What filters do you guys use?

What filters do you guys use?

none because I'm not an easily triggered fag
each to his own, I guess

I just like sorting out the trash

None, not from reddit so I don't need a blocklist

>filtering means you're triggered
Opening a window after taking a shit doesn't mean the smell triggers you.


>not being proud of your shits

delet this

>wading through shit makes me feel manly

DELET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This. I'm not "triggered" at all, I'd just like to find the threads that interest me without wading through 6 pages of memes and bait. Plus, I get the added satisfaction of enraging the shitposting faggots who don't get my (You)'s.

Funny thing is, many of those filters imply the thread should be reported, yet they are the ones that live the longest lol.

Fucking sonybro

Filtering is for faggots

>say he's not an easily triggered fag
>replies to a thread that following his logic shouldn't be relevant to him in he slightest

And while you retards scream "MODS MODS WHY WONT YOU DELET THIS I REPORTED IT 15 TIMES REEEEE", those of us smart enough to use filters don't even see the fucking thread.

You filtered like 90% of threads.

I only filter recurring threads about things that I have 0 interest in such as Neptunia, Senran Kagura, console tans, filename threads and the like.

/What went wrong?/i;boards:v;op:only
/Why is this allowed/i;boards:v;op:only
/Now that the Dust has settled/i;boards:v;op:only
/mean by this/i;op:only
/we did it bros/i;boards:v;op:only
/sony won/i:boards:v;op:only
/nintendo won/i:boards:v;op:only
/suddenly hates/i;boards:v;op:only
/is the power of/i;boards:v;op:only
/check em/i;highlight:cancer,exclude:b,s4s,trash,qa
/check 'em/i;highlight:cancer,exclude:b,s4s,trash,qa
/I HURT MYSELF TODAY/i;boards:v;op:only
/^>enemies can open doors$/;boards:v;op:only
/actual graphics/;boards:v;op:only
/what (was|the fuck was) (his|her) problem./i;op:only;
/Buy (my|her) (next game|game)/i;op:only;
/(\u003E)(boss|final boss)/i;boards:v;op:only;
/is (he|she) (still our| our) (guy|girl)/i;op:only;
/^\*Blocks your path\*$/i;op:only
/the call that saved */i;op:only
/(sony|nintendo|microsoft) won/i;op:only
/wife.s son/i;op:only
/Hold me, .v.ros./i;op:only
/it.s not fair/i;op:only

/hol up/i
/so you be sayin/i
/nu(?=male| male|-male)/i

>tfw shat so bad an hour ago the smell literally made my lungs cry in agony
must've eaten some bad shit

How many threads do you guys even see with that many filter s? Do you look at a blank screen?

>This is your X for tonight.
>This is X. Say something nice about her.
>What is the X of video games?
>Western vs Japanese game development

Too bad there aren't enough filters to block all these Sup Forums cross posting cancer.

Only 10% of Sup Forumss threads are worth entering

i ignore 99% of the threads, don't need no faggy blacklist

None because I don't try to give my self the illusion that this board isn't the fucking garbage it is

Sup Forums is our second greatest ally tho

What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me, Sup Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on X. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. GF (male) What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL. Keep it vidya. Really makes you think. JUST. WE. So this...is the power...of X...woah. I just played X, what did I think of it? *BRAAAP*. Here's your controller bro! DIE BARNEYFAG. I want to ____ X!
tfw too intelligent to X
hey user turn on your mic!
haha. I'm at a loss. HE. How's that youtube gaming channel, Sup Forumsros?
What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! JUST.
people fell for the X meme
Headsets thread. wtf i love/hate X now. Tired gamer thread. Are videogames art? *Joker pic* CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES. When will you outgrow videogames? Sex or videogames? What games allow me to play as X?
this is your ___ for tonight
this is ____ say something nice to them
no way fag. Look at this Nep! NEVER EVER. It's not fair! Is this loss? Is that a JoJo reference? kys. Enjoy

>these many anti Nintendo filters

Didn't know they triggered people so easily

I mean, sure, let's just hide shit instead of trying to get this place to become a little better..

I like how many fags this post ended up triggering.

I literally just counted 76 threads with all my filters on. Suck a dick, retard.

The only way that would happen is if people reported shitposting more often and even if they did the mods don't care enough to do anything about it most of the time.

Holy shit I see why you use filters now

i would use filters but i dont want to miss any stealth loli threads

I've reported over 2 dozen threads today alone and they never get deleted even though they're just all shitposting or lewdposting. I'd rather just filter them and save myself the trouble since mods obviously do not give a single fuck.

This place will never get better and you're a delusional retard if you honestly believe otherwise. Filtering improves MY browsing experience significantly. Why should I give a fuck about yours if you're too stupid to use the filtering tools m00t gave us?

>enter thread
>lmao if you don't like it then don't enter
>filter thread
>lmao you're a little bitch for avoiding threads you don't like

How do I browse

>i LIKE browsing through the exact same inane garbage threads every single day
If that's what makes you happy.

I think you might be autistic.




I just have zero interest in anything Nintendo has ever made, that's all. If anything, YOU sound like a triggered Nintenbro.

>filtering every single possible thread except for threads where people talk about filtering

i hope you filterfags never complained about censorship

My filters got wiped a couple months ago and I was so overwhelmed by the state of Sup Forums afterwards that I had to leave for three weeks.


What filters is one supposed to used to not view anime porn? Tried loli, waifu, and best girl but I still see a bit.

What went through your mind when you made that post

The fact that I still see ~80 threads with all these filters on should tell you a lot about this board's quality.

You could just got to a different image board

This board won't improve. If anything, it'll only become worse. All you can do is improve your own browsing experience.

who are you quoting?

>if you browse Sup Forums you MUST read every single post in every LOOK AT THIS NEP thread and spend three hours of your time every day (AT LEAST) rolling your eyes at 14 year old console warriors

it tells me you should update those filters
you're missing out on getting rid of ~80 more threads

>let me make this off topic thread just to show off how bootybothered I am over buzzwords
What di he meme by this?

I'm always open to suggestions.


But being a massive fuckface without consequence is half the fun of coming to Sup Forums
It's half the fun of this whole site, really.

>not loving the breeze from your excrement
beta af fäm

Where does "Your path" get used again? it sounds familiar, but I can't remember where.

You guys have a containment board... why do you act like you own the place? Maybe Sup Forums was for anime originally but at the end of the day, it's not for that anymore. The most discussed thing isn't even anime, it's "politics" (If you can call it that).

The only people that seem to be "bootybothered" in these threads are the shitposters who are angry that we are filtering their dead rotting horses.

Contributing to this noble cause. If more people filtered, the shitposters would be starved of (You)'s and peter out. For everyone whining that filtering won't improve the overall quality of the board, you're fucking retarded. Filtering is literally the exact thing that could save this board.


You forgot "this is your"


"defend this" and "your path" seem like they would filter a lot of normal discussion posts

You know what the beauty of filtering is? You can continue to be a total retard shitcock and I won't see it. I'm happy, you're happy. Filtering makes literally all parties happy, except shitposters desperate for replies.

>filtering normal words like "just"

*blocks your path*

Maybe your path is, but defend this is rarely ever used in a non shitpost thread like Sup Forums will defend this

>containment meme
>Le not an anime site
>mad at Sup Forums

You don't even get a (You)



*Blocks your path*

>meme posts
>normal discussion
neo-Sup Forums everyone.

Holy fuck, I did. Added, thanks! No really, I honestly appreciate it. I'm very proud of my filter list because it makes Sup Forums not just bearable, but actively enjoyable.

You gotta filter word like that when they're the only word in a post.

>advocating for censorship
What exactly are you looking for here? Sure, filters will cut out a lot of shitposting, but there isn't much else to be had lurking here


You're fucking stupid to have interpreted my post like that
You really think that the words "your path" will never ever be used in normal discussion? Fucking idiot retard

You remind me of that giantbomb guy who was playing yakuza and had to physically cover his eyes when he came to the JAV part


This is the kind of mentality that's ensuring Sup Forums stays a shithole.

You literally just typed this up now

>people on this board still don't use Sup Forums X or a fucking adblocker
Dumb third world niggers

Now why would you filter out "Todd," that's just absurd! Some of the best threads on this board involve the word Todd!

being here is like being stuck in hell, it is always the same shit.

Interpret? You straight said that those phrases would be normal discussion when in fact are used to actively shitpost on this site.
There's nothing to interpret from that sentence when you clearly said 'are normal discussions'.
Again, neo-Sup Forums everyone. We have been accompanied by newfriends who get offended when called out and back peddle to save themselves embarrassment.

Not him, but my massive list of filters ONLY applies to the OP. So I won't see memeshit threads like "blocks your path" or "JUST", but I'll still be able to see replies like "How do you get the Snorlax out of your path? I JUST can't figure it out!"

Again, the only people this would enrage are shitposters looking for (Tú)'s.

No you fucking moron. I am not defending "*blocks your path*" threads. I'm saying that "your path" is a very generic phrase that may be used for non-shitposting sentences.
wow thanks for making a non-retarded reply

>that kid who thought Toddposting was funny

Good thing I won't see you in 90% of Sup Forums because you seem autistic as fuck

I'm not some pussified faggot and I'm capable of hiding shit threads on the fly

that's what the minus sign next to them is for. All you're doing is running the risk of hiding legitimate discussion because it includes language that triggers you

How is it censoring? People who want to post in those god forsaken threads can still see them and post in them. Choosing to actively avoid bad threads isn't affecting anyone but the person setting the filters. You have a strange perception of the world.

i don't use filters, i just sort the catalog by creation date and look for threads that have high post rates.

You can do that?

>how to spot a fanboy

I filtered "cuck" a while ago and this board is like at trillion times better now

Honestly Toddposting is fun as fuck.

All these fags who act like Sup Forums is a place for some kind of civil discussions to be had is fucking autistic. It's not like actual discussions are never had either. These filterfags are probably into shit games where nothing BUT shitposting can occur from it.

The beauty of filters. I'm happy, you're happy.