I haven't played any of the banjo games--can anyone convince me to? They seemed like basic collectathon games, but is there more to it than that? I like platforming, so there's that, I guess.
I haven't played any of the banjo games--can anyone convince me to? They seemed like basic collectathon games...
>but is there more to it than that?
It's a solid (but clearly very early) 3D platformer/collectathon. Excellent music, beautiful art direction, charming characters, and a fair challenge if you wanna 100% the game. Certainly one of my favorites.
Talking about Banjo Kazooie specifically. Tooie wasn't my thing.
It's thinking bear's game.
Tooie was goddamn amazing though. What didn't you like about it?
It's a very basic collectathon, but the worlds, music, characters and such are so great that it makes it an amazing experience. The game also has a very balanced difficulty besides some stuff like no death notes or such, but don't expect a lot of platform-heavy challenges.
If that's not of your like, then try Tooie, is more complex and has bigger worlds and tougher challenges, but imo not as fun as Kazooie.
Grunty's Revenge is alright for what it is,and Pilot is a decent racer (still better than Super Circuit).
Haven't played N&B.
This picture is bait, isn't it
how come tooie isn't as fun?
The worlds are too big for it's own good, add banjo's slow movement (even with talon-trot & warps) and can be anoying to traverse them, specially when they are really empty with lack of collectibles.
A lot of jiggies requires more work to do, some are fine but others take like 3 worlds later to get because you need to open something in that world or get a new ability, dont get me started on Mumbo/Transformed sections.
The minigames are also really repetitive, shoot/get/jump rgb things for points until time runs out, and the fps zones are also really boring.
The worlds aesthetic also lost their fairy-tale look for a more gritty, realistic tone, adding that to more dark elements in the game (bottles dying, zombie jingaling, grunty killing a jinjo family, lord woo fak fak fight, etc..) without mentioning the humor, is more sarcastic and dark compared to Kazooie.
I don't think it's bad, is another great game from Rare and a must play N64 game, but overall i don't think is as good as Kazooie.
Not him, but Tooie felt like it was trying to much to be open world and the levels themselves although bigger seemed empty whilst bk1 had small concentrated levels
>The worlds aesthetic also lost their fairy-tale look for a more gritty, realistic tone
I mean, this is logical considering that the worlds in Tooie are real places in the world, as opposed to magical pocket realms inside of a witch's lair.
They're good
>rareware fell for the open world meme before anyone else
>still mad Nintendo didn't secure Banjo-Kazooie when they had the chance
Ok honestly, the game is shit. There, I said it. Going back and playing it now, reveals how fucking crappy it is. It's not nearly as charming as people would lead you to believe, most of the levels are actually very bland and boring, and it has one of the worst hub worlds in any game ever made.
I don't think it's purely shit. If it was shit, people wouldn't like it to this day. I just wanted to know what people found fun about it so I could have more of a reason to play it.
I'm just telling you honestly. Sounds like you want to play it, so go ahead and play it, but I assure you that if you don't have the nostalgia you almost certainly won't enjoy it. It'a a shitty, boring game. The most charming aspect is literally the first 5 minutes and it's downhill from there, until it picks up again with the last level Click Clock Wood. Most of the other levels carry on with the grimy aesthetic from DKC2 with awful results
>convince me
Get banjo 1 for like $5 or free and try it for an.hour or two. If you dont like it drop it if you do keep playing. At most its like 8 hours.
I'm still mad the cancelled the goldeneye remake on xbox and banjo port on the eshop
I had a friend who didn't play them until they came out for XBL Arcade and he loved the games. So, I don't think your opinion is necessarily accurate with regard to this.
They're very good games with good level design, likable characters, catchy music, nice art direction, and decent challenge at times.
>Banjo-Kazooie used to be recognized as a great/classic Nintendo franchise
>Now they're fucking dead because Microsoft will never do anything with them
>Now they're fucking dead because Rare will never do anything with them
Both are at fault. Sea of Thieves looks good, but who really knows. Yooka-Laylee was also just a huge mess.
Banjo-Kazooie is a franchise that should have never left Nintendo.
I agree
Levels had so many dependencies between them it was hard to keep track. I stopped playing for a while and then just dropped it because I forgot where stuff was.
Never being able to just enter a level and collect 100% of the stuff on them was incredibly frustrating.
They were just the collecathons with the most interesting art direction. Banjoie Tooie kind of differnaties itself from the others in the genre because it has mini-games.
They stand out as the best in the genre because they have the most gimmicks, abilities, and power ups. It's a very shallow genre so you need to gimmicks to keep it interesting.
>decent challenge
Is tying your shoes also a challenge to you?
>Not considering finishing RBB and CCW with all notes without dying moderately challenging
>Not considering the last boss of BK1 challenging
>Not considering Hag 1 on the replay mode fight challenging