Enjoy P5

>enjoy P5
>wanna play the other persona games
>they all look like this

Emulate it to look better
t. someone who started with P5 then played P4 and 3

>personababy is also a grafixfag
Color me surpised

>they all
They don't, though. Only P3 and 4.

The first 2 are PS1 games, they look even worse.

It's kind of sad that this is the persona fanbase now. Ever since P5 came out it has been unbearable. Oh well, it was autistic before. I'd still take autism over normies though

I think he means the UI, which is objectively worse than the P5 version.

I'd argue the 2D sprites of P1 and P2 hold up a lot better than the pretty bland and basic look of P3 and P4.

P3 looks pretty nice IMO.

>Muh grafix
If you want to miss out on some good games then that's on you, OP.

P3 looks great, I think OP might be gey.

>playing P3 in 16:9
>this is how new Sup Forums is now

Looks comfy

Try Catherine

It only looks nice in an emulator.
Try it on actual hardware.

Persona 4 was so shit I could not finish it. Going to give Persona 3 a shot.

Further proof P5fags are nothing but fucking ironic weebs who can't enjoy the game outside of waifus and pretty grafix.
Fucking kill yourself.


Getting the game and the hardware would be much harder and less pleasant than just emulating it.
It's not like you're forced to play P3 on the PS2

Be warned that you won't have complete control over your party, but it does have more gameplay elements in it. I do like it more than Vanilla 4, though I haven't had the chance to play Golden

What did you dislike of P4?

I died to that one bitch and stopped playing. Also too boring.

Well, P3 isn't that much different, I don't know what exactly you're expecting from these games.

The games filled with bitches, you're going to have to be more specific than that.

Yuska or something like that. The shy one

Oh, so the first boss

Yeah don't bother with 3, you aren't going to like it if couldn't bring yourself to at least get past her

well no fucking shit, p3 was realeased in 2006 you dumb fuck.

>get to Ameno-sagiri
>doing fine until he goes into his 2nd phase where he summons his fog and charges his lazar
>Yu, only Yu, seems to die from it, even while defening+defense buff everyone else can stand their ground
>tried casting the magic shield and it didn't work for whatever reason, though I think the AI deliberately went with a physical move to fuck me over
>want to switch out Kanji for Naoto but the dungeon won't let me leave
What do? I'm playing on Normal but this is my first time playing an SMT game and this kind of RPG in general, it's much harder than I thought it would be, especially since I have to constantly look up what each spell does.

On a side note, initially I thought Adachi's motivation was kind of lame, especially considering all the 'out there' stuff in the game, but now that I think about it, Adachi's grounded, realistic, and almost relatable reasons for turning evil actually make him very very scary. How many people would do what he did in his situation? How many people actually agree with what he had to say? I feel bad for missing the P4 train because I'm sure there were a lot of good discussions on him.

chie best persona

Don't even bother. Persona 3 is a lot harder.

Have you switched your persona? their status are also the protagonist status, change into something with more defense.

You're casting Tarunda too, right?

Just play SMT you babby

Yeah, after Persona 1 it feels like Atlus just stopped trying to go in a unique art direction. Persona 3 is the worst offender, probably the most bland looking game in the series.

Is there a mod for party direct commands for P3 FES? This shit feels unplayable after beating Persona 3 Portable but I really want to play through The Answer. I fucking hate the AI, and I don't understand why they did this especially when Persona 1 and 2 before this had direct commands for your party.

Don't be a fag and just learn to play it, it's perfectly fine as long as you scan constantly and learn how tactics work.

You can essentially get them to do whatever you want by always assigning the correct tactics to them.

It's complete garbage though, I hate watching my AI do shit when every other RPG lets you do it yourself. And then even when the rest of the series lets you command directly, there really is no excuse for it.

Isn't that the game where they literally turned a character black to appeal to westerners?

What's SMT got to do with the Megami Ibunroku series?

People who started with P5 as their first Persona REALLY screwed the pooch. The others are great, but newfags are going to be too spoiled from the various features 5 introduced

There's no need for an excuse, it's a design choice, either stop being a whiny close minded cunt that's afraid of trying different things or don't play it

>Game released in 2006 is visually inferior to game released 10 years later
stop the presses

Nigga it takes way more fucking time to change their tactics literally every turn to make them do what I want.

And considering P3P had direct commands, their "design choice" is apparently pretty stupid.

>people who started with P5
I've never understood people who were bothered by this sort of thing until now.

>various features
Like what? The series has been removing features and dumbing it down since Persona 1. Persona 4 tried a little, or at least made the game more interesting, but then Atlus cheaped out and added literally nothing to the series in 5.

P3P was easy as shit because of direct controls. It made the entire game a cakewalk even on the harder difficulties
the game is designed around the design choice, and obviously changing it fucked up the balance.

>literally every turn

But that's not necessary and you're stupid for doing that.

People like Mitsuru or Aki should stay on the same two tactics until you reach a boss.
>P3P had direct commands

P3P also removed multiple weapon choice, fusion spells and 3D enviroments outside tartarus, that doesn't make them stupid


Go look at the first one, nobody but JRPG fans would enjoy it.

P5 looks like a vivid comic book.

>Saving everywhere that isn't inside a dungeon (excluding safe rooms)
>dungeon design that isn't randomly generated
>Demons and demon negotiation
>Nuclear and Psychic elements
>Blessed and curse attacks that deal damage instead of insta-kill
>Baton pass
>Confidants give you various abilities beyond better exp bonus yield in fusions

>same generation as Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga
>non demon models look like so
Did Atlus lose a shit ton of money during the mid to late 2000s? Took until Catherine until there were models that did Soejima's artstyle some justice.

>saving everywhere
So it makes the game dumber and easier?
>demons and negotiation
But they implemented it in such a barebones way you could confuse it for Digital Devil Story's negotiation.
>nuclear and psychic elements
That doesn't improve gameplay, it'd just one more color on a chart you have to hit until you just spam R1XX every battle. By that logic Persona 1 would have four times as complex a battle system as Persona 5.
>blessed and curse attacks doing damage
Which removes what made them unique in the first place, just dumbing down gameplay.
>baton pass
Breaks the game early on and becomes useless in the late game. Not designed well at all.
>confidant abilities
Either give you abilities that you should have had already or give you powers that make the game even easier than it already was.
Literally just another damage type, just limited by bullets rather than MP. I guess the abilities make them decent but by the time you get them the game is already a slog just to get through. None of these things are innovations, just rehashed features or dumbed down mechanics from older games.

You missed the "that isn't inside a dungeon" part. Literally nothing wrong with saving anywhere and anytime in the world you explore that isn't in the cognitive world.
Explain how it's barebones

My highest defense guy has 42 Def, that's probably really low since I'm really underleveled. Mid 60s.
Ah, there's my problem. None of my main personas have the move, only an unused one, is there a specific area where I can grind the card for it?

>saving everywhere
Yeah, saving anywhere let's you just savescum through every event and conversation. Didn't like the stat boost you got? Reset. Didn't get the right conversation choice? Reset. At least in 3 and 4 you had to waste time to do it.
Is based in 4 demon personalities, another case where Persona 1 has literally twice as many personality traits as 5 not even getting into its own unique systems. It felt like playing Digital Devil Story again because almost every time you only have a couple options, I guess a point in Persona 5's favour is that there's less RNG, but overall it feels like Atlus knew putting it in would get people more interested in the game but they wanted to put the least amount of effort they possibly could in designing it. This of course all gets thrown away after about 2/10ths of your way into the game when you get the politician ability that makes negotiation a one button affair. Trying to get money or items out of a demon is a waste of time because they never have anything worthwhile. It reeks of laziness and they would have been better off just not having it in the game at all.


>Which removes what made them unique in the first place, just dumbing down gameplay.
But P2/1 had the same shit. if anything shit like damage types were reversing what was removed in some aspefcts from P1/2.
Besides if anyone is going to talk about fusion spell/auto battle sim that is 2, it's the damn story.

Then don't savescum, and if you're willing to savescum it's likely you're already willing to use a guide at that point.
Also how is the extra money you can get from demons a waste of time?


Don't forget the mapped button on battle.
I wouldn't surprise if they made it an arpg in the spin off.