YOU did this Sup Forums. You only have yourselves to blame now
YOU did this Sup Forums. You only have yourselves to blame now
Is BotW even at a playable state?
Haven't tried in a couple months. Last time it ran at like 12fps in the opening.
What retard would willing play that shit anyway lol
lolololol GOTTEM, fucking epic my dude fucking epic bro eppiccc
>ONE zelda game is more important than the entire PS3 exclusives library
haha nice bait desu f am desu (you) lol lmao
>Cemu was even at 40000$
>very little progress made in all these months
Enough retards that CemU's devs can consider quitting their day jobs apparently.
>bayonetta 2 STILL isn't playable
fuck my life
I just wanna play fucking persona 5
PS3 has no gaems
>PS3 exclusives library
What does it even include that would be worth it?
Probably because Cemu has been showing more results than RPC that has existed for an eternity.
>all these people giving them all this money
>they haven't provided anything new in months
I should get in on the emulator patreon scam.
dude I was so starved for persona I borrowed my friend's hacked ps3 and played through it
now on ng+
so good
>inb4 f-fuck you we have-
w-wait hold on what DOES the PS3 have?
Ninten drones are very easy to scam
It's possible to get to the end but it's still not at a desirable state.
Hard to realize that when we have retards constantly spamming "4K 144FPS BETTER THAN SWITCH" when that's far from the truth. Still missing a lot of effects like fog, so it's still below wii u.
yeah but
I hope those fucks hurry up with emulating.
Because one Zelda game is better than the entire PS3 exclusive library.
I'll take 720p over 5 fps bruh
tho honestly user don't spoil yourself the story n shit
it's really nice
I didn't even know about any of the palaces except the first one and it was amazing for me all around.
>Demon's Souls
>Persona 5
>Red Dead Redemption
And a bunch of other good shit. But nooooo, new open world zeldameme just came out.
It's just not fucking fair
I would love to bash on CEMU, but it appears that besides BotW running poorly, all major Nintendo games are running smoothly
I still think those faggots are getting too much money. you can argue with me that they deserve, but money always ruins everything, from CoC to Breeding Season. all patreon artists are faggots like Sakimi "muh photoshop filters" Chan
but it is?
I've never played a persona game in my life desu. Is it still possible to hack PS3s? I'm not gonna bother buying an inferior copy of a game.
>Cemu is just a BotW emulator now
>Bayonetta 2 never ever
>W101 never ever
What makes Nintendo fans so deluded? Is it nostalgia?
kek, none of that is worth it
>People ensuring that, irrelevant of Greedy Jewish planned obsolescence, there will always be some way to play older games
Where's the problem?
There's graphics glitches out of the ass
Yeah on a wii u or switch
I think if you're on like firmware < 4.6 you can hack it or something
not entirely sure, just check gbatemp for details
I mean I'd pay for persona simply because is so good, but it might get a PC port sometime so I'd rather pay for that instead
i forgot MGS4 was a thing because I gave up hope on getting it on PC
What do japs think about it, user? I don't really know anything about emulation scene
>but it might get a PC port sometime
I very much doubt this.
>ps3 exclusives
>alex jones, Sup Forums 9/11 conspiracy babby reaction image
please go
>$22,548 a month for literally one game
must be a good one
Remember when people were excited about Dolphin and then realized that the Wii was mostly trash? The Wii U will be the same.
>reddit spacing
>obsessed with Sup Forums
>being this mad
How's are those xbone exclusives treating you user anon? Oh wait, also on PC.
5,323 people donating to a closed source emulator
Just end this timeline
How does Bayonetta 2 and W101 run?
fuck that made me laugh.
Nintendo games wont come to PC, PS3 games eventually will.
Also its hard as fuck to emulate CELL so fuck that.
Can't wait until Cemu will become like Project 64.
Yes actually, game is capped at 30fps though
but that´s tora.
Dora = Doragon = Ryu.
>Second worst souls game
>Open world meme
>Worst MGS game
Persona, RDR and a mediocre open world meme are pretty comparable to Bayo 2, W101, XBCX and the open world meme
But that is fucking perfect, as long as he actually released them for free.
Modern emulators are impossibly hard unless you dedicate yourself full time
That wouldn't be very smart. Even if they don't get shut down, eventually interest will peter out and they'll need a real job again. They'd be better off just working nights/weekends on cemu.
No gaems
because no games on PC
literally just furry mmo's and dudebro shooters
>CEMU had early good progress with full games being playable
>the only PS3 emulation I've ever seen beyond title screens is a shitty 2D puzzle game running at 5 fps
It's almost like when the emulator actually works for shit people would want to fund it.
Also, by the time the PS3 actually started getting games, most Jap games were being ported to PC.
I was excited for CEMU but now that Bayonetta 1 has a PC port I have no reason to bother with the fucking thing.
I supported Cemu through pateron
want to know why?
Emulators take too long to get working
ps2 STILL is shit
N64 STILL is shit
we need to support these people as much as we can so we can get a good emulator before time runs out, like it did for those failed emulators
fuck man, I'm still mad
What happened with project 64?
Nobody wants to buy a nintendo console for one game, but everyone already has a ps3 because it has games.
>Cemu runs many desirable WiiU games
>Rpcs3 runs fuck all
and what exactly is the problem here?
I'm fine with giving emu developers some money.
But why the fuck would you support a proprietary emulator?
It's why shit gets abandoned. N64 was fucked because the Project 64 devs held onto their source code and went on hiatus, many people tried making an open source solution, but they could have had a head start if P64 was open.
Dolphin is only where it is because it had a community behind it. When the russians who run CEMU eventually get killed off by the mob, Wii U emulation will be at a standstill forever.
At least the PS3 emu devs are open source.
>>bayonetta 2 STILL isn't playable
You do realize the sound bug is actually fixed?
Too bad I get trash fps on it, guesst this is what I get for amd
Really? Heh, might try it again then.
>many desirable WiiU games
wii u has no games
One is greater than zero
I picked up Bayo 1 and 2 for $28 today. It's not that expensive if you live in the USA and are willing to go to a B&M store.
ps3 exclusives were released a long time ago, the hype has died for them
cemu was getting the most donations JUST as zelda was released
elementary really
>I picked up Bayo 1 and 2 for $28 today
Sure, but what about the WiiU?
How's XCX on cemu
Do you not have a Wii U?
lol no, why the fuck do you think I'm in a CEMU thread?
>ps2 STILL is shit
>N64 STILL is shit
epik memes my friend did you get them from reddit?
Switch is next, Nintendies
Prep mommy's arms to cry in
Well awesome I hope it works out well I'd love to play some ps3 games
No, the emulator is a piece of shit, even on the latest hardware.
They scammed out the money and stopped working on it for a few months now.
Playing emulated Red Dead would be playing an inferior version of an inferior version.
>You did this Sup Forums
That's correct. Sup Forums actually did this. Every fucking day shill threads. And it was just allowed.
>Video game topics
Right faggot. Talking. Fuck you you stupid summer piece of shit.
and you wonder why mustard race had the worst fanbase
heh? why?
You're the reason why there's square enix marketers on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW.
I can't even think of 5 games on the PS3 that are exclusive to it that I want to play. "Interactive Movies" like Last of Us, Heavy Rain, and Uncharted aren't video games afterall.
Of the few that I legit do want to play which are Demon's Souls and 3 weeb tales games, only one I know for sure will never ever come to another platform and that's Demon's Souls. the Tales could easily be ported at some point.
Honestly.. more excited to play BotW than any of those 4 games.
But I played it on Wii U but I can understand people throwing a little money towards an emulator that can run it so they don't buy a console for 1 games, but buying an emulator for one game might be worth it if it's not that expensive.
yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with talking about the BEST game EVER
I just hope that you buy it before you make a thread, ok?
I need a switch first tho...
how do u emulate portability?
I just want my fucking 360 emulator to play Halo 3 and Reach on PC
1 > 0
>Paying monthly for emulators
>They could save up the money they're giving to these fags and just buy the consoles.
cemu is shit, can't wait for ps3 emulation though
>normalfags are cancer.jpg
But Sup Forums acts exactly like that towards black girls.
is MonHun playable on cemu?
if not it's still garbage
No one bought a Wii U. Many more people bought a PS3.
BoTW is the hottest game out there right now, while PS3 only has a niche game like Persona 5. Wii U has more new games, PS3 hasn't really gotten new games for a few years.
they're not wrong. she's definitely cute but not drop dead gorgeous like the weebs here would believe
>paying to steal games