This game would be getting crucified had it not been for Mania gaining so much good will.
This game would be getting crucified had it not been for Mania gaining so much good will
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why would it?
in fact, it seems more people are shitting on it just because of mania
Reviewers wouldn't be slamming it if Sonic Team actually had a vision other than "throw everything into a blender and maybe people will like it"
That said, it'll probably review well enough regardless like Fire and Ice.
Ya so? I'll buy Mania and ignore this one and maybe Sega will learn something. Probably not but whatever. I got what I wanted.
I just hope if it does turn out shit they don't go back to Saturday morning cartoon plots again. I find these edgy "serious" plots much more fun.
Also, the theme song is weird. It's like Adventure-style butt rock but with Heroes' cheesy "power of friendship" lyrics.
Is that guy next to eggman wearing the berserker armor
is eggman (next to that guy) wearing berserker armor?
Why are people so dumb? This game clearly looks like it will be as good as Generations.
It's got nothing to do with Sonic Boom or Lost World - which both were gimped because they had to be made for a shit console.
I am the only person who has this knowledge? Why won't anyone else realise this?
Sonic '06 was over ten years ago - get fucking over it.
desu this and Mania are perfect foils to each other and I'm happy both exist.
>will be as good as Generations
>Wisps in nearly every level
No chance
So far, non-White Wisps are only exclusive to Buddy's stages (and he can only equip one at a time).
Wisps are only used for the custom character, and look to flow a lot better with the game then they ever did with Sonic.
unless we're talking about the Boost wisps, the only ones that ever worked.
It's gonna be sonic 06 2, fucking epic memes
There's literally no point having Classic Sonic in forces. That's my only complaint.
For everyone who's getting the game, which run will you do first? A Sonichu run or a Coldsteel run?
I just want a good 3D Sonic game that allows me to play as Blaze. Is that too much to ask for?
White wisps are fine but I prefer filling the gauge with rings and tricks to be honest with you family.
Personally I'm getting both. Mania dosn't need an explination and Forces because I'm a sucker for games that lets me create characters. It'll be total nonsense but entertaining nonsense providing it replicates Generations.
I really doubt that we'll be able to make Sonichu and Coldsteel.
>inb4 the official sonic account said that we'd be able to do it
You know he posted that for the memes, right?
>It'll be total nonsense but entertaining nonsense providing it replicates Generations.
This is a shit statement. Game reviewers have made you feel guilty for unironically enjoying Generations so you have to describe these games as 'nonsense'.
You can PROBABLY make a half decent Coldsteel (Purple Hedgehog + Jeans + Fingerless Gloves) but Sonichu is obviously out of the question.
I don't think you understood my post. Nonsense refers to running around at the speed of sound as my OC. I feel no guilt for Generations as I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
>I'll buy Mania and ignore this one
Too bad for you I'm doing the exact opposite.
I don't know about the jeans, bu the gloves are definitely there for him.
Also, Pikachu Amiibo support
I think you responded to the wrong person.
I'm with you on this one. Generations was fun as fuck. Sure the OC creator is stupid, but it'll be enjoyable
Actually it would be. They need to take boost sonic out behind the barn. It was good for one game (unleashed), maybe a slower, more boring version for the wii (colors) but that was it. They need to bring back adventure/heroes styled gameplay.
>It's got nothing to do with Sonic Boom or Lost World
The main director for Forces was the director for Lost World. Also the the main producer for Forces was the director for 06.
Considering who's calling the shots for this game, it makes sense seeing how unfocused the final product is looking to be. Also the bland level design really does resemble the level design utilized in the director's previous Sonic projects, and not in a good way. Shame the director behind Generations is stuck on the Mario and Sonic series now. Generations might have been shallow, but at least its level design was decent.
I just wish the 2D segments looked half-way interesting, which is something Generations messed up too.
Colors had a pretty good idea of how to do 2D sections, but that is because barely any of the game was in 3D
>denying me a (you)
You're entitled to buy what you want user, but go fuck yourself. I might even buy it after we start getting some reviews.
forces looks depressing as fuck
they didnĀ“t show a single good thing about it yet
>top row second on the left
is that doomguys helmet
Is there any way to avoid OC or is it mandatory
So is it basically confirmed the OC was supposed to be Boom Sonic, but they delayed the game to replace him after it didn't meet expectations?
Brosted Futts
They have no idea how to do 3D that isn't homing attack practice or boost to win spectacle sections
Then why not capitalize that they have access to the fastest character on 2 legs and make the most fucking immersive spectacles they can make like adabat and holoska were? Instead they give us these 2D shitfests with the worst level design in modern platformers. Either make the best rollercoasters you can make, or get rid of boost and introduce a different, slower, 3D only play style similar to adventure
This It's pandering in the most obvious way, and after all that "It's not Generations 2, honest!"
That is simple: the spectacle sections take a lot of effort and/or money.
You either have a very short game, or you gotta throw in shit like Werehog to pad it.
Personally for me I thought the same but the more I saw it the more I lost interest.
Modern looks the same as usual but with Wisps now for the Boost Gauge but that's really just it for Modern since they haven't shown much of him, I do wish the 2D sections weren't there for him, it seems pretty pointless to have still.
Classic looks worse to me due to presentation, music & level design. The presentation just underwhelms me compared to Generations, that game had plenty of neat camera angles and things in the foreground & Forces has shown none of that so far, sure the game isn't complete but if they felt they could've shown that it makes me feel cautious & skeptical about the final game, also I just find the music to be pretty fucking weak. When it comes to level design it feels a lot more simpler, you have multiple times of just moving forward with little to do & a spring automatically getting you to higher platforms with little risk, you also have a heavy reliance on Boost Pads (which Generations actually didn't do in Green Hill) which help you just get through tubes and even up slopes like the loops & etc. Basically I just think it's uninteresting so far, I mean it doesn't even have new/different mechanics from Generations Green Hill besides platforms moving & down I guess, I give it props for still having multiple paths at least & I hope it changes for the better in the upcoming months since it could change greatly but so far I'm feeling negative about it. Also did the boss fight really need to reference the Green Hill Ball & Chain fight again in the beginning? It's getting so stale to reference it to me.
The OC I really dislike, I don't care about character creators so that's a waste of time to me and his gameplay looks like a slower Modern with a heavy focus on combat with flamethrowers & over similar shit with Wisps thrown in, also the boss has QTEs? Not interested in the slightest.
Overall as a Generations fan the game looks uninteresting.
I just realized something. Allowing the player to create their own character may not just be Sega and Sonic Team appealing to the Deviantart Sonic OC crowd. It may also be their way of testing whether people want to play as characters other than Sonic. Ever since Sonic 06, Sonic Team has shied away from letting players play as characters other than Sonic AKA "Sonic's friends", reducing them to NPCs. However there has been a good number of fans who have vocalized that they would like to play as some of Sonic's friends, that want characters like Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Blaze, etc to be playable again. However Sega and Sonic Team are too afraid to make that jump yet so they're testing the waters with the custom character, which like a lot of Sonic's friends, will play a bit differently than Sonic. Depending on how players respond to the gameplay in the Custom Character section, we could see characters other than Sonic finally be playable again in the 3D games.
Imma call mine Autsy the hodgpoge
Thats fine by me, a short game. Just take a $10 or $20 off the launch price. Holoska, empire city, and adabat day are pure kino and I wouldn't mind a 2 hour game with just those
Replace classic sonic with shadow and I would be interested
>denying me a (you)
My mistake, so here's one.
I just don't care for 2D Sonic, to be honest.
I played the genesis games and enjoyed them, but have no desire to replay them or play any more 2D only games. I didn't even like Sonic 4 that much.
Plus the fact that mania is being developed by an indie group just makes me think I'm going to be playing a fanmade ROM hack, which makes me lose all interest.
They did wisps for boost in Sonic Colors on the Wii in 2010
So basically, games like colors, generations, and forces are more your thing?
The game looks really mediocre. Mania just brings out how mediocre and directionless it looks.
Modern will be good for a cheap thrill I guess. I don't think the boost gameplay really lends itself well to replayability or level design that isn't mostly a straight-shot rectangular corridor. If most levels had lots of alternate paths like Modern Seaside Hill it would be OK, but that seems like it's still going to be the exception rather than the rule.
Classic looks unchanged from Gens, which is really disappointing since that game had a lot of problems with its interpretation of Classic Sonic.
CaC looks like modern Sonic mixed with a dollar store version of Ratchet and Clank.
I wouldn't even mind most of the game being 2D if every 2D section they've shown didn't look amateurish at best. So far it just looks like a slightly worse Gens with an awkward tone. If you can watch the E3 trailer without laughing you might be the demographic SEGA is targeting with the CaC.
>tfw forces doesn't have playable bat so you can't make your autistic oc
I know, I have Colors on my Wii, I guess I should've said they went back to it.
None of us liked Sonic 4 user, at least I hope not.
If it's not your thing that's fine, I grew up with the classics and have been waiting a real long time for a proper iteration.
And I don't get the ROM hack argument, there are ROM hacks out there better than licensed Sonic games, and Mania's shaping up to look better than those too.
Forces on the other hand, well let's just say I'm gonna need more convincing than what we've been shown so far.
I liked Sonic 4. It made classic people mad.
If Mania wasn't being released the same year as this, it wouldn't be getting any as much flack as it is now. It keeps getting compared to Mania and Classicfags are rampant.
If Mania didn't exist and it was just Lost World and Boom, this game would be getting praised and hyped round and back.
>Edgy storyline
>3 playstyles
>Classic Sonic
>Boost gameplay being refined
>Updated engine
>OC autism
>All the previous villains are back again
>Shadow is relevant again
It's literally only because of Mania that this is getting ragged on so hard.
Some of us have our own terrible OC to project onto. I'm memorializing my entire crew of autistic online acquaintances in the lofty game project I promised, but could never hope to actually complete.
Same but with Blaze instead of Shadow
It is getting crucified. The gameplay being shown indicates standard sonic cycle stuff. I imagine most people will think it's bad compared to generations.
Is that satan?
>games like colors, generations, and forces are more your thing?
Don't forget unleashed. I also like the adventure games second.
>I grew up with the classics and have been waiting a real long time for a proper iteration.
Good for you and hope you enjoy it if you like it, but again, sorry to say I won't be getting mania.
Don't get me wrong though, 2D for me is fine and even enjoyable, as long as it's presented and in segments like in colors and generations, and not the entire game.
>only gets ragged because they decided to make a good game too and people aren't settling for mediocrity
Absolutely deserved.
I dont think you understood my point. Every "3D" sonic game since 2010 has been overwhelmingly 2D. And not the interesting, dynamic camera angles and panning that unleashed used tastefully. Just a static sidescroller. Forces looks the exact same.
How can you prefer the 2D game with shitty controls and level design over the 2D game with good controls and level design? Is my point. 1999-2008 is when 3D Sonic lived
Wait, did I miss something? Why is everybody suddenly up in arms about this game?
More mediocrity while being compared to Sonic Mania, an actually awesome looking game coming out at around the same time.
Like I already said, I don't really like 2D in the first place. That's why I mentioned that how they were presented in colors and generations made them playable for me.
Maybe it also has something to do with not getting the appeal of going back to 16bit graphics, but again, 4 had semi-3D graphics and I still didn't like it.
Really? I think it looks pretty good, at least compared to something like Lost World.
I don't think it'll be as good as Mania, but It'll probably at least be GOOD.
So...2.5D then? The modern sonic games are overwhelmingly 2D. To say you like them but then say you have problems with 2D based games is odd. Mania artistically also looks a lot better than generations and forces, more vibrant and saturated
why do they keep using this 2 sonics rule. i rather just have a sonic freedom fighter game.
>The modern sonic games are overwhelmingly 2D
I never noticed. I just know I enjoyed the 3D sections better than the 2D. I'm just one of those people that likes to go fast.
>Mania artistically also looks a lot better than generations and forces
Sorry, but not to me. Once again, the 16bit graphics just put me off.
>tfw I can make Master Chief the Hedgehog
>mania has
-pinball physics
-saturn-era music
-what I'll call '32 bit graphics' because they look like what the 32x could do but better
-sonic, tails, and knuckles, with abilities that compliment the gameplay rather than work against it
forces has
-eh music (surprising for a sonic game)
-radio chatter like starfox but worse
-clunky wisp powerups
-stiff 2D platforming
-3D platforming that'll probably be two seconds of boosting and rails before swinging back to 2D anyway
-character creator that everything is going to have to work around
-awkward sonic boom reject abilities for at least the custom character
-QTE boss fights
I just don't understand. Why can't 3D sonic games get the physics right? If they can't, why do they keep bothering with transitioning to 2d gameplay when it's so clunky? Colors was stiff, Generations got less and less fun because the later stages had more 2D sections. If they can't, why do they keep bothering with Wisps, which only make the issue worse?
On the other hand, Mania is basically the Sonic game we would have gotten years ago if SEGA wasn't a hamfisted moron when it came to the CD, 32X, and Saturn. Saturn's sonic game got scrapped, Chaotix was rushed and had a dumb gimmick, and CD was basically a sequel to Sonic 1. Mania's got all the right 2D gameplay, plus the 32x-era graphics we never got plus the Sonic CD soundtrack we never got.
I think if you aren't hype for Mania then you just don't get Sonic games. It's one thing to like pre-Unleashed 3D Sonic Games, but Unleashed, Colors, and Generations has less and less actual 3D sonic moments in favor of increasing amounts of shoddy knockoff 2D gameplay. If Mania wasn't coming out, Forces would be the final nail in the coffin for me for Sonic.
There is nothing wrong with wisps
Except the fact that they're seemingly everywhere except their own planet.
they make bad gameplay worse
At least the Wisps look fun for the Custom character. That lightning whip looks really cool, and long range enough to take care of a shit ton of enemies.
Form the look of things, nothing's wrong with the wisps for the OC.There's definitely a lot wrong with it in the boost style game, where it has much more awkward controls and basically goes into a different game play style. I'll never understand how anyone can say they're the same as the shields form 3 & K.
Fuck off Iizuka
I don't care about them from a gameplay perspective, Sonic could do with that kind of powerup. But I hate them from a story-perspective. Why are they just always around now? Just replace them with something else.
sonic forces has me interested. i always get sonic games just like i always get mario games. mainly the main ones. so far sonic forces just looks decent. i really want to see more modern sonic stages and how far it all goes. i really hope there is quite a lot of stages, and that its longer than generations. they seem really confident about this game.
if they do bring in classic sonic in their next main title after forces again though, i will burn them all down
>I think if you aren't hype for Mania then you just don't get Sonic games.
You sound like one of those elitist 2Dfags who still thinks the last good Sonic game was S3&K.
Not really.
This game is getting ragged on because the wisps were part of the reason why Sonic: Lost World was so awful, outside the terrible design. So they bring them back. And they didn't bother adding and fixing the gameplay, like Classic Sonic. It's more re-shuffled, re-designed levels.
Nah I was fine all the way up to Adventure 2. I liked Unleashed, I loved Generations at first, but going back to playing Generations, I don't think it holds up. I play Sky Sanctuary Modern and City Escape Classic and I get bored.
I think the classic 2D sonics were the best, and I think the 3D sonics were great while they weren't trying and failing to 'incorporate that classic 2D gameplay'
But Forces just looks like a worse Generations.
Too bad they would have been memed to death becuase everyone associates Shadow with his game wheres he portrayed extremely out of character as opposed to SA2. If he stayed dead for awhile and didn't come back until Forces people would have a much more positive view of him.
Yeah its weird. I have replayed sonic unleashed and sonic generations on the old 360 recently and generations oddly seems to have aged for the worse. It feels like a diet sonic unleashed, just an empty shell of a game with a few levels and nothing else. I still find myself coming back to sonic unleashed to level up and find more collectibles and get better times since its been so long.
I was fine all the way up to heroes. I think heroes is interesting since it artistically tried to carry the spirit of the 2D games while doing its own thing. It needed more polish but i still play the xbox version on 360 as well. Forces just looks so meh, its a total dud.
Sega should just have Taxman and his team make 2D Classic games and have the team that made Unleashed make new 3D games with polished Adventure gameplay and with Unleashed's story and tone.
Oh and speaking of sonic and xbox, there's a sale right now on the xbox store if anyone wants to pick up any sonic games. Everything's 50% off
Thanks for the heads up, user.
Of course. Im just a little surprised sega hasn't allowed all the xbox sonic games to play on xbox one yet. I thought microsoft and sega were good pals.
>Generations was a good game, and people wanted more of it
>we finally get more of it, and the controls seem better than last game, at least for modern
>suddenly everyone is sick and tired of it and want something else
This is just pertaining to the modern sonic part of Forces, and its pissing me off. It looks fine, just a bit short, which is ok since thats what demos are.
Yeah it was, but it was probably like that because it was only 2 gameplay styles at the time. Now we got a third, and the demo did give us more than 2 levels to play from. The only thing that is concerning is the performance, especially on the switch version since it played like crap there. Hopefully they fix it.
The classic part of Forces seems ok too in terms of gameplay, although to me it is still unnecessary to have him in the game in the first place due to mania, but its not the worst thing in the world. The music better fucking improve because its literally Sonic 4: The Second Coming when it comes to music for it.
Lastly, I feel that the Avatar stages are getting waaaaaaaaay too much hate. In fact, these stages in my opinion seem way more fun than the classic stages. And the amount of customization is great too. Hopefully later levels don't have enemy placements like in the first level where they are just in a straight line.
Overall, Forces is gonna be at worst a 6.5/10 game and at best an 8.5/10 since its obviously gonna be overshadowed by mania.
And finally: Modern > Avatar > Classic
Forces is gonna be shit, but surely I can't be the only one who just wants to play as the default hero, right?
>it was only 2 gameplay styles at the time. Now we got a third
And that's terrible. Multiple play styles is what birthed the 'Sonic's shitty friends' meme by retards who can't think for one second and realize the real problem was Sonic Team's unhealthy need to stuff in one game as many different games as they possiblly can. A meme pushed so hard, Sonic Team themselves fell for it, now forcing the multiple playstyles upon Sonic himself.
Oh I'm only saying it in regards to the length of the levels. I believe that the reason that the levels seemed short in Forces was because of the third gameplay style added. They wanted people to play all 3 and not make it too long.
>unless we're talking about the Boost wisps, the only ones that ever worked.
The only Wisp that arguably didn't work is Frenzy, and that's only when used in 3D areas.
The problem is these games take just as much money and effort to make as a slower, 50-hour game.
Is /bestcat/ Blaze even going to be in Forces?
Everyone would hate on it for being just another 3D Sonic game that will most likely have issues with the game. Mania is just what people really wanted that Sega for whatever reason refuse to give them until now.
Never played a 3D Sonic game. Any of them worth playing?
I disagree; I think Mania made some of Forces' flaws stand out more (especially the Classic Sonic gameplay).
Not really.
>Drill always goes forwards and makes turning a bitch
>Laser is literally just "Go from point A to B, but as a laser instead of a jump pad"
>Hover is so slow
Haven't played Lost world, but form what I've hard, the wisps aren't much better in that game