If you like damage sponges, go with Master.
That's pretty much the only difference.
Did you anons get Majora's mask?
I would've died ten times more without it.
Master mode, normal mode is too easy.
Absolute normal. Do not do master. I've seen a few people saying they regret doing that, and I've been warning people since it came out not to start with master. Normal is still plenty challenging in the beginning.
Normal mode
master mode, you already know normal mode is gonna be too easy
Also, I put it like this in another thread. A lot of gamers (including myself) consider hard mode to be the default, and everything else is for people not as good at games. That's not the case here. It is deliberately called Master Mode because it's for people who have already mastered the game's mechanics. Starting out trying to learn them while also dealing with a brutally hard mode is going to ruin your experience. For someone new, it will go right past hard to frustratingly un-fun.
are gold lynels only in master mode
BotW is a classic case of normal being too easy and hard being too hard
Absolutely agree, it's an awful mode to start with but doing it as a second run it's a completely different experience, but I guess it feels that way cause I'm taking a completely different route.
I'm really impressed with how well I remember everything.
Yeah. It's also sort of like heading to the Graveyard on your very first Dark Souls run, and not realizing you're not supposed to go that way.
>as a second run it's a completely different experience
I don't find it much different after the great plateau. You just run from/ignore things much more often, where you would have just killed them in normal mode. It honestly kills a lot of fun in the game. I find myself hoarding weapons that I never use because nothing is worth fighting, because they'll deplete my weapon supply and won't drop enough weapons/materials to make it worth it. So pretty much you just kill things if you have to or if they drop upgrade materials
It does feel different enough that compelled me to do a second playthrough. I mean if I was just playing normal mode I doubt I would have gotten this far. But I miss being able to mindlessly wack stuff
Have you tried the more stealthy approach? Most enemies die from one hit if you surprise them from behind (if you're not using a stick)
I'm way past the great plateau. That might work on blues but not blacks and higher, you'll only take a small chunk of hp even with a high damage weapon
It's just not worth it to fight most things, especially since they only drop materials/weapons of -1 tier. You can complete 99% of the game ignoring everything
Did they add a higher tier of weapons in Master Mode? I was thinking about it the other day, and I don't think you could feasibly clear camps if you fought every monster head on with your weapons, because they would break much faster than you can collect them, especially in the middle of an enemy camp
Is master mode just improvise/cheese or die mode?
Did you play any of the early 2d zelda games? I remember dieing a lot and I want to feel that again.
Make getting hearts actually necessary.
If you haven't played the game or master mode then don't fucking give recommendations.
Play normal mode first OP, master mode is going to be really tedious when you aren't familiar with the gameplay mechanics.
If you want to impose any challenges on yourself, don't heal in the middle of a battle. You can pretty much cheese anything as long as you have healing items on you.
First part of master mode is pretty much running and going around enemies.Later on, only the hp regen will give you aids, it triggers too fast.
The difficulty comes not in dying but the health regen and the obscene HP boost that many enemies get. You might find yourself quite alive, but with no more weapons you can use against a monster that is rapidly regaining its health
It's beyond frustrating.
You will die a lot on your first playthrough, even on normal mode
The combination of how different the combat feels, only having 3 hearts, and how much relative damage some enemies can do early is pretty lethal
I'd played every 3D Zelda and most of the 2D ones before starting BotW, and it had me dying like a bitch plenty
Can we expect a mode/option with non-breakable weapons? Maybe degrade+repairs or something.
Has anyone figured out if the upgraded master sword still has normal durability
Or is it super high like when fighting guardians
Considering it would break the game balance, I doubt it