That game of yours user, how goes it?

That game of yours user, how goes it?

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Fucking kill yourself faggot we have enough of these.

Selling humbly, but well. Got a sick-ass cover art recently.

Development is coming along. Needs further polish though.

Just picked it back up this afternoon after neglecting it for far too long.

I'm having fun

Hopefully I can make some gifs or something soon to show you guys!

Good but I have to do some menu programming next and I'm feeling lazy today.

That cover looks so good.

Is that brown log spinning or is this the Chameleon Twist sequel?

That's fucking baller, dude.

Awww shit, I remember playing the game you're inspired by/paying homage to. Really charming and challenging. I like the look of what you've got so far!

It's going alright, but I'm worried that MSpaint graphics may turn people away from my game, regardless of gameplay

I just can't think of how to give a strong, good first impression to engage the players from the start

what's your game, user?

David Ghallant?

i gave up on making games, literally never ending work. writing viruses is equally fun, also nudes

Terribly. I have an idea in mind but I can't figure out how I want the concepts to translate to actual gameplay.
Particularly whether I want to make the game have a thematic combat system or have conflicts solved through skill-check puzzles.


Can I start creating a game in Unity, UE4, Cry-Engine, Source, etc. without prior knowledge in that?

How hard it is?

Let's say I have some people that can create 3d models for me... how hard will it be for me to create the whole gameplay for the game?

I would imagine virus writing is 100x as fun honestly.


Perhaps this is the wrong thread to ask, but what are some games with decent level creators? I've been vaguely thinking about making a game forever, but I've never really done anything. Figure maybe if I get my feet wet with something simple it might get me going.

there's lots of tutorials for shit, especially unity.

Start small, download an engine and follow some simple tutorials about how to make a 2d platformer or something. Get the basics down. Then think about doing something that's more you.

Mario Maker, Binding of Isaac, Advance Wars, most Source games (HL2 especially), uhm....Timesplitters? You can also download RPG Maker and start making maps and enemy encounters super quick using the prefab characters and items and stuff. There's a lot out there, user, go have some fun!

Is it worth starting off with a 3d game engine if you work in /3/ already?
Feel like I should start with Unity but also don't want to fuss over 3d models and animations when I'm just trying to learn.

Super mario bros X (has local coop), Warcraft iii

Make a game about cubes or other primative shapes. Animations don't have to be crazy. Look at shit like Lovely Planet.

was fixing some bugs and found out you can do this in the game, thought it was pretty neat

looks hella satisfying

Realized I fell for the memes and am now stuck with an unfun frankestein of an adventure game with rogue-like features and randomness.
Maybe I'll start from scratch and build a normal adventure game, who knows.

I'm not making a game but I'm a hell of an ideafag
Here's a boss theme I finished today

meh miscreant menace was better

what kind of memes compelled you to make a newgrounds-tier horror visual novel

No it wasn't.

Now you must make levels that abuse this mechanic as well as add it to the tutorial.
Tell me more about this game.

>inspired by/paying homage to
The retard bought the IP to it and can't code but contracts shit out.

It is.

I've taken inspiration from threads and am learning the basics of game dev to eventually move on to bigger better things.
It's been fun so far! Did this in a couple days then moved on to another game with different mechanics but want to come back and do some more to it because the progress was giving me that warm fuzzy feeling.

Lots of little polish things to the environment.

Finished more of the dialogue for Montana Wild as well (and her second quest, diving for rum)

I've got an idea for the main fist string rework, and I've taken the "uppercut row" effect of the attack I'm replacing and transplanted it to the crouch+light command launcher to make something a bit more interesting (and worth using instead of the backflip launcher in certain situations).

In the gameplay design realm, added an optional upgrade that changes your aerial acceleration to let you redirect your jumps.

You're talking about the choice-based design when you say newgrounds-tier? that's silly

the shit graphics, the font, the minimalistic approach, just everything in the presentation

Really great work, user! I'm glad you've enjoyed your first little project. It looks super neat! You've inspired me to keep working, too.

I'm making a tycoon game with C++ and SDL2. It's going well, progress every day. I had to basically write a GUI widget library. In retrospect I would consider trying GLFW+nanoVg instead of rolling my own.

it's the bokube autist

Tell me more.

It doesn't goes. Still trying to work out key character designs.

I've been posting about it for a little while now, glad to see more people interested in it

the game is called Dream Dasher and we should have a demo out Soon™, and maybe a twitter account or something were we'll post updates as well
it's a high-speed plataformer where you dash into enemies to kill them
the game has a combo mechanic with score rankings for every level, and every level features their own little gimmick (will post another webm of another level)
this webm is a playthrough of an earlier version of the first level so you can get an idea of the game's flow
it'll also feature some boss fights (will post webm of one next)

there'll also be some animated scenes to dot the story foward, here's the intro scene (unfinished and with no sound)

t.salty nodev

Unity 2017 just launched today.

Love the art user! What program are you guys using to do that?

This game looks like you pressing one button, please tell its more involved than that.

It's gonna be almost entirely menu-drive, not like rollercoaster tycoon actually building shit.

I'm trying to make a game about starting your own cryptocurrency based on my personal experiences in the recent ICO bubble.

Taking inspiration from Paradox games by centering the game around your employees/advisers and sending them off to different trader communities to affect them, like in Crusader Kings 2. Hopefully I can program the "traders" and "communities" to a level of depth that they might schism and shit.

Forgive my ugly ass programmer "art" (it's all GUI widget currently, anyways).

That was wonderful, honestly. I look forward to seeing it whenever.

ok freddy

waiting for source 2

I actually like that idea more than RCT. Then again, I also like Idle grinder games, so that may have something to do with it.
Interesting. Can't say I'm particularly excited about that prospect.

I havent heard an update from you in awhile! And its looming alot better, I like the gun sequences. That powerfist deal is dope too. I'm excited for this; do you have any other sites for info?

wow this looks amazing
but please, add a lock-on so you don't hit the air like and idiot

here's a webm of the first boss fight, trying to record a couple of little cool thing


the first level is very straight foward, especially when you know how to go through it
later levels should prove more involving
you can move, jump and dash in 8 directions, I agree that it is extremely simple but I think it should be fun as is

thanks, it's be available whenever

>That dead butterflys face
You got someone making music senpai? I would love to help out

Yeah it's an extremely niche topic, I'm hoping to actually sell this to actual traders who might enjoy a sort of social/economic commentary about the ICO bubble and the unethical business practices going on right now.

Anyone have completed/Beta stage games for Sup Forums to try out?

ok buddy

Whats the name of that pixel 2D game which has been in development for a while and was shown at E3 2017. It's set in a Hellish place and in the trailer a mutated baby is seen pulling the limbs off of some thing, anyone know what I'm on about?

Is it free yet? I mean the whole package. I heard talk of them having a model like Unreal where you only pay if you make a certain amount of money off your game, but I don't know where that went.



the color palette looks great, really cozy

There is lock-on. The Sarge (the enemy in the helmet) dodges your attacks.

Thanks so much

we got someone already, sorry
but thanks for the offer, I appreciate it greatly

here's a little detail
all the grass is interactable, and you can create flowers by dashing through it
I should stop deleting my webms after posting them, because I have to keep re-recording this stuff

That's pretty cute. I don't personally like platformers any more, I tend to get irritated by them but that's pretty nice for one man's show.

I was thinking of making an asymmetric party game thing with smartphones. Is there any way for phones to connect together on a sort of LAN or would this require server hosting? How good is unity at online stuff?

What are some similar 2D games like Blasphemous ? That shit's taking ages to come out

I really like the main character expressions, good job. Do you have a loading screen already? I had an idea for it, you can base off of it if you like it, but it would be simply the main character rolling around in a simplistic but pretty scenario, he could fall asleep while rolling, something kind of like the loadings in Spyro: Year of the Dragon, with spyro flying. great progress user

I like the sense of momentum, but things seem just a tad sluggish. Is that a deliberate choice?

I was gonna record a webm of the player skipping on water's surface with the dash but it's not working right, I'll have to fix it tomorrow
have a random boss animation then I guess

yeah, I guess most people don't care about plataformers anymore, it's understandable

there is in fact a simple loading screen with the character rolling already
and I'd hope the loading woudn't take long enough for it to get sleepy
thanks for the suggestion

hm, it was never the intention to make it feel sluggish
but since the dash gets you moving really fast, I'd say it might be sensible to get some slower movements in-between to balance things out, I don't know really
if you think the boss feels slow, I had to balance this fucker a million times until he wasn't impossible to beat for new players
also the dash would miss too often if the enemies moved to quickly (which might be a good idea for an enemy further down the line)
also the webm is in 30fps I think, not sure if that matter
but any feedback is important, if you can pinpoint what makes you feel that way, let me know

How much programming experience do you have, user? Just curious.

I got very little experience on C++ from a couple of semesters in college before giving up on it, and then a little experience messing with Gamemaker's coding
so not much, really

the good thing about construct2 is that you don't really have to know any coding language, as long as you understand the basic concepts of coding (if, then, else etc) you can get things done

when I was messing with Gamemaker, youtube was definitely a great teacher, and now making this game has been a constant learning experience

Holy fuck I love Chameleon Twist. Post blog.

Under an NDA to not share it until its fully ready but they wont notice Sup Forums, no blog yet

Whats the quintessential guide/video tutorial for Unity?

work on the walking cycle it looks like hes moon walking forwards, make it look like hes putting weight to his sides but try to keep the original physics by having the pace of the walk result in the speed.
I don't mean to shit on the game but I think it would be a much needed improvement as it would make it look much better in terms of the overall presentation.

This user is not me I am the dev and there isnt a blog yet as I need to polish the game further but its posted daily on agdg

Very bad. I don't have the patience to use even the simplest of programs. Years of playing LBP turned my brain into mush.

I tried to use Construct2 once, because it has an LBP2-esque UI, but I can't get the simplest of projects to run without game-breaking errors right out the box. So maybe game making just isn't my thing.

Congrats man! Are you going to be able to sustain your craft with the way sales are going?

Where is your game? stfu his sales are fine and will clearly sell over time it will be sustainable with updates and further shilling as it improves or even over time the sales will be fucking FINE end this retarded meme.

jesus, calm down.

doing an internship in "VR research" where I get to use unreal engine for most of the day every day

i'll get back to dev'ing when its over....

says the shitposter

i'm not even the same guy, you idiot. all he did was ask a question in a civil manner.

>when you keep bouncing from idea to idea, making decent success on each attempt, only to be thwarted by your spastic imagination
This shit is gay.

Made this shit for a gamejam. Actually won.

he probably took it as a passive aggresive insult, where the poster mocked the dev for his lack of sales

where the game part of the game?

He won because he made a walking simulator.

gamemaker or unity?

Yep. It was a visual novel in a 2d walking style. Originally, it should have been a platformer, but i was alone and done it in 2 days.

Poking at music in between drawing gay furry porn to make money in order to continue making the game.

Thanks for the tip, it was just a learning project but if I go back I'll definitely work on that as well as having an actual correct sprite scale for the character vs his surroundings.

Not bad. My Ren'Py anime RPG is "Coming soon" on Steam and so far numbers are pretty promising.
tfw too dumb to use Unity.

not a game, but started practicing pasting shit into a scene, it's shite but now i go the feeling of scale of the engine and can get things in proper size from other programs, so i might try something later

>o thats so very good. arent u a good boy! my special little angel. whuuu can make a walking simulator? uuuu can, o yes you u can
Not super impressed, but that's just me.