Is this the peak of video games?




>no way fag intensifies



That's how good the game is. After it came out every other game in the franchise tried to be exactly like it. I think people who hate on this game for that reason are being a little rough don't ya think?

>just started playing RE7
>got that 2spooky4me throughout the beginning
>feels of PT and fun come back

>watched the "Daddy" do doughnuts in the garage
>instant remembered i'm playing a Resident Evil game and all seriousness and atmosphere went straight out the window.

would you an ashley?

It influenced other games too I believe, like dead space and gear of war if I recall.

RE4 Is fucking awesome no matter what

>Tears car roof off
>Nice Car You Got Ethan! Hu-yuck!
>Proceeds to smash self into metal girders
>Sits while slowly caught of fire.
>Gets out. Not Ded.
>Strangles me, explosion, knocked down
>Go to the ladder.
>Daddy grabs me, blows his own head off.


one of the strangest Sup Forums memes is that this game is THAT good

I bought this game on every platform it came out on just because i love it that much. And i hope it gets ported to the switch so i can see some BALLISTICS on the go.

Woah, she is packing ballistics.

Heh I did the same. I've own a few cross console copies of a lot of the RE games, but I own RE4 for well... everything. Except for the one cheaper than dirt console

I loved the spooky stuff, but like you guys said the goofy stuff just kinda ruined it for me. I was hoping they would stick with the spooky the whole game. Also when mama bear comes out of that window, that was the first time a game ever made me jump.

Not even Mikami's best game. Still great, though.

If you had been able to skip the Del Lago fight by firing into the lake it would've been perfect, instead you get eaten.

Honestly I love Jack, even if he is too goofy, because on his own his is still terrifying. Walks faster than you run in Madhouse. Wut

As for mama bear, NOPE

I was genuinely disgusted during her boss fight.

Switch port when?

It's on literally every console in existence, including smartphones.

God Hand is completely mediocre though.

soon user. soon. and when it comes out we will add another re4 to our collection.

>tfw you will never own the RE4 chainsaw controller

What makes you say so? I think it's only issues are some for the bossfights, the way NG+ works, though I understand why it was done thee way it was done and the fact that there is no level select. Outside of that, I think it does extremely well in almost every category.

her design and the way she moves is fucking gross. She reminds me of when you fight the big cheese in re4. i hate shit that crawls around on walls or shit that has too many legs

People keep saying Skyrim is the new DooM.
I wholeheartedly believe its RE4.

>RE4 On Smart Refrigerator

>Fuck the president' daughter
>Get hounded by the secret service for the rest of your life

Worth it

For me it was more so the fucking birthing noises.

Then the bzz bzz after.

watch it there youngfag, that's the peak of 3D games

i think the difference is that when skyrim comes out again for a new platform, they charge 60$ like greedy fucks. Re4 is $20 or less almost every single time it comes out again.

Also if i had RE4 on my smart fridge it would be great, you could play through the campaign 2 or 3 times to get enough ptas for that chicago typewriter and the infi rocket launcher and since your so close to the fridge you wont have to get up and go to the kitchen to get snacks and drinks for me and my ashley body pillow.

Laura > Marge

Laura a cute, Marge has a literal hive in her snatch, while Laura has cute shoes.

I thought TEW was a good spiritual sequel. A shame they had to turn RE into a goddamn anime.

Most fucking overrated video game I have ever played.

you just don't understand that RE4 is the grilled cheese of video games. It's easy to get, it's got that cheesy 80's action movie story and dialogue, it's got a nice crispy crunch to the movement and game play, and it tastes sooo fucking good.

>tfw You have to beat a boss to unlock the fridge

no since dead space took it and improved upon it

dead space is the dark souls of the resident evil games

DS 2 and 3 sucked though.

True story, Mikami sees Dead Space as more of a real successor to RE4 than RE5.

Mikami was not a big RE5 fan.

RE5 was a good /k/ game, but nothing else except for best girl

Do we have any details on TEW 2 yet?

Favorite RE4 port? Mine has to be there Gamecube version.

RE5 was good because it took all the best parts of RE4 and then shoehorned some co-op so you could play a decent game with your friend.

Kidman was recast, which is perfectly fucking fine as Carpenter was a shitty VO. Even Anson Mount's deadpan performance was better. It was so flat it was funny.

Also, John Johanas, the director of Kidman's DLC is the director.

i don't have many friends so i didn't get to play RE5 co-op. and because of that i fucking hate that game because it's complete shit when you play solo.

>Also, John Johanas, the director of Kidman's DLC is the director.

Not saying the DLC was bad (many found it superior to the main game), but where the fuck is Mikami?

Steam version is best. you can switch between 30 and 60fps incase you want to /speedrun/ or put it on 60 so it looks and runs crisp

That's gross user

Posting this from the other thread because 4fags ruin everything

>tank controls

Time to leave, faggot.
Now you can go back to calling CV:X and RE0 good games.

I honesty love RE5's Mercs, but RE5 itself is a mess, especially considering Capcom tossed out Clover's EIGHTY PERCENT FINISHED game, to remake the game in two years.

"Executive Producer". Which is layman for sits and scratches his ass, because EP is nothing but a fluff title, and is simply because Tango is Mikami's studio.

He also said he was finished directing after TEW. And he was even originally going to direct TEW until Bethesda pressured him into doing so.

It also was originally a vampire hunting game.

CV is good though.

welp pack it up everybody. there was a picture of text so now the game is bad.

CVX was good and actually matered in the series story. 0 had good aestethics and Beccy, and the first two areas were alright

>can't refute anything
>w-wall of text!
Kys degenerate

>CV was good

RE4 was made by a bitter group of individuals who didn't want to make the game, especially Mikami, who wanted very little to do with the game or directing period after PN.03. Consider this as well, the final game was made in less than two years.

It is nothing short of a miracle the game is as good as it is.

Game would've been better if it wasn't made and if the series ended with all the characters from 1-3 ending Umbrella, like Chris and Leon said they were going to do in the endings of CVX and 2.

Fuck off already, nostalgiafag
Are you going to call RE7 an Outlast clone as well?

RE4's main goal was to either end the series on an incredibly high note or revitalize interest.

You can guess which way they went.

Once you leave the castle the game goes into 4/10 category. Wtf were they thinking

>le re7 is re1 in first person you rose tinted glasses faggot I swear xD

Wouldn't call it an Outlast clone, but it certainly isn't a good RE game.

>please pay attention to my blatantly false opinion on a title I've clearly never played

Re4 is fucking trash that killed the series. Not scary and responsible for popularizing the cancer known as QTEs. One of the major mistakes that killed video games. It's only liked by double-digit IQ retards, children who played it as their first RE and blind Mikami cocksuckers who the the Evil Within is actual survival horror lmfao. Siren has always been the only true survival horror series since 6th gen

it's the best RE game in years, though

Then you're a casual fag who's never played a good horror game, nor have you played any RE games.

but then we wouldn't have been able to play RE4 and RE4 was pretty damn great

I'm likely older than you, faggot. And I have an entire horror game collection.
RE7 is a good game; deal with it.

God of War came out a whopping two months after RE4 and I'm sure it sold a hell of a lot more.


What are some of your favorite boss fights? mini bosses included.

Are the mouse controls fucked up for anyone else?
Moving the mouse/aiming to the left is faster than moving the right?

RE4 derailed the series from actually having an ending, an ending that they promised way back in RE2. Instead they threw the whole 'Let's kill Umbrella' plot for Leon to go to Mexico and kill some spics in the middle of nowhere.
REVII isn't a good RE game. It has forced walking segments, no extra modes, DLC up the ass, isn't even a complete game, barely even 5 hours long, and dragged a series that should've ended 10 years ago even further down.
It's not even scary or fun past the second house, it just drags on, having taken out its only good character, and when said character comes back, he's mutated into a giant Godzilla reject for no reason.

i haven't played this game with mouse/keyboard. i just plug my xbone controller in because i heard that the pc controls are kind of poopy. Is there no options to turn off mouse acceleration or anything like that in the menu?

DS2 is great fuck you and fuck your marker.

Double blind wolverine on 1st run
U3 cargo sequence

> Mexico

NA education

>RE4 didn't finish the story
yeah, I didn't really give a fuck about CAPCOM's story. it's confusing, convoluted, and boring as hell.
I understand how it might piss-off you as a lore-fag, but I just like to play games that are really good. in fact, I prefer games that have less continuity and more OC.
we have different tastes and that's OK

>he hasn't played the first pc port
i don't think there was even support for the mouse

0 is the most difficult classic RE, has Becca, and looks amazing

inb4 >muh partner system

>Forced walking segments

Like the classic REs

>No extra modes

It has a metric shitton, you faggot.

>DLC up the ass

None of which is essential to the main game. Mostly side stories.

>Barely even 5 hours long

All RE games are short, you colossal faggot. They even had rewards in the classic game for speedrunning. Same applies to RE7

>Dragged a series

It gave it a much-needed revival from almost scratch

This, story in RE was always some goofy shit to get away with putting puzzles in mansions and shit.

Dr salvador don't got shit on them.

>he got confused by the story of resident evil
>I prefer games that have less continuity and more OC.
I prefer games that have an ending
>Like the classic REs
When, other than one or two 5 second cutscenes you couldn't skip
>It has a metric shitton, you faggot.
It has Madhouse. That's it, unless you buy the fucking DLC which was clearly made during development
>None of which is essential to the main game. Mostly side stories.
4th Survivor, Tofu Survivor and EX Battle weren't essential to the story of RE2, but they were still there.
>All RE games are short
Someone didn't play Outbreak, CVX or anything past 4
>It gave it a much-needed revival
RE doesn't need anymore revivals or anything. 6 was an acceptable game, but I still would've preferred if the series ended at 5, and VII is just dragging it on.

>it's a 6fag


I tried editing the config file to turn it off but it didn't really do anything.

Wish I had played this game sooner but I'm really bad with game horror even mild horror games. But yeah turns out 4 really isn't that scary probably would have loved at release but still great now.

What are some good games that play like RE4? already played Cold Fear, Dead Space 1-2 and Shadow of the Damned

>can't think of an actual argument
All I said was that 6 was acceptable. I liked the gameplay, and the Chris and Jake campaigns were fun. Other than that, it was below average.

The Evil Within.
Most underrated game.


It was literally 5 micro levels.

Dude 6 was so shitty that it invalidated whatever your argument was.

Kabus 22

Fuck off retard. Name back on.

It felt long to me I guess.
Jesus Chris this is pathetic. Also, you cannot call a game shitty while using an MGSV reaction image

That was a crazy fuckfest.
Constantly changing setting, which isn't a bad thing.

I enjoyed the game, but it never enticed me to replay it after I beat it.

Iits like y'all forget that when RE4 came out people were fucking tired of the fixed camera angles and tank controls (and yes, I know that RE4 has tank controls too, but you get the idea).
The game was a breath of fresh air in a franchise that showed sings of becoming stale, its not the game's fault that Capcom went full retard and tried to badly copy the formula.

hey user why do you get so mad at text and images on Sup Forums? i thought this was a shitpost thread.

Look at the reception to Haunting Ground, released around the same time.

I don't think TEW is underrated. I think Survivor is truly underrated, since it's actually fun with GunCon.

TEW has big issues stemming from the use of idTech. Also, the stealth is making me hate this AKUMU run.

Because instead of forming an argument, you focus on one offhand comment and use that to avoid actual discussion, and when shit doesn't go your way, you pretend to be retarded.
Still would've been preferable if they stuck to their guns, made CVX RE4, and made RE5 the last game in the series where they actually take down Umbrella and kill Wesker

>>and responsible for popularizing the cancer known as QTEs
>Implying God of War isn't at fault

>Haunting Ground looked great, had amazing atmosphere, cool locations, legitimately new gameplay mechanics like the dog, all wrapped up in that classic Clock Tower gameplay
>No one played it
