Why don't you like fighting games Sup Forums. Are they too hard?

Why don't you like fighting games Sup Forums. Are they too hard?

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This must be the most unrealistic female fighter body I've seen in my life.

i like the challenge and playing characters i like

>Mortal Kombat
Literally, the Brutal Doom of fighting games.

No. Too easy.

No. Too repetitive.

Good thing she's a half alien demon half alien space princess that can suck you in and spit out your bones with magic

It's too hard to remember all the combos for my toons





I'm too lazy.

i prefer Neo



remove 4 from top, and replace alpha 3 with alpha 2 and this is literally fggs list

do you think she has two-tone vulva

Where's smash

well I don't play them but I really like to argue about them here when I have no idea what I'm talking about!!!!! :)

>falling for bait

I'd rather experience new things than the same limited scope of things a million times again and again.


>posts nigger tier fighter from an always shit series

>people dont like things i like and im being passive aggressive about it on albanian forums for human trafficking


Never played them growing up so I don't have much of an interest in them now. They do have some good characters to wank to though.

literally how is that bait

I love fighting games, but I'm bad at them, and don't have the grit nor gumption to get good. I just watch the tourneys.

Autistic games where you have to memorize moves to the point of being annoying instead of fun.

what kind of shit memory do you have

i must have a really skewed perception of fighting games if this resonates with anyone else..

I love them

ST is my favorite and I play it a lot on fightcade (o.ryu/chun/honda). I don't really like any modern ones though besides guilty gear and UNIEL. I like VSAV but I'm bad at it and want to get better.

Although sf4 gave us juri porn so w/e

I'm too much of an Ape to learn combos and I don't care about PvP (which is 99% of what a fighting game offers)

does anyone want to play ST with me

I mean, you literally just posted an opinion that consisted of "I don't like this series"
not even that poster but that's standard bait

Anyone down for a SFV lobby?

>alpha 3, MoTW, bloody roar 3
>top tier

I know this is a troll pic but those are literally all fucking retarded jugglekuso or in motw's case third strike except way worse

usf4 is dogshit, sf4 was just a garbage game

>accent core just in high when it should be top
>jojo's in high
>vf4 in the same tier as vf5 when vf4 is the best game in the series

no but I'm up for super turbo or vsav

it's just objectively bad though

p.s. i'm not the guy that posted the "bait"
and anyone that disagrees with me about mk sucking is contrarian

For all intents and purposes Edenians are aliens because they ain't from earth.

You could call them the high elves of Mortal Kombat, but...who would the dwarves and orcs be?

I find them to have a blandly repetitive kind of gameplay, just short of a korean MMO grindfest.

>I'm not competitive enough to be good on my own :(

Why is Juri so ugly in that pic

>you will never be dominated by Juri


Put some effort into your bait

Skullgirls should be in top tier

I only like SF games, and SF5 isn't a very good one.

But I do like them

What's your guys opinion on KI?

Dead af in terms of offline. Steam is just a last ditch effort at money grabbing.

Alpha 3 is such a joke

Good game that etches it's own mark in the standard 2D fighter crowd. Autopilots get fucked pretty hard.

alpha 3 is dogshit, so is MoTW

If someone lists MoTW anywhere near top they're braindead.

won't even acknowledge furry roar and sf4

>accent core just in high when it should be top
Fuck no that game is fucking SHIT it should be put into trash tier where it belongs

>vf4 in the same tier as vf5 when vf4 is the best game in the series
Both games are fucking garbage and should be moved down

Fucking hilarious you call other games "retarded jugglekuso" when you are nut hugging literal kusoge trash like fucking guilty gear which is literally full of 100% juggles where the opponent doesn't get to play for the entire fucking round.

GTFO you fucking casual poser.

>Why don't you like fighting games Sup Forums
Because they're boring Rock Paper Scissors games.

No, they're not too hard, I'm just bad and don't want to learn how to get better.

>being bad at RPS

>GTFO you fucking casual poser.


do you consider air combos juggles? at least GG isn't braindead instead of just spamming the cody Vism kick infinite

>vf is garbage

fucking dying. you are such a faggot. go back to /fgg/ 09er.

Seriously, put some effort into your bait.

I've always liked how that image and that outfit is supposed to look hot but in the end it just looks retarded.

>spamming the cody Vism kick infinite
And this is how you spot a clueless casual 16er who has no idea what hes talking about, congratulations on outing yourself.

>Are they too hard?
not as hard as I am rn

>who would the dwarves and orcs be

>GG isn't braindead

>MVC3 in high tier

wew lad

>GG isn't braindead

GG hasn't been high IQ since pre-AC

Not really a fan of A3 either tho

why don't you see me in kusofighter alpha 3 then

haha xD epik fgg meme!!! kermit!!


Sure, if you don't mind a Forever Bronze joining

>he plays sfv


Because I'm not very good at them and I don't have much of a competitive streak so most of the time my experience with them is that I'm losing badly but I don't give half a fuck in the first place.

I'm learning to play them, OP

Haven't touched it since launch week. Still play Xrd ocassionally but that shit's pretty ded. I find matches faster on old ass fightcade games.

How about i stand still and you "cody infinite spam" me, if you can even take half my heathbar off ill buy you any game on steam.

No they're just trash with shit AI and shit balancing with shit stories and shit gameplay.

The only reason they're even remotely popular is because kikes pay niggers to fight each other in tournaments.

I do like the genre but i don't have the patience to deal with most of the things i don't like in said games.

I truly had fun with SSF4 to USF4 and MK9.

The other games i've tried are either dead, boring or have too much stuff i don't like and I've been trying to find something to substitute SF4 for months now.

>MKX feels bloated as fuck with every character having 3 styles, it is also not as colorful as MK9 and half of the cast i liked is gone.

>Street Fighter 5 feels lackter and boring, i've tried to keep up with it just to unlock new character but most of them are simply not fun to play or too similar, the short range and long blockstun(the entire gameplay actually) just doesn't feel good.

>Guilty Gear Xrd (sign to rev2) is pretty fun but halfof the playerbase plays either Johnny or sin and i find those characters insufferable to play, they are as SF3 Yun for me. I even uninstalled the game after that.

>Skullgirls just feels like a fucking mess if there's more than 2 characters on the screen, 1 vs 1 is much better but the reset heavy gameplay and the long combos also turn me off immensely.

>King of fighters doesn't have many characters i like to play, after playing 98, 2002, 13 and 14 the only characters i really like are terry and daimon.

Other games like Soul Calibur 5, DOA5, Blaz Blue, Tekken 7, Injustice and Uniel are pretty much dead and i haven't played these games much because they don't hold my interest, so i don't really have an opinion about them.

Fightcade has way too good and even after months playing SF3, alpha 3 and garou i discovered the balance is kind of fucked and the feeling the game is broken never goes away.

USF4 is also quite dead in my region, on PS4 and Steam, so there's really no point in coming back.

Having to go out of my way to find matches in most games i listed is also quite depressing.

So i am kind out options here. I might not even get DBFZ because it will probably be dead in a month or so.


look what a good game


whoa... so much better than gg.... true OG alex valle fundamentals at work....

The good ones are too hard.

>bought a bunch of discount fighting games on steam
>can't decide which one to sit down and practice so instead I play a little of each one and end up being shit at all of them


Yeah. Way too waspy for my taste. Unless it's a wasp woman. Then... pretty hot.

Dead. Its time for another killer instinct. Preferably with the same netcode,better budget,and a new engine. Oh and bring back the old composer. I like the new guy but i feel that mike or watever his name just fitted better into the game

>>Street Fighter 5 feels lackter

sorry my keyboard is kidan fucked.

I don't play fighting games, because the girls sometimes are lewd, and they make my dick hard.

>I'm a whiny ass faggot: the post

why would you do that, just go on the internet and tell lies


look what a good game


whoa... so much better than SF.... true OG alex valle fundamentals at work....

primeday my nigga


look what a good game


whoa... so much better than SF.... true OG alex valle fundamentals at work....


look what a good game


whoa... so much better than gg.... true OG alex valle fundamentals at work....

This type of autistic community is probably the reason I don't play fighting games.

primeday in brazil only has books and my keyboard is new, i accidentally stumbled on it on this week and now it is fucked like my last one. Not even the space bar work sometimes.

If i don't like a game i simply don't play it user. I at least bought them and tried them which is more than the average Sup Forumsirgin would do. I just really didn't like any of them that much, initially liked GG but the more i played the more i started to get bored with it and all the sin and johnny problem, then i stopped.

i don't man, most communities i've found on discord were pretty helpful. Besides that pic is made solely for (You)s so don't think much about it.

except those FRC combos are actually hellish to pull off, compare that to the unga infinites of alpha 3

but you've never played a fighting game seriously in your life, so what do you know

FRCs weren't that hard desu

>except those FRC combos are actually hellish to pull of

>compare that to the unga infinites of alpha 3
Crouch cancel infinite is a 1f input every rep.

Again good job exposing yourself as a clueless retard casual

i want more juri feet

This goober doesn't even know what crouch cancel is, yet hes trying to talk like hes some OG, fucking LMAO

Does anyone here actually want to play a fighting game? I'm down for a few matches in anything, as long as I own the game.