Describe your ideal video game

Describe your ideal video game.

Ape Escape 4

Ape Escape 5

Ape Escape 6

an Elite style space game where you command a large ship like FTL, where combat is based around damaging systems on the enemy ship, except more ship design, build variety, and viable strategies than FTL had.

also it starts off simple but as I get better at the game it starts making stuff more and more complicated until it reaches about 3X the complexity of dwarf fortress and I don't really have a reason to ever not be playing the game.

So Ape Escape 7 basically?

fuck off with this shitty meme

Fuck off, Mark Cerny.


basically GTA

Fun, many different ways to build your character, cool-ass abilities, good music, cool world, bomb-ass boss fights

The Elder Scrolls VI. It's all I want and it sucks that they aren't even making it yet. I love open world rpgs with level scaling in first person.

also what star citizen promises to be

MGR but the story mode is like 30 hours long instead of like 6

>like civ but bigger
>start off as cavemen, try to gain access to resources like shelter and food
>insurrections and (later) civil wars are a constant threat, you have to keep your nation strong but happy at all times
>game slows down during wartime, allowing for a more strategic war effort
>wars have stated goals, cannot be ended until a treaty around those goals is resolved
>rng natural disasters, plagues, and famines can occur at any moment
>choices are based on branching and opposite paths: if you have a science focus your civ will not keep its religious bonuses for very long
>later ages have a huge variety of cultural activies. you can manage national sports teams, enact complex laws, engage in carving out canals and complex city planning, etc.
>moon and a few nearby planets colonizable, but with risks associated, including provoking alien wars. similar to colonizing another continent, diseases are exchanged and economies are strained by these
>if a colony breaks off, you can choose to switch control over the breakaway nation, or try to reconquer or terminate it

i would play your game user

A dungeon crawler/beat-me-up with varied class paths that also dictate how to complete a dungeon.

For example a rogue by default can pick locks/disarm and detect traps.
No rogue in group means trap can go off and close a path.

Rogue can change into assassin or ranger. Assassin has poor AoE but can shadow step/teleport. Teleport is needed for a switch puzzle.

Each Base class has a "job change" and then a speciality.
Ex:Warrior=Sword & Board or 2H.
Sword & Board=Tower/great shields, more def focused or Smaller Elemental Shields For offense.

Kingdom Hearts but without the dumb anime plot

Dragon's Dogma Two

A good game

co-op cuhrayzee game

diablo + dark souls fusion

A mechanically fairly simple top-down dungeon crawler. No special attacks or anything, need to pace attacks to a rhythm instead of just spamming. Maybe a few types of weapons with different patterns, nothing crazy. Put it in multiplayer. Too much content, enough that it's unreasonable to expect anyone to complete all of it.

That's all I want, a pretty simple adventure with buddies that doesn't run out of stuff to do for years.

Skills are improved through Use. Levels are for stats and gear. Dungeons include platforming, mini-map is made through exploring. No health regen out of combat. Inventory has weight. Death drops loot. Check points must be activated.

Dark Souls but in the old west.

Cyberpunk 2077

something like mount and blade warband mixed with actually good combat, a decent narrative and actually good multiplayer.

The Dark Souls of Ape Escape

>Kingdom Hearts but without the dumb anime plot
That's a paradox.

City of Heroes
