Can I just skip this level?
Can I just skip this level?
Wooah.... dark.. souls...... reference................
why dont you skip the whole game
why don't you skip your life?
It's not as hard as those piece of shit castle and dark levels.
>playing this level
>over and over and over again
>no pinpoint accurate = you lose
>get so mad and so completely overwhelmed that I shit my pants in anger
Holy shit I was so beyond mad. Has this happened to anyone else?
Is the second game easier?
What do you think this is, New Super Mario Bros? Use the skills you've built up through the previous level to pass through. Surely you bought/pirated this game to enjoy the challenge of it.
2 and 3 are way easier than 1
>road to nowhere
more like road to git gud casul scum also use the ropes
yeah i watched dunkey too faggot
fuck off with your e-celeb threads
>He's only on the second island and complaining
For what's worth, playing the other games can help a player acclimate more to the controls/mechanics without getting frustrated as much.
lol nope
Walk on the rope
Everyone else beat Crash when they were 10. It isn't hard.
>All these people having trouble with Road to Nowhere
>MFW The High Road
that fur looks like complete anus
Just walk on the rope, dummy.
Except not at all, because 2 and 3 make you accustomed to new moves that the first one doesn't have. You use them all the time and rely heavily on them, and its jarring when you try to go back to 1.
>Reach High Road
>See people who love the original game go through several game overs on this level
>Feel nervous as fuck when I start
>Then play the game
>Only died 10 times and got the gem
What the fuck? How are people so fucking bad at this?
Not Crash, but I got so mad at some game once I had to violently masturbate just to calm down. Other than that I don't get that mad.
Ah yes, the classic American shits his pants when things get to complicated beyond ordering from McDonalds
It's one of the levels I had the least problems with because I never even tried to beat it the legit way.
America owns your country, culturally, economically, militarily.
that doesn't make you any less fat though.
Is this the Dark Souls of Crash Bandicoot?
Ive done this two times. Nothing better than an angry nut
The high road is genuinely fucked up. Road to nowhere was okay but holy shit I just cannot beat high road.
Slippery Climb and The Lab were harder for me.
I hate having to time my jumps all the time.
Perhaps platformers aren't for you then
People are generally bad at games with real gameplay
no, but I once got so mad at a game (lost Vikings) that I calmly walked all the way downstairs, went outside, went to the back of the house to the basement, went all the way down, searched for a hammer under a pile of equipment, went back upstairs to my room and proceeded to smash the shit out of the cartridge
>Colored gems still require not dying once
>MFW The Lost City
Why the fuck did they have to bring this shit design back?
git gud
From my experience, the easiest to hardest colored gems
Toxic Waste
Generator Room
Slippery Climb
The Lab
Lights Out (Only because you need the gem form The Lab)
The Lost City
it must be a good nut if you specifically remember the two exact times you've done it
Dragon Aerie wasn't even one of the tougher parts of DS2.
Generator Room I got on my first try, Toxic Waste just made me bring in two Aku masks and then I beat it
I hate these kids with their, "Crash Bandicoot remake lol so hard just like Dark souls xD" meme. Dark souls didn't invent unforgiving gameplay.
The Lab is the stuff of fucking nightmares
What if The High Road had a colored gem on it.
I don't agree. The Lab is easy if only because it is very short and the challenges become trivial if you have a mask.
Slippery Climb, on the other hand, is not only long, but it also is requires super accurate jumps all the way through.
I was really surprised that The Lab ended up killing me more than Slippery Climb did, didn't remember that it had so annoying parts in it. Jaws of Darkness also surprised me, for some reason I found depth perception really hard in it.
I did The Lost City on my second try, not that hard at all. The Lab was a fucking monster though.
What healing item is that, an apple?
No shit. Unless you had a crappy build you would be so OP at that point nothing could fuck with you.
Luckily these games weren't made by literally Hitler
The Crash remake is the kino of this generation of gamers. It exposes exactly whats wrong with today's video games.
Well on the PS1 you had to get EVERY gem on 1 life.
Your daily reminder that someone beat Crash 1 with a DDR machine blind. And he only game overed once.
Keeping the colored gems as a "perfect - no death" rewards maintains some of the original challenge when every gem had that requirement. They probably kept it for those few gems to please old fans of Crash 1 and make them more special while making clear gems easier to obtain in the newer version since you can die as much as you want in a clear gem stage and still get it. Plus you can fail in the bonus rounds of color gem stages as well since you aren't actually dying and you also don't have to quit and restart the stage if you happen to die before the first checkpoint.
Wew, I had the idea to complete just one colored gem level just to get that gem platform trophy and be done it (because I damn sure won't have the patience to get all of them), and I ended up picking The Lost City for it thinking that it would be the easiest. Took something like ~6 tries, can't imagine doing most of those other levels with colored gems so easily.
Although now that I think about it, Generator Room would most likely be the easiest one, nothing particularly hard in it. Can't agree on Toxic Waste, it would be dead easy otherwise but those fucking bouncing barrels are a nightmare.
Question about Crash 2 time trials, I heard about some speed boost you unlock or something, should I just wait until I get that before trying for platinums? In Crash 1 I just got them as I went through the levels.
Why does everyone hate this level? If you're there, it means you have beat Road to Nowhere, which acts as a turorial to dosing your jump. As for the turtles, just keep X pushed: for long jumpss, keep forward tilted; for shorter jumps, you jump so high that you have all the time to aim with your shadow.
I suspect people are struggling because they try to use the ropes, which is much less reliable.
ok but who killed waluigi
No matter how many times I practice that part with toggling stairs, they will always feel awkward to go through. They go so fast that it gets me anxious to jump on them and struggle to get off before they close again.
Yeah, the Speed Shoes are a must if you're going for platinum relics on the standard platforming stages. You get the shoes from beating Cortex at the end.
Cool thanks, I felt like I was way off in some levels and thought it might make things less of a headache.
Generator Room is definitely the easiest one, it's a very basic level.
just jump onto the ropes.
The Turtles hitboxes are fucking shit in the remake and the biggest reason I kept fucking dying. Also having the invisible path in the beginning where you constantly had to run against the camera and then run back was also extremely tedious. The ropes are actually reliable as long as you jump up on them from the side gently and often adjust your footing.
Nah, Road to Nowhere I beat first try.
High Road fucked me so hard though, legit the only level I lost half my lives to in the whole game and I didn't even attempt to use the ropes.
Yeah, agreed, it's as if they had been coded to collpase the exact second we jump away from them. The little alcoves with boxes in them are a massive pain too.
Can I just skip all the motorcycle platinum relics?
It's not even a case of git gud because it has nothing to do with skill
It has everything to do with if you're turn isn't exactly right at this specific moment then you gotta restart the whole thing over again
being good at the game would involve making mistakes and improvising on them to have a better end result, for these stages you can't do that, no mistakes are allowed
unlike other levels like the jet-ski, regular stages, underwater bits, slight mistakes can be made but can still get you plat, you can't do that on these stages
there is no gitting gud at these time relics, you just get it by doing over and over
Question about 2. Is the neutral spin slide still there? is it still better than the speed shoes?
Platinum's just for bragging rights. You just need all Gold's to 105%
Found that really unreliable in the remake, Crash easily slips into the sides while running on the rope. Yes, even when using D-pad. It's not a foolproof way to cheat through the level anymore, like it was in the originals.
Yeah I was surprised when I got them since the shoes weren't in the original and it all made sense why my times sucked on the few I tried before getting them. I do still wish the timer stopped at the first door of the exit hallway and the relic would pop up where the box gem does since running or sliding through those hallways feels tacked on and I've snagged myself at the last door before the exit portal platform room a number of times. Good luck with your runs.
i don't know why but I'm stoned as shit and lol'd at that.
REMINDER: Platinums don't count if you use the casual shoes.
Yes it's still in and no it's not better. Every platinum relic video I've seen uses the speed shoes for moving quickly. I don't know the name of the other move of gaining extra height from a slide jump by spinning but it's it and has some use such as in Spaced Out and The Pits.
>remember that I had the most fun playing crash 3 as a kid
>beat crash 1&2 in the remake and move on to 3
>obnoxious underwater levels
>race levels are a fucking drag
>the tiger stages are indefinetly worse than the hog / icebear levels
>bazooka sucks ass
I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me as a kid.
This. KYS if you think that using them is acceptable for relic hunting.
Yeah, there's just too damn much pointless fluff taking focus away from the actual platforming. 2 is the best one, far more polished than 1 but doesn't have all that gimmicky shit tacked on.
>america owns america
>america is a country
>Cyber harassment
Don't make me report you to the police eurocuck.
I can't order from any fast food place because it makes me anxious.
>tfw they fucked up Crash 2 so bad you actually enjoy 1 more.
>hah! i'm in a continent not a country!