What's your favorite weapon from DOOM, and why Sup Forums?
What's your favorite weapon from DOOM, and why Sup Forums?
Efficient, simple, powerful, a true classic.
I loved the gauss cannon.
Ruthless efficiency, and more managable than the Super counterpart.
The rifle when you have the weapon upgrade to shoot rockets continuously until your ammos run out and the perk to have infinite ammo when you have most of your HP.
super shotgun.
This guy.
add the fully upgraded spinner to it and I'll fucking murder everything
least favorite weapon?
gauss cannon
they should have stuck the super shotgun on 2 to cycle between the two
also, anyone else continually fuck up and press 3 for the shotgun instead of 2?
A most important question is, how do we fix the damm pistol?
>berzerk and an open area with imps
Wasn't it that you had to press two times for the super and one for the normal one?
What weapon do you wanna see in D55M?
in doom 2 yes
DOOM shotgun is on 2 and super is on 6 or 7
Cheytac intervention and Spas 12
>berserk and major demons afoot
Came here to post this
OG Doom didn't have a SS
All the ones we had in Doom 64, without shitty upgrade trees and menu surfing, ty.
I know doom didn't
DOOM did
I like cutting things.
oh. But, why didn't D44M allow the 2 weapons per key thing? It was so usseful
Agreed, full upgraded siege mode is a beast.
the weird thing is they still had chainsaw on 1 with the standard pistol, so I don't see why they didn't do the same with the shotguns