Is popularity of difficult games like Dota 2 a sign of white privilege?

Is popularity of difficult games like Dota 2 a sign of white privilege?

Here's your thread now go away

>dat old UI

Well it's super popular in Asia so probably not really.

>difficult games
>like Dota 2

i dont get how autistic retards dont get bored of farming creeps for 30 minutes to have a single game deciding teamfight

the creep farming is the fun part it's the teamfights i hate

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Quitting DOTA 2 was one of the best things I've done. I actually enjoy videogames now.

Well they keep making the game faster paced so games are over before 30 minutes most the time now, and if you hate farming creeps like me you just play support or a roaming position 3 or 4 and then it is all action all the time.

Yes, the idea of social or societal darwinism is the embodiment of white priviledge
Only people who get everything for free can really say they like it when you need to "earn" things

some people like that for unknown reason
that's probably why league of legends exist

>playing ASSFAGGOTS unironically
nobody does this, right?


You only need 5k hours to not suck if you're retarded.
Most of the people who play DotA 2 competitively are either retarded or stuck with retarded people and thus forced to practice with them because it's a game where teamwork matters and skill does not.

You're mistaking Dota for League of Legends

Dota is active at every point of the game.
Only Pos1 players really do the anti-social farming thing

So playing it ironically is ok? what a fucking retard.

Dota isnt about a sinlge teamfight. It has like whatever teamfights and then theres one or two big teamfights which decide everything and make the past events meaningless because hur dur muh rubberbanding.

Someone's butthurt that their highground sucks
If you can't close games, that's your problem.

You're right, fuck the team fight. I'd rather farm creeps for the entire game. And that's why ENFOS is the best WC3 map.

I have 5k hours and was at 6k when I quit couldnt really care less about how much I suck at the 3rd world containment the game.

yes, I in fact play it ironically


I like to play meepo

Same even though I just roam around with prime while keeping the rest jungling inefficiently

>skill does not
weak bait

I quit Dota a year and a half ago and I still don't enjoy videogames.

I tried to farm in 3 different spots during my first month f playing Meepo, but then I realised that it wasn't that useful and I can force 5vs5 fights and get mad gold by causing chaos and destruction.

Yeah I mean I'll keep all of my clones jungling in a group and just gangrape whoever I stumble upon with prime

Quit Dota 2 after 6k hours a couple of years ago, because of hardware limitations. Nothing really changed, I liked video games back then too and now I just don't play Dota.

Dota 2 was good a few years ago...

Then it slowly started to change. Valve started to favor noobs and new players with every new change. Now the player playing for the first time, would actually have a chance against someone that played the game since the DotA days and memorized every cooldown/damage by heart.

These changes were kinda hidden at the bottom of the patch notes, and it went like this for about a year, until...

They decided to change everyhing at once with the wonderful 7.00 patch. New shitty HUD that removed vital information, because the old one was "too complicated for new players"... added shrines, because "bottle-crowing or buying salves was too hard to micro"... changed he whole map to make it look like League of Legends... added the skill tree, so noobs could get some extra abilities like in League of Legends... etc.

I thank Valve for that patch, because it actually made me QUIT Dota 2, after playing it since the DotA Warcraft III days. Right when I saw the patch notes, I lost interest.

I used to think about Dota all day long. Everywhere. At the job, in school, in bed, etc. I was always thinking about playing the game and ouutplaying the enemy.

Well, all of this vanished in one fucking instant!

You see, what I liked about Dota 2, was the fact that you were rewarded for knowing how to play. You were rewarded for getting every last hits/deny, you were rewarded for knowing counters, you were rewarded for knowing strategies, you were rewarded for knowing the best builds, and so on.

Why would I want to play a game, that now spoon-feeds new players? I understand that Valve wants to attract new players by making the game more accessible for them... but they went WAY too far with this shit.

I hope you guys will enjoy your casual game now, but remember that you've missed the good old days, when Dota 2 actually required skill and knowledge in order to win!

P.S: Have fun with your compendium achievements, and immortal cosmetic purchases, noobies.

>They decided to change everyhing at once with the wonderful 7.00 patch. New shitty HUD that removed vital information, because the old one was "too complicated for new players"... added shrines, because "bottle-crowing or buying salves was too hard to micro"... changed he whole map to make it look like League of Legends... added the skill tree, so noobs could get some extra abilities like in League of Legends... etc.
None of that is true.

The new HUD has even more information than the old one.
The Shrines were added to slow down deathpush and to aid roamers/supports (who can't afford salves).
The skill tree just adds stats, not abilities.

You wrote a whole thing over your feelings based on something that isn't even true

>Valve started to favor noobs and noobs
>Now the player playing for the first time, would actually have a chance
Wtf is this bullshit, didn't even continue to read that pasta

dota 2 is significantly harder to play than any RTS that ever existed, which only involve mechanical skill and next to no thought

You are objectively retarded.


Go read the patch notes from the last year, dumb fuck.

Massive gold and experience bounty for the losing team.

Added a stun-duration cooldown showing you exactly how long it lasted on you.

Added a damage counter, showing you exactly how much damage you are taking.


Now, for 7.00...

New HUD with more info? Lol.

Skill tree adding stats only? Is +6 gpm a stat? Lol.

You're a dumb cunt, that started playing the game two months ago, because you noticed it was popular on Twitch while you were going to watch your favorite female Player's Unknown Battleground streamer.

You know jack shit about the game, so please...


P.S: Don't even respond to this post, if you haven't played DotA since it was a mod for Starcraft/Warcraft III, and if you didn't have the privilege of beta-testing Dota 2 while it was closed to the general public.

Thank you.

Dota and LoL aren't the same game

>difficult games

>reddit spacing
Opinion disregarded

wow, that niggah is pretty upset.

Also retarded

>reddit spacing

>dota2 harder than bw

EPIC meme

>dota 2 is a difficult game

>difficult games like Dota 2

>Added a stun-duration cooldown showing you exactly how long it lasted on you.
>Added a damage counter, showing you exactly how much damage you are taking.
What's wrong with either of these things? I'd just added clarity. It doesn't change how you play.

I'm pretty confident you've just got too familiar with the game so it's started to feel like it's simpler from your perspective. Nothing has really changed that significantly simplified it. Dota is still punishing as hell for new players and if you aren't constantly evaluating the game and countering things you're dead in the water.

Base 7.00 had a lot of problems, but they're getting fixed with every patch.

skill doesn't matter past a certain threshold. watch any dota tournament see how the winner actually wins. it's not because they are CUHRAYZEE korean autistic robots that dodge every skillshot, it's because they work as a team and have better strategy. most pros have very similar "skills". every time a "dream team" is formed of players with the best mechanical skill, they end up underperforming.

the hud has indeed more info, and whats bad with knowing the stun duration and damage? muh skillcap? the frog giving us qol changes and you are crying because you cant count to 4 on your head to cast your stun anymore?

nice meme

>white privilege
>russians and chinese are really good at the game
On the other hand
>so are north europeans
>americans and south europeans are all godawful at the game but both aren't white

Skill DOES have a large impact still

You get people like sumail that can carry a game by himself later on on skill alone, or shit like yapzor completely fucking another team early game with pos 4 rubick. But obviously you still lose if you draft like retards vor play your draft badly.

>entire genre invented by a mod
>next to no games in the genre support modding
>the big one that does decided to castrate the tools and any mods made with it in their last big update (7.00)

Dota's mod tools are fine, and even leagues beyond any other game as far as complexity goes.

The problem is the community doesn't give a shit and there's no incentive for creators to spend much time on making good ones when everyone just fucks around with the newest "ALL SPELLS REPLACED WITH X/Y/Z" memegame for half an hour and goes back to matchmaking.


Why do you do this thing?

Dotards are autistic, more news at 12.

Somebody learned a new buzzword

PPD said the meta was in a good spot the most recent BTS. If even PPD says the meta is fine, it's fine.

has Sup Forums always been nothing but bait threads?

>when everyone just fucks around with the newest "ALL SPELLS REPLACED WITH X/Y/Z" memegame for half an hour and goes back to matchmaking.
hint: the reason why there's so many of these games is precisely because the tools are not fine and are more obtuse than SC2's editor
Sup Forums shilled the fuck out of Dota custom games and unsurprisingly they were dead in the water

>Don't even respond to this post
>Please don't hurt my inflated ego

Awful community and awful devs who doesn't give a single fuck about something in the game if it doesnt earn them money.

Yes, of course.

Siltbreaker was literally made with the same tools the public has acces to, m8. People are just lazy because to make anything particularly deep requires actual coding knowledge.

Honestly fuck valve, the only thing i would have like to spend money in dota was terrain and they are exclusive crap from compendiums, some of them expires because retards keep buying that shit, and the others requires high level in the compendium because retards keep buying it, and on top of that its way more cancerous than console exclusives, it can't be traded or marketable, and the only way to get it is in that year, so its locked into your account even if you were retarded enough to buy it.

making a custom co-op map isn't mind-blowing or leagues beyond anything that map editors over a decade old are capable of. people were making whole different game genres in WC3 and SC2 (but nobody is going to play them in the latter because the shit popularity system killed it off). dota's tools are neglected because the barrier for entry is much higher than the WC/SC games and everybody just wants to put in their 5000th hour of the main game anyways.

The game is mechanically dead simple compared to an RTS, being an RTS with only 1 or a few units. So they put in a shit ton of different units, tweaks to those units in level progression and itemization, which you have no idea how they work until you try them or get raped by them several times -- and each try takes like an hour. The depth isn't in the mechanics, it's in the gigantic stat tables. That's what simultaneously makes it the most stripped down basic bitch genre, and also the most autistic one.

DotA 2 is objectively dumbed down compared to Warcraft 3. DotA and other crap like it was popular in the first place because a bunch of retards felt more comfortable playing with just the hero unit and no base as opposed to playing the rest of the game.