Launch date November 10, 2015
40e on g2a
20+40 on cheapest legit sites
30+50 on steam
Launch date November 10, 2015
40e on g2a
20+40 on cheapest legit sites
30+50 on steam
Other urls found in this thread:
GTAV is still full price as well.
Games only go down in price quickly if they sell poorly.
>steam sale
>season pass costs more than game itself
What did Todd mean by this?
because people still pay it
It's like you want your thread deleted haha
giv ass
Current Lowest Price: 20,79€ at WinGameStore after coupon code pcgames5off
lowest recorded price during sale 45 eur
because its a good game
Is that emily grey? Can't tell
Need a goddamn name user.
Todd please
Fucking this
God amongst men user.
I want to play the game and I can't stand the idea of playing a game without it's released DLC.
Should I just buy the pass even if it's shit?
Because people haven't stopped paying full price. The price will drop for steam sales occasionally for the base game but the season pass won't change so they'll still get the cost of a regular priced game out of you eventually if not double. The price goes down when it stops meeting their target sales/revenue and another title approaches release to offset a drop in price, which probably won't be much at first anyway.
yeah but is it worth it? I like the idea of base building even if it's meaningless
Quite pungent indeed
>base building
It's poorly implemented.
wheres the GOTY edition Todd?
is it? I see lots of reviews saying it doesn't serve any purpose but I've seen some pretty creative done with it on youtube etc.
You guys say it like it was a bad thing.
It's decent if you like fucking around with making silly constructions, but it adds nothing of value to the actual gameplay.
It's like something extra that was added on to the game - which probably isn't too far from the truth. It was F4's gimmick, and they didn't really do anything with it.
Yes, you can get creative and perhaps that's enough for you. Just don't expect anything you do to affect the rest of the game.
Yeah I know it's like a completely separate thing and you might as well pick it from the main menu like a special mode but if it's well done I love me some comfy base building.
are you irish or something? nothing spectacular about that ass
Base game drops down to 20 on sale regularly.
Just fucking pirate it. It's not worth money.
Emily grey
based brapposter
For a second I thought this was Dizzy
Hey cool, that girl's body shape looks normal.
>It's a good loot shooter
Ftfy Todd
Best in the biz by a mile at this point. It's not even close.
You do know the DLC for Fallout 4 is simply files, right? You can pirate the DLC and add it to the game's folders. There's literally no DRM for them.
Your pic-related is 100% photoshop. There's a reason Maritza never did video.
Nope, notice the arch in the back. Literally is flat.
Nevermind the arch, her thighs literally go all the way to her lower back. This is Lightning tier.
Because it's worth that much user! Fallout 4 is one of the best gaming experiences you will ever have, second only to Skyrim! 40€ is pennies compared to the value of the game, it just is!