Its been 2 years.......
Its been 2 years
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Since what?
He was a fantastic man who should have retired years before his time
He dead
literally who
Nothing of value was lost.
imagine the state of his body now
>gives nintendo cancer
>nintendo gives it back to him
I'm sure he was a nice guy IRL but fuck what he did to the company and the industry.
RIP Miyamoto
He's ashes.
>Most successful nintendo has been
>Gave us some of the best games they've ever made
Since he died due to various....complications?
>some of the best games they've ever made
Name 3 (three) sequels under Iwata's watch that were better than the earlier entries.
I'll wait.
God damn it you guys.
This dude was a legend. If it wasn't for him, Pokemon Gold/Silver would not exist as it does. Pokemon Stadium wouldn't exist as it does. He even had a hand in Smash Brothers, Kirby, and a shit ton of other things.
This man was a god tier coder. GameFreak sucked ass at coding, and when making gold and silver they ran out of space. This man compressed their code so well that they were able to fit the continent of Johto from the previous game into the new one. He basically went up to the Mother 2 team and told them that if they used what they'd already made, it'd take two years to finish the game, but if they started from scratch, he could get that shit going in like half a year.
And to top that shit off, he ported over the battle system from Pokemon Red/Blue to Stadium WITHOUT REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.
He was also responsible for Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U, and probably a good amount of what Switch. Yeah, the Wii U failed, but fuck 3 out of 4 aint bad. He kept working even when he knew he was dying. When Nintendo wasn't doing well, he cut his own pay so no one would be laid off.
He also played video games. He wasn't some schmuck hired from business school. The dude was an actual coder, designer, and player of video games. You might not like what Nintendo was, or is today, but at least have some respect for this man, he's a goddamn legend.
Pokemon gold/silver
>Iwata dies
>Nintendo is better shape as a result
What did the Grim Reaper mean by this?
Iwata didn't sequels? He worked on a few, but mostly he made original titles like splatoon, or produced new ip installments, like xenoblade chronicles x and breath of the wild? Most of the sequels he made were actually some of hos worst work, and hardly what he was known for
Why are we still here?
>smiles and tears played on Sup Forums for the whole day
2 years since it's been a company worth supporting.
I'm not giving Nintendo a dime until this greedy little faggot steps down.
Tropical Freeze and Wooly World
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
is this a JoJo reference?
Shame that entire shit company didn't go with him.
If only he had died sooner, maybe the WiiU wouldn't have been such a disaster. Nintendo's really managed to turn things around since they bumped him off.
isnt that the jump cheater?
Did they cremate him?
Yes. Look it up.
last iwata related file I have, hopefully thread doesn't die for a couple more hours
Is nintendo going the way of sega
One of their suits died
Then their newest console is having slow production becausd they can't get the shit for it
Really makes you think
don't compare the Jews at Nintendo to based sega. The wrong child died.
except Sega is on the road of redemption for the past year or so unlike Capcom and Konami
and I still feel like shit for contributing to that stupid card
I'm glad everyone still came together around that time on Sup Forums, despite losing Iwata, it was nice
I haven't watched this until now but it's pretty well written and the singing is ok I'm surprised
>a console so cancerous that it killed the president
pretty hilarious