How come the Chinese can't even make a single good videogame when they have 1.6 billion people...

How come the Chinese can't even make a single good videogame when they have 1.6 billion people? Name me a good Chinese game.

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Things like great civilizations, anime, and video games comes from the human spirit and soul; chinks don't have souls.

>total population directly translates to quality of videogames produced

What's the stupidest board on Sup Forums?

Monster Hunter Online is alright

>Name me a good Chinese game
I can't name any chinese game to begin with

Jackie chan

Yeah, it's pretty okay.

>What's the stupidest board on Sup Forums?
/x/, hands down. Sup Forums looks like a board full of sophisticated adults buy comparison

China isn't about making good products, their entire society is about putting the least amount of effort into something while getting the most amount of money from it.
They are the ultimate scum of humanity.

still mao's legacy I guess
give them time

Communist countries aren't exactly known for their great arts and innovation. Maybe now that China has opened up a bit more we might start seeing some good chinese studios popping up.

The Chinese are racially inferior to whites and Japanese. They're incapable of originality and creativity. Literally insects.

Even Hollywood is able to figure it out just make thrash that even american plebs find shitty and get rich.


Yeah I had to look this up.

Appartly Ubisoft has a section in China too that made some games

There's this Shooting game about killing Japanese people.

>anime and video games
but arent the japs also chinks

Project Boundary
Mars 3D
Call Of Duty Online (No Kappa)
t.Eternally butthurt Weebs

Fuck no.

because their government doesnt encourage freedom of expression, art, individuality, or even creativity

FFXIV original release was so shit supposedly because it was 99% made by a Chinese company, with only the cut scenes being made by the Japanese. So you could say that is a Chinese game.

Mao was a huge pedophile, some anti-degenerate you are.

You are so sad user... How the fuck do you reconcile over 100 million dead because of your shit-tier ideology?

get help.

no asian like chinks

Weiqi comin in

Not gonna lie I'm guessing this is a big part of it. Chances are the Chink Politburo thinks videogames are at best a waste of time and at worst a breeding ground so discontent so they probably discourage it

Pandora Tomorrow
Excellent post
>tfw this chinese cartoon completely BTFO Swordfart Online

Well to be fair videogames ARE a breeding ground for discontent
but it's discontent with the state of the videogame industry.

Sort of like how niggers are the #1 cause of racism, videogames are the #1 cause of hating videogames.

ancient chinese =/= modern chinks

Actually that’s just because creativity and any form of wisdom is dangerous to the state. THATS ALL.

absurd copyright laws, or lack thereof, also stifle a lot of creativity. why innovate when you can imitate.
i also remember reading once that an aspiring programmer's dream in the US might be to have their thing bought by microsoft or google. in china, big companies like tencent can simply copy anything they want from individuals and tiny companies, and don't need to fear breaching things like copyright laws.

Yes, which is why the rest of th world is copying China now.

Literal copycats with no morals and ethics.

>in china, big companies like tencent can simply copy anything they want from individuals and tiny companies, and don't need to fear breaching things like copyright laws.

That makes my blood boil. Seriously, fuck the CHANKOROs. They have no honor.

>No morals and no ethics.
you don't need morals and ethics. you need laws. go fuck yourself with your fake morals which you don't even practice but then try and force on others. anybody talking about morality just means do as i say and not as i do while trying to fuck you over. that's why chinese are smart cause nobody cares about your invisible rules used to game others instead there's laws and nobody gives a fuck about your feelings. chinese are smart while you're stupid. japanese are using the chinese writing system because they didn't even have one while the chinese has one of the most advanced civilization on earth.
>Literal copycats
copyright doesn't exist so you can go fuck yourself. that's some kike invention to seek rent. chinese are smart so obviously they aren't going to get screwed over by imaginary rules like copyright you fucking loser.
>did you not purchase copyright the wheel? sorry! can't make those :^)
>i copyrighted air so pay me a fee for breathing!
it's even better cause everybody knows you don't buy anything and just leech off torrents but talking about copyrights. so pathetic. your whole world is demented and wrong. china is the richest culture out of the 3 and is the smartest. them having flaws doesn't mean anything since nobody is perfect

>Communist countries aren't exactly known for their great arts and innovation
Chink is nowhere communist now, they're red capitalist
Doesn't take much effort to beat SAO

>europe copied the middle east and asia
>america copied europe
>japan copied america
>korea copied japan
>now China copying everyone
>soon the world copying China

>Nips have souls
>only time they held territory outside of their own islands they used their time to brutally murder millions
>before that they were brutally murdering each other
>only calmed down when they were subjugated by an outside force who wrote their laws for them


>How the fuck do you reconcile over 100 million dead
You mean 100 billion right? You fucking revisionist.

That's war. Deal with it. Now go eat some babies fried in gutter oil, angry chankoro.

Sup Forums

>That's war
Japanese Empire: 1941-1945

They do, but just never localized to the English

China's economy is based around cheapness and copyright infringement. They don't really care about creating original content.

I'm a chink but I can't even read or speak Chinese and I've only ever been to China once so I don't know how to feel about these threads. I will say that I like my steak well-done with steak sauce.

their copyright laws for actual chinese works are actually in favor of the creators, they just don't give a flying fuck about foreign properties

It's amazing how butthurt everyone always is about copyright but it's bad when the china does it.
Chinks got it right

Nice try 鬼佬.

>you don't need morals and ethics. you need laws.
But how do you know if a law is good if there is no moral or ethic justification behind it. Or are you willing to follow blindly whatever you are ordered?
Oh wait, I forgot that I am responding to an chinese enthusiast who would be endorsing that people get actually denied to become part of the political system as seen in a video where a western periodist tried to only talk to a person running for some elction to find that a mob was preventing him to show the world about this person.
China deserves no respect, and don't talk to me about "fake" anything because while the rest of the world was developing renewables they were just doing the same shit the West did for years but more exaggerated but hey "we didn't get to do it, it doesn't count ;C". And just now they are jumping to the bandwagon when half of the work is done.

>dat copyright rant
Look, nigger, it's one thing to torrent a fucking game and other is to make money waking a ripoff that is not even subtle.

I hope you go there and choke yourself on that healthy smog produced by that "rich" culture of "smart" people.


killing off 99% of your intellectuals and artist tends to leave a country culturally bankrupt
and even then, those who do become creative today, gets heavily censored or get whatever they create stolen by whoever they work under

Sup Forums desu

Because unlike Chinese we do it to afford us some bucks or to make a fan project for free, they do it to gain at least thousands.

Wait what? Why would they kill off their intellectuals?

>it's war, said the nips
>oh boo boo why did we get nuked and firebombed
>whine why does every neighbour hate us
>baww why did china surpass us after we got cripple by our US masters
>surely electing a cult to lead us is no problem
Lol Japan is a joke.

cause smart people are bad and evil
who don't know the pure way of the peasant lifestyle
so they all must be sent to farms to be worked to deaths so that they can learn the pure simple ways of the peasants

>supports funny burger land lite and their claim on Tibet
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew buddy
"I'm too alt for neo-knotsies but I really like baste magga army mens and EPIC-ass orchestral anthems"

No, it's just the life of cycle thing.

Civilizations fall and rise, nothing will be everlasting.

Intellectuals and academics are intelligent enough to actually oppose you.

Because intelligent people can sense bullshit, and China's government has a ton of bullshit.

This thread is not video games.

Daily reminder that China will take over the world with their 150 IQ super babies and there is NOTHING the West can do about it

no asian likes other asians

Black man here, we ain't scared of them little dick Chinese boys

Move to a real country and get a real job.

they own the majority of US bonds

They're playing a much larger game user

No, they'll whine and shed crocodile tears about how it's "immoral" and evil while secretly trying to do the same thing.

but they can't do anything with their "150 IQ"
all they can do is just spout back whatever comes from the textbook
or just hire whoever to take their IQ test for them

Girls Frontline is a pretty good chinese game.

>buy comparison

Export enough sociologists and SJWs to fill Tianmen square and you'll have that country ruined and filled with welfare diggers and feminists in no time.

>chinese have accidents that kill on a nearly daily basis
>like some shit you'd see in a comedy skit about a factory having 0 days without an accident
>you get sued if you try to help someone
>you get sued for not helping someone
seriously, why do people still live there?

being a sinoboo and a commie is impossibe
they destroyed Chinese culture


Which country is the joke?

I'm really tempted to play it but I'm already playing so many mobile games. The art is really pretty.


Myopic bugmen.
The ones worth saving leave.

Which country is a joke?

>commie on a damage control

>implying China would accept them


>implying chink won't use tanks to crush them all and nobody, not even the eu or usa can do a fuck about it
But more sjw dead is good

This KoF knockoff looks good, I used to think it looked better than Kof14 and at least graphically it still does.

Gotta purge all the remnants of the bourgeouis class to ensure that there's nobody capable of resisting gommunism left standing.

Of course, those days have passed and now Chinese government cherishes intelligence, as long as it isn't accompanied by creativity or free thinking. Need those good engineer/scientist drones to design tech for the glorious China, while also making sure that they don't use their intelligence for anything that doesn't directly benefit the government.

>Implying they wouldn't find a way to spread their stupid shit to the chinks.
When I meant "fill" didn't mean for them to be there, just that their numbers are enough to do so.
But indeed it's a win/win situation regardless of who wins

>blanking out Nazis
lmfao you're a faggot

I didn't make it, nigger.

we no make game for dumb gwailo like you, we make Chinese MMO for Chinese in China and that it

The only thing Koreans and Chinese know how to do is copy the west and add more naked women.

>>tfw this chinese cartoon completely BTFO Swordfart Online

You say that like its hard to do.

Cheating on IQ tests don't mean you actually have that IQ, silly dogfarmer

>implying they could piss in an ocean of piss.

In china, the "white left" are laughed at. And because China isn't some cucked democracy, nobody gives a shit what they "think".

Ah yes, which is why Chinese everywhere outside China also score consistently higher than the local population.

And they at th dominant minority in places like Singapore, Malaysia etc.

It's quite entertaining to watch chinese accident videos. Motherfuckers don't even try to help no matter if is man, woman, or children. They see a mutilated bleeding loli screaming for help, but keep going on with their lives like someone had just stepped a toe.

The funniest thing, is that they get mad when you say they're souless creatures.

>muh IQ don't mean nuffin
Nice try but IQ was found to highly correlate with creativity and success in life, IQ is not pseudoscience, it has been studied for over 100 years and nearly is extremely accurate.

I'm talking about eugenics you dumb faggot

>Not having a government that doesn't care about all that and caters to those shitters
>Living in a shitty dictatorial state
Tough choice, is like choosing the pan or the fire. But I'll take the one where I can breathe decent air and be able to drink water.

>The funniest thing, is that they get mad when you say they're souless creatures.

Truth hurts.