This is the Yooka-Laylee of Mario games

This is the Yooka-Laylee of Mario games.

I don't even like Nintendo anymore but please release a TTYD 2 so that I can feel closure with Nintendo, I probably wouldn't even buy it.

is this bait or actual autism?

If TTYD 2 did get made you would just ask for a TTYD 3, don't kid yourself

Actual autism with a side of bait

No, it's clearly the Sonic 06 of Mario games. I guess the universal sign of a franchise jumping ship is when they clumsily insert their cartoony character into the real world.
Of course, based off of the last few Mario games, we knew they were already out of ideas anyway.


reminder that this is a thing

I just wanted some pikmin 4 footage, but instead they showed more open world trash, some ports and a logo.

How can people still like nintendo?

>City level

you didnt take missions from people in adventure like you do in 06

1.) It looks fun
2.) mario does exist in the real world you dump. Have you never seen the movie? He lived in new york.

The dinosaur was a bit much, but hey, i wanna see what its like.

>it's another nintendo shitpost thread

People hated YL because children got assmad some fatfuck was removed from the game, and that Team 17 was full of trannies and screwed Playtonic into taking the heat

Fuck off Dobson. The movie wasn't canon no matter how much you want it to be.
Yoshi's Island confirms they don't live in the """real world""".

Reminder that Sonic 06 was bad because it was a buggy unfinished mess not because the hub world was a city.
You are genuinely delusional if you think a city level indicates a bad game.

damn you niggas r easy

>I was only pretending to be retarded
dumb frog poster.

no but open world does

Thanks, friendo. That reply is like a nice 20% tip where I come from.

>implying I didn't save this thread from an early grave

Horizion Zero Dawn and BOTW would like a word with you.

mp4 might be good. although it's not by Nintendo.

Yooka-Laylee isn't THAT bad. We haven't even played Odyssey, yet, so your opinions are invalid until proven.

BOTW was bad and I'll never playHorizon

>Please develop this game, but I won't buy it

Sounds like smart business for Nintendo.


Why would they release a sequel to a game that ended with a pretty good closure?

Are you stupid?

its luigi's story

Yooka Laylee's problem was massive worlds taking forever to cross because of how flat/expansive they were with little verticality and shortcuts available. The only world in Odyssey that might have the problem is the desert world, but even then it has the Jaxis to travel with

One thing I like about Odyssey is how each world seems to have a sub-level of some sort, adding more to each world without tacking it on in a bad way
>Forest level has the main area with the machines/girders and a sub-level underneath in the dark woods
>City has the main city and the underground power plant, which was blocked off but mentioned in the E3 demo
The desert doesn't seem to have anything like that (that we know of) but each world also has tiny separate levels like Sunshine's FLUDD-less segments

tl;dr each world is compact with additional, smaller compact worlds attached to it, which is better than making one huge world with a confusing and difficult to navigate layout

>luigi's story
Why tho? You already know all the best parts of the story.
Id rather have a game where he is not a total fuck up the whole time.
Maybe something about changing destiny or some shit like that

Does it even need to be a sequel to TTYD? Just make another PM like the first two, that's all they really need.

color splash is a good game

Great even

The desert world does have a frozen sub-level, you can watch it in the treehouse stream.