Is Nier worth picking up?

Is Nier worth picking up?
I like 2B

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you like unlikable characters with bad dialogue and mediocre Platinum gameplay thrown in a terrible open world?

Then sure, you'll like it.

>is GOTY worth picking up?
do you really need to ask?

>I like 2B

then don't buy it, you play as her for 20% of the game, she is the antagonist

mods are a bunch of faggots, I seriously want them to read this

Wait for mods to delete this one too.

What other 2017 games interest you, OP? You should probably start with those. There's eventually a pit of endless spawning robots behind the desert apartments which can be used for leveling. After all the dodging and spamming shockwave, the game just wasn't appealing to me anymore.

Better post some useless Trap Link or Marina Thread#124143
That shit won't get pruned because it's quality kek

>I like 2B

Then don't buy it, it's not her game and she is a minor character at best in the grand scheme of things.

Stop spamming this thread you faggot

more 2b pls!

Yeah, it has some flaws but they are minor enough that they don't take away from it very much, I don't think. And what it does, it does very well. My only major complaint is there's way too many details of the story in stage plays and concerts and such instead of the game itself.

ye, fucking hypocrites. Weren't they confirmed nintenbros?


>having one 2B thread is apparently against the rules even though last one had real discussion about the game plot
>Marina thread full of "fucking chocolate" shitposting is fine
Is there any fucking hope left for Sup Forums?

This, 2B is in all the promotional stuff but you only play as her for a small part of the game. Vast majority of it is 9S and then you can play the other girl for like 30 minutes.

There's ALREADY a 2b thread up that's why yours gets deleted all the time and Zelda trap link thread stays up.


just go to your favorite booru, jerk off and then go play a different game.

Just like, 12 hours ago there were like three Marina threads up. Each of which had more shitposting than the previous one.
Defend this.

>game has recent announcement and one thread on the catalog, one about to expire
>spam the same fucking thread about a game that came out months ago

Fuck off with your brain damage

There's no such thing in the game.
Only silly robots wasting their time doing stupid shit which has no meaning.

Who cares if the game is old or new? Stop shilling.

Go to the other 2b thread, stop complaining crybaby

Marina >>>>>> 2b
Trap link>>>>> 2b

2b has a mole
It's disgusting

>2b has a mole
>It's disgusting
Marina has a mole too you doofus

The new one with no replies were created afterwards, there's no other Nier threads than that.

>There's ALREADY a 2b thread
It was deleted user,some fag just made one after this thread
The design thread isn't a 2b thread btw

>Weren't they confirmed nintenbros?
Yeah and you don't even need confirmation,just lurk for a while and you can see the bullshit they do

I got it for PC
It doesn't work past 8 fps
I don't have money for a better PC


Wait for squenix to get their shit together and release a patch.


there's your 2b thread
Stop spamming this shit

Go and play NieR first
Might be just a pure PR talk though. I hope they will remove Denuvo in this one. It will boost the sales a lot.

Did you try FARmod?
And defrag your PC
Gave me about 15 fps more

That's not a Nier thread you moron

This is not a 2B thread you idiot.
It's general "character design" thread.
Just because someone posted 2B as first pic is not relevant. This thread is focused on Automata specifically.

I did
I have an SSD
I am in pain

You only play as her for less than half the game, but you can oogle her throughout 9S's playthrough.

I got to the desert town then just never came back to the game for some reason. I've been wanting to give it another shot recently

Dad seemed cool

I would definitely recommend you play it more, the game doesn't really ramp up until the second half, the first half mostly establishes the zones and introduces the characters

What's the difference between Gestalt and Replicant?

Wolves are indeed a pain in the ass, but they'll get their punishment.

Gestalt is Bestdad Nier.
Replicant is Sasuke Nier.

it's not amazing but it's an enjoyable way to spend a few hours.

I heard some shit doesn't make sense in the Papa Nier version,is this true?
And is Onisan only jap?


Gestalt Nier is a middle aged man and Yonah is his daughter.
Replicant Nier is a 17 year and Yonah is his sister. Typical JRPG protagonist

Replicant is in Japanese only unless you have a hacked PS3.

the memes are lit. So yes.

She's a minor character but she's a minor character incredibly important for Nines and their love story is some of the best around despite being quite subtle.

The only thing I might consider a stretch is Kainè crush for papa Nier, but that also can work if you consider futa didn't have a father figure and all the males she's ever met were absolute scumbags or Emil.
It's not weird for her to develop a huge daddy crush for Nier's manly abs and scars.


I don't know if I would say that. I do really like the game, I might even say I love the game, but so little of their relationship is actually in the game the amount of it that is in Taro's novels bothers me a lot.


The thing that makes their relationships so interesting is that there's a lot of subtle details to them. Sudden 2B's smile or panic when you think that she's just an emotionless doll, her reaction to some of the quests you do (jealousness towards redhead in Amnesia, complete awkwardness when girl machine asks them about how to make children, attempts to make 9S avoid sticking his nose in confident info, etc.), all this suddenly starts making sense when you learn the major plot twists in regards of those two, and more you think about it, the more details will start making sense, adding to their tragic story. I considered it to be a very powerful love story even prior to side materials, they are a fucking overkill.

good game

This. The story is even better once you replay the game again and you know all the reasons for 2B's behaviour.
Now think about why 21O is always so cold and short with 9S. It's because she probably was there everytime 2B had to kill him and reset his memories so she felt sorry and didn't want to feel too attached.
However once after the first route ending, when he learns the truth and doesn't die/have his memory wiped she suddenly is way more emotional and cheerful with him.
It's fucking tragic.

>unlikable characters
>bad dialogue
>mediocre gameplay
this sounds like certain Switch (Wii U) game.

I agree completely, but I think if they're past together was described even in an archive or one of the VN segments, rather than in a novel or a play, it would have worked a lot better for the game. I'm not saying it was handled poorly, but it certainly wasn't to my tastes, and if we view the game as it's own thing, I think that the way their relationship was handled is a detriment to the game as a whole. It was still a good and engaging relationship, but it could have been better.


Would you be gentle or agressive with a 2B?

mating press

>However once after the first route ending, when he learns the truth and doesn't die/have his memory wiped she suddenly is way more emotional and cheerful with him.
It's especially tragic because entire Bunker was already expecting victory and peaceful life afterwards. Commander decided to stop 2E bullshit and faced 9S directly, allowing him to do as he pleases, 21O started behaving like a mother, even 2B was unable to maintain her fake kuudere personality any longer.
And then shit goes down.

Is Nier the most repetitive game that Sup Forums pretends is good?

I'm sorry user.
It's a tough life.
There are other games, though.

pirate it first to see if it even runs on your PC

plus you need about 5 different tweaks just to ensure it doesn't crash every 20 minutes, and relaunch the game a couple of times each time you want to play until it randomly decides the sound should be working

I pirated Automata and it's okay.
Nothing as serious as people make it out to be, but it's pretty decent with its music and some of the interactions are cool. The gameplay is pretty bad though; at least hacking speeds it up.

Stop playing weesbit

God bless mankind, they sure know how to make androids.

works on my machine, got 5 endings, not a single bug

>make robots and less robot-looking robots to fight an army of robots

really makes ya think

must be a goliath

hacking is the worst part of already weak gameplay

Still remains faster.

Hey that's on the AIs, don't blame mankind for shit outside the gestalt project.

>Varg plays early access kusoge
How disappointing

Man Sup Forums really wants others to hate NIer

>I like the big booty blindfolded animu girl from that one game that I've seen lots of r34 of
>should I play the actual game the character is in?

Sure. The go buy overwatch so you can truly appreciate the wealth of r34 available for that too. You feel weird saving porn of a character from a game you've never played. Just say what you mean, jackass.

Didn't you hear? When a game considered good among the majority of players it's this boards duty to act as contrarian as possible


Not if you want anime porn. Just go on sad panda.

If you like 2B and other characters or the setting then you'll probably like the game.
I picked it up because of 2B and the whole android aspect of the game

It never has any of the gravitas actually built up by the time there's supposed to be "payoff"

so all of the drama winds up being cringey and the game expects the character arc from endings A and B to carry C, D, and E, which they absolutely don't

the final chapters collapse in on themselves the moment the motivation becomes "go here because fuck I dunno." It's not great before that point either (something attacked the resistance camp/ something just emerged/ someone is missing), but there's at least an attempt at continuity.

gameplay is mediocre, dodge-riposte-repeat will literally win you the game

yoko taro dicksuckers need not apply

I really want to impregnate 2B

Shes the most sexual thing ever created

>using "powerful" to describe anything in fiction
Hang yourself.

Sure, it's a good game just don't buy it for 2B because she's not the main character.

The game was advertised as having 3 main characters from the beginning.

>want to buy the soundtrack
>the 8 bit hacking remix cd was a first print exclusive

Who was in the wrong here?

A2 knew it was a misunderstanding that could never be resolved even by explaining because 9S had lost his mind

9S was clearly mad from grief. But in the end he re-evaluates his life at a brink of death and comes to peace with himself, letting go of his hatred for machines.
A2 is sane but she also continues meaningless cycle of violence by destroying N2 who became peaceful at last moment too.

>A2 is sane but she also continues meaningless cycle of violence by destroying N2 who became peaceful at last moment too.
How did she do that anyway? She was hacked into 9S, so I don't see how she could have brought down The Tower.

9S was connected to the Ark directly. She swapped her place with him, using her own circuits to repair him, then used that link to destroy the Ark.

By extension it means that 9S was capable of destroying the Ark too, but his sudden realisation and dialogue with Adam completely changed his opinion about machines and his own life.