Alright Sup Forums, you can only show your child ONE video game to get them into gaming at an early age. What game do you show him?
Alright Sup Forums, you can only show your child ONE video game to get them into gaming at an early age...
Doom along with the Doomworld archive
that'll keep him occupied until he's old enough to have an opinion on anything.
persona 5
Mop aka Pathologic. I hope my progenies never try to play a video game after that.
I wouldn't show my kids any games. Why the fuck would I want to inflict that garbage on my own children?
I like games, but I grew up with them because my parents didn't know any better.
You don't turn your kid into a winner by letting them drool in front of a Skinner box.
Introducing your child to gaming is just irresponsible.
Civilization 3.
Pleb taste so far, id probably go with pic related
Your child is going to have a shitty imagination and a lack of creativity then, user.
Nobody gives a shit about your cheap and shallow gookcore game
Pic related.
I had one of those, it was pretty simple but pretty cool for kid me.
It's to get your kid into videogames, not turn him into a faggot, faggot.
>Not starting them with DeS
kek, i feel bad for your kid already.
do not be baited, friends
Commander Keen
Crash since that's what I started with.
space invaders
Now thats the shit I like to see
Marvel vs Capcom
Secret of Mana so he and I can play through the game together.
Yakuza 2
its one of the first games i remember playing
its fun to move around in
decent singleplayer content
good autism activity
we could play casualy
i can curb stomp them
spyro 2 propably cause thats what got me into gaming
>good autism activity
>wanting your child to be a spazy autist like yourself
Welcome to the timeline where you don't beat your kids enough, folks.
>to get them into gaming
just answering the question. doesnt mean i have to be a shitty parent, either. if i don't want to make them a spaz, its as simple as making them go outside
>games make you creative
I hope you truly don't believe this
Super Meat Boy or some other simple platformer. maybe shovel knight too.
I actually got my little brother into gaming by showing him the classic Mega Man at age 5. He was genuinly amazed by the visuals and sounds and ever since he's been making his own robots.
He's 8 now and loves to play Sonic, Mega Man and Minecraft.
I'd probably do the same if I had a child. There's nothing more fun than sharing interests with your siblings or children.
No they don't make you creative as a whole, but if you raise your kid right and they don't become some autistic faggot on Sup Forums.
Why wouldn't they be able to explore another world in a video game? It would do nothing but help them become more creative.
Agreed, that's why I made this post. I was genuinely curious on what y'all think a good medium of entry into gaming is.
Maybe because games aren't that unique.
If you want your kid to be creative make him read books, watch classic movies, listen to a lot of music, and most importantly let him interact with other people and the outside world.
>letting them go outside
Its like you want them to be abducted by pedophile rape gangs.
>Implying I wouldn't let them do that.
to each is own, man.
Unreal Tournament. Let him exerience tge dank atmosphere before he's swamped with a deluge of easymode and shit taste. More importantly Id block all the letsplayers till he's 12.
>blocking letsplayers
good move, when that happens there's no turning back.
Minecraft, duh
Gitaroo Man, probably
Probably Doom 2016 or something. Maybe MGS2.
why not?
not creativity, but FF:Tactics introduced new math concepts (percentages) and improved my vocabulary when I was 7.
if something you play really inspires you at a formative age, I could see how it would lead to you being a more creative person.
World of Warcraft, League of Legends or whatever equivalent game at that time.
Then I'll have another kid and raise him properly while using how much of a no-lifed loser my first child is to show him what he could become if he played shitty video games instead of getting hobbies, socializing and going outside.
Paper Mario.
>basic math
>reading comprehension
>relatively deep concepts for a children's game (stop Bowser before he takes over the world while essentially denying the stars their right to shine in the night sky)
>good sense of humor
>god tier music
>it be 2020
>don't play vidya because it's for fucking losers
>no one wants to spend time with me because they know I won't hang out and play L4D3 or Bloodborne 2 with them
>it wasn't supposed to be like this
My boy/girl will grow up with weeb trash and Diablo.
Online multiplayer games and massive time sink games with no end goal are pure cancer. Solid singleplayer games are perfectly fine.
When I baby sit kids they always assume everything is micro transactions. They have never known a world without it. It's fucking heartbreaking to watch; I wouldn't want to be brought into video games with the state of the industry.